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Thread: Chapter 198 Discussion

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Elessar @ Dec 19 2003, 09:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> She is around with his father when defending konoha against the sand/sound invasion when all the parents are shown fighting. So I guess she really is his mother.

    And I think Kiba&#39;s parents use wolves. Either that or the meanest looking dogs in the history of dogs. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    just because she was with kiba&#39;s dad doesnt mean that she&#39;s his wife. It would be perfectly reasonable for her to be his daughter.

    that was a nice touch with the bird feather in neji&#39;s hand (although i think they overuse that caged bird symbolism wayy to much, but maybe im just saying that because they just recently had the whole caged bird explanation in the anime)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #42
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    just a small question... is the name of the orginaztion Akatsuki (red moon) or Akutsuki (evil moon)? i see that both are used and both make sense... another thing is that in chapter 148, Itachi talks about the sunset and sunrise but the transelatores chose to keep it in the original form instead of wrriting &quot;until the moon turns into the sun&quot; or something, it makes me suspect that they sun and moon are codenmaes for operations and not just time of day...

    I mean, maybe they ran away becuase the can&#39;t do whatever they planned to do with Naruto yet, becuase thier leader is still in phase 1 of something?

    just a bunch of nonsense, as usual&#33;

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #43
    we dont know for sure how strong Kabuto really is do we?
    we know that he took a hit from rasengen and recovered and that he was beating Tsunade, one of the legendary three.
    if you dont think Kabuto has it in him then what manga have you been reading
    Kabuto so far has shown a massive degree of intelligence and cunning, Orochimaru thinks hes only about Kakashis level but he was still able to take on Tsunade. If you ask me, Kabutos going to turn into the greater threat, hes got the most mystery surrounding his background, cant wait to find out.

    and by the way we dont know for sure that Itachi is stronger then Orochimaru, they said one line and everyone clings to that like its their only hope lol, until they fight i&#39;d have to say i dont think that the statement is true. by the way, we&#39;re bound by english translations which means it could have been a completely different context.

    I think it would provide the ultimate plot twist if Itachi was Orochimarus reincarnation, it would provoke Sasuke hugely.

  4. #44
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Dec 20 2003, 12:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> that was a nice touch with the bird feather in neji&#39;s hand (although i think they overuse that caged bird symbolism wayy to much, but maybe im just saying that because they just recently had the whole caged bird explanation in the anime) </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Perhaps. It was weird how the Neji vs. Naruto anime fight concided with the Neji vs. Kidoumaru one... I didn&#39;t mind the caged bird symbolism at all though. Perhaps by the time we see this in the anime (man that&#39;s a loooong time&#33, we&#39;ll have forgotten about the caged bird thing... and this&#39;ll remind us ^^

    (Hey, think of it this way... since the Chuuning exam and this, we have quite some things to distract us... Gaara, Tsunade, the three sennins battle, then Sasuke goes evil...)

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
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  5. #45

  6. #46
    Itachi and Kisame werent afraid of Jiraiya.

    they just didnt want to fight him, well Kisame did.

    and it says nowhere who Kabuto is afraid of, but, he did look pretty scared of Orochimaru back when they were chatting during the Chuunin exams.

    on topic, do you think that Orochimaru will end up in Kabuto&#39;s body? coz Kabuto seems pretty eager to give himself up. maybe that has been Kabuto&#39;s motivation, and the reason why he thought about killing Sasuke while he was in hospital.

    strange kid, that Kabuto

  7. #47
    i dont think Orochimaru will let Kabuto give up his body to him.
    If he does then Orochimaru loses a friend and a very effective bodyguard, i mean you wouldnt let your best friend kill themselves so you could live would you?
    Although its a scary thought, Kabutos potential for power seems amazing - i dont think we&#39;ve even seen the surface of what he can do.
    He has a history of playing down his skills (failing the chuunin exam 4 times, failing the academy exam 3 times) and yet hes able to do the stuff that he can.
    Lets hope that one of the bodies that Orochimaru does reincarnate into isnt just some random person and someone we&#39;ve seen once or twice - would be a better plot.

    by the way Kabuto never thought of killing Sasuke in the hospital, he pulled out that knife to throw at Kakashi whom he sensed behind him

  8. #48
    Lot of wishful thinking Insomniac ... sorry but I just don&#39;t buy it.

  9. #49
    i think the story just got more interesting, also kimimaro is also mentioned in chapter 178 page 18, so i dont think its a methos of gettin the best of the best, but most likely some d00d that kicks ass.

  10. #50
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>we also have no idea how strong Kabuto is</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Kabuto has been said to be Kakashi-level in terms of power. And we all know how bad Kakashi got his ass beat by Itachi.

  11. #51
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jiraiy4 @ Dec 21 2003, 01:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>When somebody admits that another is better, do we need a fight to prove it? Kakashi was scared to death of Oro in that sealing area, and scolded himself for trying to rise against Oro. Do we need a fight to prove that Kakashi would have gotten his ass kicked? The point here is, once somebody admits it, there&#39;s really no way to bend it. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    well you proved yourself wrong. Words don&#39;t mean nothing.

    Orochimaru is scared of Itachi, but not Jiraiya.

    Jiraiya is not afraid of Itachi nor Orochimaru.

    Kakashi,Asuma,and Kurenai is DEAD afraid of Orochimaru, but they&#39;re not afraid of Itachi, though they&#39;ll admit he&#39;s stronger.

    Kabuto is afraid of Jiraiya but not as much of Orochimaru and Tsunade.

    Tsunade isn&#39;t scared of Jiraiya or Orochimaru.

    Itachi and Kisame are not afraid of Orochimaru but they were of Jiraiya.

    As you can see...nothing ever really connects with the shit everyone &quot;said&quot; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Orochimaru isn&#39;t afraid of Jiraiya, because they were all in the same group, and is generally looked on as &quot;superior&quot; to Jiraiya.

    Jiraiya pissed his pants, after seeing the black flames Itachi made to fuck up his jutsu.

    We don&#39;t know of Asuma and Kurenai is afraid of Oro. They never met, they probably are, though. Kakashi was afraid of Itachi. Hell, he knew he was going to get his ass beat. All they wanted to do was buy some time, and have some of the other Konoha come in. Too bad Itachi is too smart for that.

    Kabuto is afraid of Orochimaru. Oro constantly threatens and picks on him. Think for a moment, if you will.. Orochimaru is a gimp now, and Kabuto is STILL his bitch. Oro must be pretty damn good, if he&#39;s got lackies even after losing his most powerful assets (his arms).

    Tsunade and Jiraiya are friends. No need for her to be afraid of him. Orochimaru was a gimp, and she still couldn&#39;t beat him. She can&#39;t beat Kabuto, either sadly.

    Itachi and Kisame are the strongest in the series so far. They weren&#39;t afraid of Jiraiya, or Naruto in that little tussle. There&#39;s a difference between being scared, and strategically retreating. NOT that it was required, but Itachi proves to be a whimsical character.

    Sorry to say, but you guys have nothing. I mean, all we have is the AUTHORS WORD, that Itachi is stronger. All you people have are baseless speculations and theories. And fandom, of course.

  12. #52 you think Kabuto is trying to learn Orochimaru&#39;s secret for &quot;eternal life&quot;?

  13. #53
    Why is everybody saying Sasuke is gay? Isn&#39;t it obvious that Kabuto is the biggest fag in Fire Country?

  14. #54
    Just to cut on the Itachi arms issue...

    The Third did cut his spiritual arms, since the material arms are most likely based in the spiritual ones, since spiritual ones are dead, the material ones will follow. I doubt he is cutting his arms, he is at the limit the body can take the pain and still survive, the thirdīs power seems to be consuming him a bit beyond that, we shall see...

  15. #55
    he may seem stronger but hes definatly not a greater threat then Orochimaru, for Itachi to survive longer then Orochimaru there would have to be a miracle, Orochimaru has been identified as the &#39;bad&#39; guy and Itachi is merely the goal. Goals are meant to be reached, he will be defeated a long time before characters like Orochimaru.

    Itachi simply killed his clan, i dont know why hes seen as a mysterious character - all we&#39;re trying to find out is why he did it.
    Kabuto we know nothing about, other then he constantly supresses how strong he really is.
    Orochimaru has been identified as the evil, he experiments on living beings from his own village and has no regard for life at all. Whatever plot you can think up for Itachi will not even reach Orochimarus creepy and weirdness, you dont see Itachi with a snake tounge do you?

    Kabuto isnt gay, he serves someone who he probably sees as a father, do you have sexual thoughts about your father? Father and son occasionally threaten each other and have fights, but when it comes down to it they still care about each other. I&#39;m guessing Orochimaru took in Kabuto after he was the sole survivor and treated him like his son.

    We dont have the authors word for it we have the translators word for it, unless you&#39;ve talked to him about it. Jiraiya didnt piss his pants when he saw the fire, he was intregied and he sealed it with ease seconds later.
    Kakashi was never shaking when he first met Itachi, against Orochimaru he was shitting his pants, so he obviously knows more then we do about what they&#39;re both capable of.

    my point is, even though Itachi may have been identified as stronger it doesnt mean he&#39;d walk over anyone unless it made sense to the plot. Orochimaru wouldnt lose to Itachi because hes the &#39;ultimate evil&#39; of Naruto, there is no other source for this great an evil and Itachi cant really replace it.

    Itachi is disposable, Orochimaru isnt.
    (if you&#39;re wondering what this has to do with this chapter, its just adding to my possibility of Kabuto bringing back Itachi&#39;s body, it IS a possibility, greater then most. Excuse me for thinking of possible storylines that would add interesting situations)

  16. #56
    Hmm, The most powerful person in naruto is still naruto. It is his show&#33;

  17. #57
    for those that think Orochimaru and Kabuto are gay lets look at the facts shall we.

    Orochimaru has licked Anko (got to respect that)
    Kabuto has touched more boobs then anyone in the entire Naruto series (Hinata and Tsunade)

    they&#39;ve done things that most people in this forum only dream about and you&#39;re calling them gay?

    infact they&#39;re basically the only ones who have had ANY female contact at all
    Not only has Naruto kissed a guy, he found Haku more attractive then Sakura, i wonder why people dont call him gay? haha

  18. #58
    Itachi could very easily become the bad guy, just his motives aren&#39;t as destructive as Oro&#39;s.

    But man, Oro has Kabuto wrapped around his finger, I wonder what he did to cause that. Well...he does have that tounge....

    But still, I want to know WHY Kabuto is so strong, wouldn&#39;t it be interesting if he has some advanced Curse Seal?

    But the Kimmaro(sp?) I&#39;m thinking that its just the name of the competition.

  19. #59
    from what i&#39;m guessing Kabuto may be from an ancient blood line (his eyes) and he has to constantly supress it in fear that his &#39;old blood&#39; might awaken

    if you dont think thats interesting then what the hell is

    also about that tounge comment, read my post before yours

  20. #60
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Dec 20 2003, 04:41 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> on another subject, did anyone else notice how &quot;unkiba&#39; kiba looks in the opening? i think Kishomonto got lazy and used the same scetches from the time Shika and his father were on the cover, they look too much alike&#33;

    i hope kiba will have someaction next time...

    and something else... if all the ninjas Kabuto took in for the battle royal thing can&#39;t work togther and find a way out, doesn&#39;t it mean they all suck and don&#39;t deserve whatever rank they have? i don&#39;t think Oro will want a body of some loser... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I&#39;m sure that Kabuto is stronger than anyone currently in Kimimaro. After all, he is Oro&#39;s right hand man. If they tried to escape together, they would all die. Their only recourse is to kill the other ninja&#39;s and survive.

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