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Thread: Bleach really is licensed

  1. #1
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>From toriyamaworld Bleach really is licensed&#33;
    That&#39;s right, tonight I&#39;m the bearer of good news for you all. As reported on the animeondvd forums, Bleach has been licensed by VIZ, LLC. We have independent confirmation of this, so it&#39;s not a hoax or anything like that. We currently don&#39;t know if it&#39;s going to be going into VIZ&#39;s Shonen Jump magazine or directly to graphic novel (we didn&#39;t ask), but the fact that its first book is listed to come out the same month as Hikaru no Go&#39;s first volume supports Bleach not going into the magazine. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Damn it was getting good too .... damn it. Please post alternative link to any source of bleach after chapter 48 because I just can&#39;t wait that long to read the ending. I might still buy it through.


  2. #2
    i just found out #soul-society is doing it on mircx... they have 52-58 done

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot .... for a long while there I thought nobody else care ....

  4. #4

    First Hikaru no go, Now Bleach?
    Tis an Atrocity.

  5. #5
    still couldn&#39;t find bleach vol06 (ch49~51) ... pain ... pain


  6. #6
    yeah 49-51 is being worked on... i think its just because SS were working on the next chapter while TW worked on the one before. Since they stopped scanslating, I think SS is going back to do 49-51

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