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Thread: Rock Lee

  1. #21
    Firstly I happen to like Lee and I think he is a very excellent ninja. However, it is a stated fact that he can't use ninjutsu at all. Now Naruto was only bad at Bunshin no jutsu and he failed because of that. Lee can't use any ninjutsus or genjutsus which were a requirement for passing the academy exams. I'm just saying that the fact that Lee became a genin without being able to use either ninjutsu or genjutsu doesn't fit with the story line that caused Naruto to fail the academy exam, which is a plot hole.

    We all saw that Lee went through alot of hard times in his early training but so did Naruto and Naruto did learn to do kage bunshin before he was allowed to become a genin. Lee still can't do any ninjutsus or genjutsus. That is the contradiction, Naruto overcame his weakness Lee did not.

    edit:Kagari-until there is some kind of reasoning behind Lee becoming a genin then everything that we are discussing is just theory. How is my theory that Kishimoto didn't consider every possible aspect of his storyline ignorant?

  2. #22
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Kishimoto goofed that is all there is to it. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    You said that, right? that&#39;s not theory, that&#39;s stating it as a fact. that sounds ignorant.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I&#39;m just saying that the fact that Lee became a genin without being able to use either ninjutsu or genjutsu doesn&#39;t fit with the story line that caused Naruto to fail the academy exam, which is a plot hole.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    The academy exams are not always ninjutsu and genjutsu....Naruto said himself &quot;I got unlucky and had to do replication each time, the technique that i sucked at.&quot; Once he failed the exam, he proved himself worthy LATER ON to his teacher and gained Gennin status. (You did see Anime ep. 1, right?)

    Lee was guaranteed the same situation. Everyone told him you suck balls and can&#39;t be a ninja. He probably failed the exam....THEN kishimoto even shows you Kakashi talking with Gai. Telling him Rock Lee was alot like him.

    Gai probably took Lee under his wing, trained him hard, and allowed him to become a genin, once he earned it. why do you think Lee likes Gai so much? Gai obviously believed in lee when no one else did, kind of like Iruka with Naruto.


  3. #23
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kagari @ Dec 16 2003, 05:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Kishimoto goofed that is all there is to it. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    You said that, right? that&#39;s not theory, that&#39;s stating it as a fact. that sounds ignorant.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I&#39;m just saying that the fact that Lee became a genin without being able to use either ninjutsu or genjutsu doesn&#39;t fit with the story line that caused Naruto to fail the academy exam, which is a plot hole.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    The academy exams are not always ninjutsu and genjutsu....Naruto said himself &quot;I got unlucky and had to do replication each time, the technique that i sucked at.&quot; Once he failed the exam, he proved himself worthy LATER ON to his teacher and gained Gennin status. (You did see Anime ep. 1, right?)

    Lee was guaranteed the same situation. Everyone told him you suck balls and can&#39;t be a ninja. He probably failed the exam....THEN kishimoto even shows you Kakashi talking with Gai. Telling him Rock Lee was alot like him.

    Gai probably took Lee under his wing, trained him hard, and allowed him to become a genin, once he earned it. why do you think Lee likes Gai so much? Gai obviously believed in lee when no one else did, kind of like Iruka with Naruto. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    yes I said all those things and I have seen episode 1 several times along with the other 61 episodes and all 197 chapters of the manga. It is just my opinion that Kishimoto made a mistake.

  4. #24
    and its my opinion he knows what he&#39;s doing, as shown by the series and manga so far...have faith, bredren.


  5. #25
    Jabber jabber jabber..

    Whether or not its a plothole or intentional, left for the viewers to decide (like Naruto&#39;s family), it&#39;s nothing to get into hissyfit spats over forums about.

    The question is &quot;How did he pass?&quot; right? Well, he obviously passed, or else he wouldn&#39;t be a genin.. Kishimoto just didn&#39;t explain how so it&#39;s left up to us to decide how.

    Here&#39;s my theory on how:

    Genjutsu and ninjutsu are important in becoming a ninja, so for the first couple of semesters/years/etc. Rock Lee&#39;s sensei would have a genjutsu technique be executed for the exam... which, of course, Rock would fail. Maybe Rock Lee&#39;s sensei sorta admired him, or he detested him (kinda like how Iruka was to Naruto), but instead of being a trouble maker, Rock Lee was determined, so the sensei saw how much effort Rock was trying to put into it and wanted to help him out.... But maybe he couldn&#39;t figure out a way to do that, so he was going to suggest to Rock to perhaps give it up, since there was no way he could pass a final that was genjutsu or ninjutsu... when Gai came along and suggested maybe a written exam, to prove that Rock knew what he was doing, but it wouldnt require him to actually practice said jutsus, so he could easily pass.

  6. #26
    yeah no need to argue guys look at page two for real reason. (posted by me ofcourse)
    I am right you guys a re wrong

  7. #27
    well look at it this way.....rock&#39;s obviously not the loser everyone thought he was. and he works hard to accomplish his goals. isn&#39;t it possible that after bieng made fun of and running away, he was so determined to prove that he could be a ninja that he practiced nin/genjutsu continuously (after all thats what naruto did....he used to practice jutsu&#39;s everyday).......and after a while he managed to *just* pull off some specific jutsu (ie: the one that was required to pass)

    ur all assuming that cuz he can&#39;t do ninjutsu or genjutsu, he can&#39;t use chakra at all. well&#39; half the moves he does use chakra....and isn&#39;t the shadow dance (the one where u attach urself to the opponents shadow) a type of ninjutsu? my point is, that he CAN use chakra, just not in the way required for ninjutsu or genjutsu......but that doesn&#39;t mean he can&#39;t do them AT ALL.....he just sucks at them so much, that using them in battle would mean his death.

    its entirely possible that he can pull off a half assed jutsu, like naruto&#39;s dead/retarded clones in ep 1. combine that with gai&#39;s concern for him (plus potential training) and u c its not all that awckward that rock passed.

  8. #28
    i think that its not a plot hole and that gai saw how lee worked and decided to teach him to becaome a taijutsu specialist then pulled a few strings and made him his gennin. thats when lee actually started kickin ass, o and whoever said that lee was a genius is wrong. thats the entire point of lee, that he`s not a genius

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Shaft @ Dec 16 2003, 01:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> OK there is what I think happened and I think I can prove it. I hope

    Ok remember that in the rock lee flashback you saw him run away from school because he was getting teased. Then Gai was looking at him through a window with kakashi said to Gai that they seemed alike (or something like that). So then Gai when to see rock lee and found him training very hard.

    I think what happened next is that Gai taught him instead of sending him back to school. He then never actually did the exam he was just given the genin after lots of had work. Gai might have explained the situation to Hokage and he was awarded the Genin status.

    Ok so were the proof I promised...
    Well remember that neji kept calling him a dropout. He also called naruto a dropout but there is a difference here. Naruto never really dropped out he just had to repeat the year where as we have an image of rock lee running away from school. Therefore, to conclude rock lee was a real dropout that never went back but then some years later was seen on neji&#39;s team. In addition, I believe this was deliberate because the Gai and the Hokage wanted to keep Gai as his sensei. We can also tell that Gai and lee spent a lot of time together because of their bond and also rock lee admires Gai so much so that he where the same outfit and dresses the same.

    This could all be wrong but this is how I have always seen it while watching the show. You guys think I am close? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    seems plausible to me.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  10. #30
    Yes, I also think that there are many different kinds of exams. Also even Rock Lee didn&#39;t pass the test I think that he was graduated anyway, because he is kinda special...

  11. #31
    blood|inez// TrigunFX
    I really Loved the Fight between Gaara Vs. Rock Lee i thought it was crazee but i wanna find out if Rock lee will still become a ninja or not even tho he is injured i hope he be comes a ninja still

  12. #32
    Actually I agree with Shaft now. Good point

  13. #33
    serpio I really like you sig. I really like hinanta. I wished she looked like that in the anime. Don&#39;t spoil it for me if she does later on. ok well back to the topic

  14. #34
    Hey guys dont forget his headband protecter is red not blue also. So mabe he made it himshelf or somthing or he passed in a special way, mabe he passed after being with Gai.

  15. #35
    I think that some people use the term &quot;plot hole&quot; too liberally. Shouldn&#39;t plot holes be things that CAN&#39;T be explained easily?

    Considering the amount of ways discussed of how Rock Lee could have passed just on this thread, it&#39;s obvious that Rock Lee&#39;s Passing is EASILY explainable. Just because it wasn&#39;t explicitely explained by the author, doesn&#39;t mean it was never thought of. Think about it, what would be the point of discussing why Rock Lee passed? It&#39;s obvious that there are many ways he could have, so only those who don&#39;t like Rock Lee/ Like to point out plot holes would really point this one out.


    PS. Also, for my contribution to &quot;evidence&quot; it&#39;s easily explainable, consider that Naruto didn&#39;t pass the normal test, That there are multiple teachers, and the choice of Bunshin No Jutsu seems arbitrary (considering how Naruto talks about it in ep 62), so the final tests could possibly be different, and one last one, Gai already had his eye on Rock before he passed. It wouldn&#39;t be a stretch to see that Gai &quot;helped&quot; Rock pass.

    And, another thing, if you will note, TenTen and Neji weren&#39;t in Rock&#39;s class before (in the flashbacks), which might show that Rock failed a couple times before Gai pulled some strings.

  16. #36
    it also seems likely that if Gai liked Lee so much and beleived so strongly in him that Gai might&#39;ve pulled a few strings.

  17. #37
    Most likely Rock Lee accomplished something special to qualify to be genin.
    Naruto didn&#39;t &quot;pass&quot; the normal way, he only became genin after showing he can pull off a Jounin level move.

    Or...its just a plot hole.

  18. #38
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (villin @ Dec 15 2003, 08:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Actually I think that this is just a plot hole. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I agree with this kid, its a plot whole, the writers didn&#39;t expect for people to be so picky that they would see those kind of things.

  19. #39
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (blood|inez// TrigunFX @ Dec 16 2003, 10:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I really Loved the Fight between Gaara Vs. Rock Lee i thought it was crazee but i wanna find out if Rock lee will still become a ninja or not even tho he is injured i hope he be comes a ninja still </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    im pretty sure he will.....the whole idea behind rock is that he&#39;s supposed to prove u can do somethign if u work hard, no matter how many ppl tell u it can&#39;t b done. we saw him doing pushups when sakura/ino went to visit him, and im positive we&#39;ll see him again, perhaps after the chuunin exam saga.

    i really hope he&#39;s not completely gone from the anime, cuz he&#39;s one of my favourite characters.....he went from bieng a total geek to one crazy ass son of a bitch (pardon the language)

  20. #40
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Shaft &#064; Dec 16 2003, 01:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> OK there is what I think happened and I think I can prove it. I hope

    Ok remember that in the rock lee flashback you saw him run away from school because he was getting teased. Then Gai was looking at him through a window with kakashi said to Gai that they seemed alike (or something like that). So then Gai when to see rock lee and found him training very hard.

    I think what happened next is that Gai taught him instead of sending him back to school. He then never actually did the exam he was just given the genin after lots of had work. Gai might have explained the situation to Hokage and he was awarded the Genin status.

    Ok so were the proof I promised...
    Well remember that neji kept calling him a dropout. He also called naruto a dropout but there is a difference here. Naruto never really dropped out he just had to repeat the year where as we have an image of rock lee running away from school. Therefore, to conclude rock lee was a real dropout that never went back but then some years later was seen on neji&#39;s team. In addition, I believe this was deliberate because the Gai and the Hokage wanted to keep Gai as his sensei. We can also tell that Gai and lee spent a lot of time together because of their bond and also rock lee admires Gai so much so that he where the same outfit and dresses the same.

    This could all be wrong but this is how I have always seen it while watching the show. You guys think I am close? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    seems plausible to me.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Suzuki Fanboy &#064; Dec 16 2003, 10:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Actually I agree with Shaft now. Good point </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Oh my god I actually make sense sometimes.

    Well seems that my hard work is paying off.
    yep its hard work watching naruto every week so I can answer these hard questions

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