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Thread: Manga: Berserk Manga Question

  1. #1

    Manga: Berserk Manga Question

    thats funny, testing the waters, It took me 2 months to get that copy of the berserk manga in a second printing b/c it was soo crazy popular .

  2. #2
    As good as the manga is, it is quite a bit more graphic than the anime. There are multiple scenes of rape, (child rape even), and it can be violent on a level that can warp someone with a a weak mind. As good as the story is, it is not something most parents would be ok with their children reading. Many in America still view comics (manga is a form of comics) to be for children, not the hobby of a mature adult. As we both know, this is a false assumption. It is my opinion that the people at Dark Horse also believe this to be false, but I also believe that the higher ups-the ones who controll the $$$$-had their doubts as to the marketability of the Berserk manga. They were obviously wrong. Berserk has been a huge hit over here, and I am sure that they will bring out the rest of the manga.

    This is only my interpretation of the situation of course.

  3. #3
    guess what I completely agree with you on all points. I hate the assumption that comics are for kids. And when they see this Berserk manga they are going ot shit bricks. Dark horse is different as they have always put out mature themed Comics to begin with.

    And on how graphic the manga was I found that out when i read the part about the young girl getting impaled by a spear and the guy drinking her blood. But it takes alot to bother me.

  4. #4
    Hey guys i just bought the First Book of Beserk that was released in North America. Does Vol 2 start at the end of Vol1 that I have. And were can i find these as i was only able to get Vol 4 to current from the hawks. Please someone help


  5. #5
    The Hawks stopped distributing vol 1-3 since those are the only ones being released by Dark Horse right now. The reason for this is that Dark Horse is still unsure about the marketability of Berserk, so they are testing the waters with the first three volumes. If they sell well, they will release more.

  6. #6
    well can ya download volume 1-3 somewhere ????

  7. #7
    I don't know, the time when they killed a village, impaled them all with spears, then kept them on the spears when attacking guts and whatnot... I'd say that was worse. How about the goat and the sespool? Anything involving Wyld...

  8. #8
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    well, i mean, if u mention that, u goota talk about the gangbang on caska...that warped me for a week....i couldnt even sleep

  9. #9
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    well, i use to run both a fserve on mirc, and a ftp...since i have 1-25, but i dont know any other way to get them, sorry

  10. #10
    do you still have an FTP?

  11. #11
    shit i have to read this manga. Does anyone know were i can get the vol 2+3 please?????????

  12. #12
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Lovin' On the Run
    not anymore...but i might set one up again, if i can find smartftp again

  13. #13

    has(had) them, but they seem to have exceeded their bandwidth at the moment, try again next month.

  14. #14
    Thanks man I'll try then

  15. #15
    lol... i can get the entire manga from a small shop within walking distance of my home... of course i am in singapore and somehow the comic is now banned here, but tahts beside the point lol....
    oh... anyone read the BASTARD manga before? or heard of it? the story goes that the original artist drawing the manga went mad... cos the manga was really TOO graphic and his apprentice had to end off the story for his sensei

  16. #16
    man i was really hoping that i can dl the mangas forberserk but dam gess i can gess il try next month and shit but dam the manga is tooo fukin graphic i mean there was that5 one chapter where they showed that goat demon thingy having a gangbang with the ladies of the castle and shit but still i wish that i can still get them to read

  17. #17
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (KakashiSensei @ Dec 23 2003, 12:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> What thats insane, I didnt know that, are you sure about that. I know the creator was big on 80&#39;s metal though. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    well it was all word of mouth so i raelly am not sure... but berserk is great though... lol read to the point where griffith transforms... woah... the landscaping... hehe and the cannon dislocating Gats arm... sheesh.. that was lame... lolx...

    hmmm hate d/led manga. takes ages to read and d/l the next copy... good old paper does well for me.

  18. #18
    What thats insane, I didnt know that, are you sure about that. I know the creator was big on 80&#39;s metal though.

  19. #19
    Well i dont know if we can talk about P2P apps in here but i see vol.1-25 on emule right now. you can dl the hawk release of vol.1 on it too.

  20. #20
    Manga 1-24 in english right Here

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