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Thread: my wallpapers

  1. #1
    hah since every1 is posting their wallpapers, u guess ill go with teh flow. here are some that i made when gotwoot was down.

    gaara wall

    <span style='color:red'>the next two contain pics from the manga&#33;</span>

    choiji wall

    sasuke wall

    feel free to critisize my work

  2. #2
    I love the Sasuke wallpaper cause its so complex looking and ur able to see Sasukes best moves

  3. #3
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    those are really really good

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  4. #4
    nice work, they all look great. i really like the gaara one (=

  5. #5
    Nice, it&#39;s always nice to see manga images incorporated into wallpapers, good work&#33;

  6. #6
    Great work...loved those small pics in the bottom&#33;

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