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Thread: Please PLease PLEASE!!!Cowboy bebop!

  1. #1
    I really need to know where I can find Cowboy bebop Torrents! Please help me out

  2. #2
    There is one for the whole series from beginning to end Here. This was referred from the large list of sites to acquire anime torrents which was located in this forum Here.

    The movie is also available at that website.
    However, the torrent tracker for the series appears to be down at the moment, but i'm leaving it on anyway. Sometimes if i pause and resume the torrent, it locates sources and starts working anyway, despite the fact the tracker is down. I suspect that if there is too much traffic for a server to cope with, it returns incorrect messages such as the tracker being down, when in fact it's merely too busy to allow anymore users. Well that's my guess anyway, it certainly seems to be the case with all those other Naruto ep 63's out there. They all respond as tracker down to me, but the amount of downloaders on the servers is huge. o_O;

    Logical reasoning really o_o

  3. #3
    Dubs or subs?

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    it's a dvd rip so it'll probably a OGM dual audio file... but i'm just guessing...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    It would actually be better in this case if it was the Dubbed Version

    The only animes I prefer the dubbed over the original voice cast is Trigun and CB. After you download and watch it youll probly go out and buy the DVD's of CB since its just so damn awesome. On a side note, if you have a good TV setup and have surround sound and live in an area where you can have the sound blasting and no one will be bothered by it, you should do so when watching CB (on dvd of course), it just adds to its kick-ass'ness as it has one of the best OST's around.

  7. #7
    Hmm... Does anybody know if there is a site that will give single eps. of cowboy bebop?Subs preferably, but I dont care if its dubbed, thanks

  8. #8
    I just found an FTP that hosts Cowboy Bebop files. But they won't open their server until January due to websites doing direct linking and abusing the system. They've boosted security so ppl can't do that anymore, but their bandwidth has been wasted. Their bandwidth limit will refresh in Jan.

    Check out more info Here.

    Btw, if you are unable to view this page, and have Norton Firewall 2002. For some reason if you turn off the firewall, the page will load. I don't know why, i've even checked through the source code of the page and there is nothing threatening. It's probably just my PC, but i thought i had better state it just in case =P

  9. #9
    <span style='color:blue'>I like the subbed version better than the dubbed version it lets you enjoy the action of the series a whole lot more. </span>

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