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Thread: Anime Deathmatch: Battle of the Titans!!

  1. #1
    You made a mistake putting two of the sweetest animes against each other. This should be a later round matchup.

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    man... Berserk totally rapes Kenshin... it's almost too phatetic to watch.

    RK had a decent ending and when it was finished, you felt it was complete, espically if you stopped after the Kyoto arc, and also, all the 'oro' and filler shits (like the pirats) were shit.

    on the other side, we got berserk, one of the most bloodiest animes (it's tying with ep 4\5 of 100 stories at my list) with a hell of a plot, some mean twists, a handfull of intersting charecters, the greatest Manga, and the worst ending ever!

    isn't it obvious that we want Berserk to continue into the 2nd seson already, but we'll be able to survive even without RK's jinchu arc.

    on the other subject, i too was intrigued by the question of who will win in a battle between Kenshin and Gutts, it's hard to tell cuz both are truly 133t (elite).
    Kenshin is the hitokiri, but gutts is the century killer, Kenshin has kuzu ryu sen! while gutts has a much longer battle experince. i believe that gutts will be vicitorious due to his fights with abnormal cretures such as zoid and the night demons stuff, but Kenshin also has an advange since he fights against other samurais, who know how to use a sword, and Gutts usually fights hordes of europien (i think germen, but not really sure) soldiers.

    Anyway, i sent this question to RM at 8-bit theater, so i'll keep you updated when his answer is out!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3
    Ive never seen Berserk, so I'd have a biased vote for Kenshin. Sorry...

  4. #4
    Ladies and Gentleman!!!! Welcome to the third Anime Deathmatch! This round is between two really good series: Rurouni Kenshin and Berserk. They both have a good storyline, have many fans, are mature and are about about swords, action and have drama (especially Berserk). Rurouni Kenshin also has comedy.
    Also... they end horribly (This is an anime deathmatch remember?)

    In the left corner is Rurouni Kenshin, the anime with cool looking characters.

    In the right coner is Berserk, the anime realistic with realistic charavters in a dark, unrealistic world.

    All the characters from the animes can participate so prepare for a huge team battle.


    <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>(My vote goes to Rurouni Kenshin. Hiko Seijiro with his godlike speed and strength would rape Gattsu with his Kuzu Ryu Sen in Gatsu&#39;s ass. Nine times within a tenth of a second full penetration with a big, sharp katana .)</span>

  5. #5
    Guess who I voted for...

  6. #6
    well, i&#39;m not really into dark anime&#39;s, so i probably wouldn&#39;t vote for berserk. but i&#39;d deffinetly go with Kenshin. i&#39;m obsessed, i love kenshin and sanosuke

  7. #7
    I think most people here haven&#39;t seen both animes (completely)

  8. #8
    I will vote based on the manga since neither of the animes did their respective manga justice (well, they did, up to the point where they STOPPED). Kenshin is a complete storyline, 28 volumes, and continues well past where the anime finishes, and doesn&#39;t include those filler arcs made by the studio to capitalize on the yen because they didn&#39;t want to wait for the manga ka to finish writing the story before putting more out. Berserk, on the other hand, is not finished, and I&#39;m about to go psycho if hawks don&#39;t finish translating vol26 soon. The berserk manga is the best manga I&#39;ve ever read, by far. Kenshin is a complete story, so I&#39;m not exactly in a rush for more to exist, though Kenshin IS my favorite anime hero of all time. Berserk on the other hand, I can&#39;t get enough of and can&#39;t imagine how Kentaro Muria is gonna progress with this series because it seems to have endless possibilities.

  9. #9
    i vote for rurouni kehsin bc they have more kik ass char in the the story then berserk bc berserk only has a handfull of char that can actually fight and kenhsin has a shit load of hcar that has fighting skill for examlp sanoske, that cop dude forgot his name and they also have kenshins master that can kik all thier asses so yea my vote goes to kenshin and the group

  10. #10
    Well I watched both of these series completly and like them both so I think my opinion is fair. Berserk is alot better.

    As far as who would win a fight. I certainly dont hate Kenshin but the winner is easily Gatsu.

    For starters, I will discount that Kenshin would use a reverse blade sword and say he is fighting as the Hitokiri. This is because Gatsu is wearing armor for one thing and second off, it wouldnt even work against Gatsu bare naked flesh. Gatsu is way stronger than even Sanosuke and his muscles are 4 times larger and as hard as steel.

    Second it is a physical impossibility that Kenshin can block Gatsu Sword. Kenshin only weighs about 100lbs and his sword is very thin. Gatsu&#39;s sword probably weighs about 400 lbs and he swings it with 1 arm as though it is a twig. He eaily cuts through 2 or 3 fully armored men and would break Kenshins sword on impact.

    Also Gatsu is uber skilled and uber fast. If you read the manga you know Gatsu is probably faster than Kenshin, and at the very least equally fast. When Gatsu swings his sword it creates a much bigger vacuum than even Kenshins ultimate attack. On a last note should Kenshin even manage to stab his blade into Gatsu, he might be suprised to find that instead of dying, a gigantic sword comes down on him at 200MPH from an extremely pissed off Gatsu.

    (no point for anyone to argue about the speed, see volume 9 where gatsu fights the &quot;circus fighter&quot; using several whips going at hundreds of miles per hour and evades them easily. Also Roshinu&#39;s attacks in the lost children arc literally create a Sonic Boom, that is 340 M/S, and gatsu manages to block and evade them)

    heh well anyway this match-up is not even fair (did i mention Gatsu has a cannon?)

    oh ya, Gatsu is also a good looking(my sister confirms this) non bi-shounen guy for once. On a slightly related note, Serpico can also whip basically any Kenshin character as well.

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    as much as i agree with you about Gutts kicking kenshin hitokiri&#39;s ass back to the days he was shinta, i have one comment,,, about the sword thing, Kenshin will probably be able to block Gutts sword for a while, we&#39;ve seen him easily block Sano&#39;s grand sword, which was bigger than gutts dragon slayer...

    but still, Kenshin&#39;s hardest battle was only 15 mintues (Shisio) and he fell to earth somewhere at minute 9, while gutts fights demons all night, so i guess that even if Kenshin can hold back Gutts, he&#39;ll probably fall over from exuasghtion (HOW THE HELL DO YOU WRITE IT?) after twenty mintues or so..

    Hiko Sejiruo won&#39;t have much of a chance either, though he might be able to stand a bit longer...

    WHERE IS MY BERSERK 26&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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