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Thread: Naruto Episode 62

  1. #1
    Well it would be cool to see Sasuke use Gaara's jutsus but there's no way he can ever learn how to use them unless he get's possesed by Gaaras spirit thingy and learn how to use his own "kyubi" like power or something. So you can see Kyubi and Shukaku as a bloodline ability.

  2. #2
    neji let me down, big time. i didnt like the the talking though, talking alone takes up around 10 mins. overall, naruto got lucky.

  3. #3
    There is one thing I don't understand... right after Naruto said to Neji that when he becomes Hokage he would change the Hyuuga for him, and the blast happened due to them colliding.... two figures were shown diving in to the smoke from the blast. What the heck was that? I mean it couldn't have been Naruto and Neji, because the figures went IN to the smoke, not out of it. When the smoke cleared I was expecting Gai and Kakashi to be standing there over their respective pupils.

  4. #4
    62 was the (or one of the best) best fights and most satisfying episodes in the series in my books so far. We finally get to see part of Naruto's powers, and it's probably one of the most important episodes in the series, because this is when he makes his first impression on others that he's no longer a "dropout" and he's finally going to be acknowledged by everyone and everyone will know about him now.

    I dont' think Neji let us down, he fought admirably against Naruto even when Naruto was obviously so much stronger. And he actually found a way to beat Naruto's Kyubi powered attack with his "whirl". It's the first time we've seen Naruto with Kyubi powers overwhelmed by another Genin. Oro is of course an exception.

    Finally, an episode that really definitely deserves two thumbs up for completeness.

  5. #5
    Dope episode. Not too much talking. I'm glad that the match is over.

  6. #6
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>There is one thing I don&#39;t understand... right after Naruto said to Neji that when he becomes Hokage he would change the Hyuuga for him, and the blast happened due to them colliding.... two figures were shown diving in to the smoke from the blast. What the heck was that? I mean it couldn&#39;t have been Naruto and Neji, because the figures went IN to the smoke, not out of it. When the smoke cleared I was expecting Gai and Kakashi to be standing there over their respective pupils. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Hunter has a good point here - I was also confused with the two figures jumping into the smoke. The only explanation I can think of is that the two rebounded from each other then bounced off the wall and... crashed into the ground? No idea.

    Can anybody explain this?

  7. #7
    I liked the new music and in the beginning when they crossed two of the songs and made &#39;em sound more acoustic with the flute. The episdoe was one of the best ones I&#39;ve seen in a while.

  8. #8
    Naruto should be pretty recognised now that he beat konoha&#39;s strongest genin. People would hav high hopes for him

  9. #9
    This episode helped explain all those speculations if naruto could actually bring out kyubi&#39;s chakra at will. Well now we kno. What im wondering is how come naruto&#39;s eyes didnt turn red when he had the red chakra?

    Did you guys see gaara&#39;s face when he saw naruto withdraw that power? just priceless

  10. #10
    hmmm...i thought about that thing with sasuske...i think he will beat gaara without the seal and in the final...he will use it because his goal is to be strong and he sees no other chance to beat &quot;the enemy&quot;

  11. #11
    How did you like the episode? Question/Comments.

  12. #12
    Hmm only one suggestion so far for my question.

    As for that one, I think then they would have also shown them flying out of the smoke and/or hitting the walls.

    Really baffling .

  13. #13
    it was a good episode

  14. #14
    has it been 24hrs?? well, i must say that was an impressive finally to a good fight, i&#39;m glad they didn&#39;t drag it into another episode, that would cause some rucuss,
    glad to see the frog wasn&#39;t used.

  15. #15
    yes, a great ep where we finally could admire Naruto&#39;s powers..

  16. #16
    i like it and i thinks it`s better than the match between rock and garra.

  17. #17
    i loved this epsiode so much.. it kept me smiling the whole time. i especially like the part when Naruto uses Kyubi&#39;s power.. i wished he&#39;d summon the frog tho...i know its his trump card and all but i cant wait to see the Hokages&#39; faces and Sakura&#39;s face when he summons it. .... the frog would make Nauto an instant chuunin..(didnt they say the tournament thing was based on points according to their abilities)..sice naruto can use Jounin-Hokage skills (summon giant frog and kage bunshin) he would be an instant Chuunin.

    just my thoughts though..... correct me if i got anything wrong....

  18. #18
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    becoming a chunin relies mainly as your ability as a team leader and not so much on your ninja skills

  19. #19
    I was very disappointed by the outcome of the fight. I was really hoping Neji was going to win, because he is a great fighter with some finesse, while Naruto is a loud-mouth who uses the brute force of the demon fox to overcome opponents.

  20. #20
    become chunin by Points abilitys used in the Tournament huh??? that sounds interesting then is not Power that makes you Chunin , so is abilitys ? Thats cool. Also i believe if thats the case then Sasuke will Lose agaisnt Gaara But maybe Sasuke gets 2nd place in the tournament if is about ability, Cause GAARA dont have many ability all he do is SHELL thingy and is like a F**** Tree standing in one position doing nothing, though he have some stupid powers but thats all. Im crazy to see sasuke fight , Sasuke is such a showoff though, he act so important and ignorant ...Stupid sasuke 12yold kiddie acting as a growup Man lol .... short kid showoff of the naruto series bahahahha..
    1. more thing, i see some people talking about Naruto looks like Goku and its like dbz, but in a ignorant way as they dont like DBZ so Naruto looks similar in powers and stuff... simply dont like it dont watch it. As for me i love powers and i like dbz and so what...

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