How did he pass the academy exam if he knows no Ninjitsu or Genjutsu?
How did he pass the academy exam if he knows no Ninjitsu or Genjutsu?
im sure that different academy teachers use different final exams....and besides, i think for someone with Rock Lee's skills, they would have made an exception.
Well it seems as if though Iruka is the only academy teacher there is, and as for Rock Lee's special test, to the academy he wuold have just seemed like another dropout student with low abilities... no need to make a special test for him.
Hrm, good point....but maybe last year's final test was taijutsu.
Rock Lee didnt have all that great Taijutsu untill he became Gai's student after graduating. But the only logical answer is that is was a taijustsu test, and he managed to pass.
Could be. Really unlucky for Naruto then getting Ninjutsu, especially Bunshin No Jutsu three years in a row.
Reminds me of uni exams how they repeat questions !
Woohoo 600th post!
Actually I think that this is just a plot hole.
Villin is probably right. Plot hole. Unless you want to imagine the alternative.....Hmmmmm....
That along the way at some point in time their academy teacher was in some serious trouble. Then Lee comes into the fight. Sucker punches him in the face, hits him again, knocks him down, hog ties him, and puts him into ANBU custody. Since the teacher was so impressed, he decided pass Lee.
You guys do remember in Haruka Kanata that Lee whipped some dude's ass in a factory with a cheap sucker punch and a reverse left? Well I do. Maybe it was a flashback.
This isn't so far out of the question. Naruto did the same thing.
But then again, Villin is right. The writer sure didn't care, so we shouldn't either.
iruka couldnt be the only teacher though.....especially considering the scene in kiba's flashback where those two guys were talking about how they recently transferred into that class
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Let's see... Mizuki was a sensei, and I'm sure there could be other teachers. You can't run a school that big and have only two teachers.
However, I think Lee probably graduated under special terms; the teachers know he can't use Chakra, and so gave him a different test.
rock lee is a genious dude =D
Since Gai sensei and Lee knew each other before graduating, maybe Gai henged into Lee and took the test for him
I used the term 'plot hole' because Lee's genin status is in direct conflict with all the BS Naruto had to go through in the first episode to become a genin. As for if it can be explained easily or not isn't the point. Its a contradiction which is a 'plot hole'. Anyone can come up with a half-assed explanation for anything, it doesn't mean that it makes up for an obvious storyline mistake. Kishimoto goofed that is all there is to it.
dont take the term "drop out" too literally with AA, most other groups translate it into "loser"
i think they mentioned something about him passing with the lowest scores in the class too
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Each year the test is different and rock lee is an exception case. Guy probably got a meet and convince the hokage to accept lee just like naruto.
OK there is what I think happened and I think I can prove it. I hope
Ok remember that in the rock lee flashback you saw him run away from school because he was getting teased. Then Gai was looking at him through a window with kakashi said to Gai that they seemed alike (or something like that). So then Gai when to see rock lee and found him training very hard.
I think what happened next is that Gai taught him instead of sending him back to school. He then never actually did the exam he was just given the genin after lots of had work. Gai might have explained the situation to Hokage and he was awarded the Genin status.
Ok so were the proof I promised...
Well remember that neji kept calling him a dropout. He also called naruto a dropout but there is a difference here. Naruto never really dropped out he just had to repeat the year where as we have an image of rock lee running away from school. Therefore, to conclude rock lee was a real dropout that never went back but then some years later was seen on neji's team. In addition, I believe this was deliberate because the Gai and the Hokage wanted to keep Gai as his sensei. We can also tell that Gai and lee spent a lot of time together because of their bond and also rock lee admires Gai so much so that he where the same outfit and dresses the same.
This could all be wrong but this is how I have always seen it while watching the show. You guys think I am close?
well I dont think it will ever be said for certain, but that is probably the most plausable theory I have heard shaft.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Dec 16 2003, 01:11 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
i think they mentioned something about him passing with the lowest scores in the class too </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Dec 16 2003, 01:11 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
dont take the term "drop out" too literally with AA, most other groups translate it into "loser" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
yeah I thought that but i think for lee it means he did drop out where as for naruto it means being the worse student.
Villin, the reason I said you use the term "plot hole" too easily, is because it ISN'T a contradiction. A contradiction happens when one fact cannot be true if another fact is true. Then those facts contradict. Because it is easily explainable as to how Rock passed, it isn't a contradiction. It's so easy, even a half-assed explanation is very plausible.
Anyways, Naruto had to go through a lot of shit, but that doesn't mean Rock didn't go through shit as well to pass. And Naruto didn't have someone like Gai looking over him while he was still in the academy.
And considering that Naruto passed without even being able to do Bunshin No Jutsu under special circumstances, it make an aweful lot of sense that Rock could become a Genin without actually passing all the normal requirments.
So.. aside from you not thinking Rock should pass ... How exactly is there a contradiction?
Yeah, I agree with aylw.
Villin, you use that explanation too liberally. Saying Kishimoto goofed and that's it....well, c'mon. It was never told how it happened, so you can't just assume he didn't think about it.
Im sure if you took Kishimoto aside and asked him, he'd have a perfectly reasonable backstory to how Rock Lee became a Genin. and as this thread shows, there are several ideas already, all which are believable.
Don't be too quick to deal out judgment like that, it makes you sound ignorant.