Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:09 PM
One of the best Naruto episodes by far. It was so kool to see Neji and Tenten who were being so cocky be so suprised by naruto's power. I really enjoyed how Naruto chose to beat Neji against Neji's greatest skill, which is hand to hand combat. As for the next match... I'm not really sure about this... but I think that Shikamaru being tossed into the ring in the preview may indicate that he's up against Temari next. I have no idea how or why this would happen, just my opinion.
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:12 PM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (SDShamshel @ Dec 12 2003, 11:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> You mean like Kiba? Because farting certainly doesn't release red chakra. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
maybe some brown chakra or something along that line
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:15 PM
ANBU Captain
no offense man but calling someone a retard isnt cool riftwing, if the sure the sharingan is powerful, but theres something always better, so dont assume anything. naruto's red chakra wasnt earned, it was given to him, in 2 occasions. one time was because he was about to die, and kyubi will die with him. and episode 62, his exact quotes from 62: "Damn Fox! Lend me your power!
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:17 PM
ANBU Captain
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Dec 12 2003, 11:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> so what? the point of being a ninja isnt to be fair....its to be the strongest. If you had a demon inside you, would you just never use it? Besides, whats fair about a rookie genin who graduated with the lowest scores going up against a more experienced genin that is from one of konoha's greatest clans and graduated with the highest scores? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
your right about not being fair and to be strong, but by entering the chuunin exam, you dont pick your opponents. so if naruto got neji, o well right? nothing you can do about it.
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:19 PM
i don't know if anyone brought this up or not, but did anyone other than me think that the animation could have been just a bit better in this fight? other than that, i thought this was a good ep
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:23 PM
im thinking that NOW naruto is able to call upon the kyuubi chakra but before, the fox didnt respect him, so it was only protecting itself when it gave it to naruto when fighting haku. later, when naruto actually called upon it himself, the fox respected naruto more, so he can call on it when he needs it now? maybe
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:25 PM
ANBU Captain
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Darkflare @ Dec 13 2003, 12:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> im thinking that NOW naruto is able to call upon the kyuubi chakra but before, the fox didnt respect him, so it was only protecting itself when it gave it to naruto when fighting haku. later, when naruto actually called upon it himself, the fox respected naruto more, so he can call on it when he needs it now? maybe </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
you could be right
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:28 PM
lol i was nearly shaking watching this episode
it was completely sweet. its so awesome how naruto speaks to people time to time. even thought naruto hated neji, he still managed to say that he'll fix the hyuuga clan when he becomes hokage. sweet. man everyone is gonna see how powerful naruto is now, well not really. he still got his huge gamabunta frog summon.
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:38 PM
Yeah it was a good episode....however I'm looking forward to the next Naruto fight from the manga.....it will be sweet...
*if that's a spoiler, shoot me.
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:52 PM
ANBU Captain
im wondering, what will happen after the chuunin exams? or what will happen during the exam to be more precise.
Sat, 12-13-2003, 01:54 PM
I'm not saying anything.
I'm not gonna get my ass banned.
Sun, 12-14-2003, 02:12 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (RaCo @ Dec 14 2003, 03:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I thought the Episode was great, and what you say about Naruto and Lee I think it's unfair because Lee is in advantage, he's for two years ninja, Naruto only for one, if Naruto could have learned more technics, he would have mastered them all, because I think he has a talent in technics.
And if he had one more year he would have kicked the ass of all the Chuunins ^^
I have a question too
What will happen after the exam? Are the winners going to do stuff all alone? I heared something that Naruto will help Jiraya after he becomes Hokage, or is this wrong? I just wanted to know that
RaCo </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Answering that question would involve a great deal of spoilers... Therefore, it shall remain unanswered =P...
Naruto isn't even a Chuunin yet (he's still being tested to become one), and it has taken over 60 episodes for that to happen. He's a long way off from becoming the Hokage to help Jiraiya do jack or chit =P... Also factor that Jiraiya is in his 60's... He'll prolly be older than the 3rd by the time Naruto becomes the Hokage =P.
Chuunin's in general are team leaders. They take squads of genins with them on missions and plan the missions to yield the greatest results. So whoever becomes a Chuunin will have that responsibility. Also, Iruka and Mizuki were Chuunin's as well, so whoever passes the Chuunin exam may very well become an instructor, one of the examiners, etc.
Age shouldn't matter when you take the exam, just because Lee has 2 years on Naruto doesn't mean anything. Naruto chose to take the exam on his own, thereby voiding that right to bitch about people being older / more prepared.
Sun, 12-14-2003, 02:55 AM
You guys keep forgetting rock Lee, and Naruto are also “Genius’s”
Kakashi quote. ….. it was something like this sorry if its not perfect.
"5 gates? No amount of hard work and training alone could do that. Is this boy a genius after all.
Perhaps being able to open 1 gate is just rare. 2 gates very rare. 3 and beyond only genius elites like Lee, Gai, and perhaps Kakashi can do.
Rock lee is just a hard working genius. I don't like him any more or less for this. Lee seems to be the strongest fighter, but not much of a thinker. If Rock lee had Shikamaru's brain or even Narutos, he probably would have somehow figured out Gaaras gourd was also sand destroyed it, and beaten him.
Narutos genius would of course be the strongest as it’s the kyubi, but until resently all he got from it was instant healing and a slight increase in chakra stamina. Now he’s learning how to use it and is becoming invincible.
Sun, 12-14-2003, 03:07 AM
Lee is not the strongest genin, I have a explanation but I'll tell you 5 eps later...
Sun, 12-14-2003, 04:20 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Dec 13 2003, 11:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think we forgot that Naruto learned Kage Bunshin a jounin level technique that probably no other genin would be able to learn in the time span that Naruto learned it in. And remember he did this all without the help of the Kyuubi. I think there is more behind Naruto's power than just the Kyuubi. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yep, but one thing i think there is to Naruto, is that he has a low confidence because he has always been a dropout. I think that he could do much better on his own with more confidence.
As for Gaara; i really liked the scared look on his face watching Naruto
Sun, 12-14-2003, 04:41 AM
Sun, 12-14-2003, 04:43 AM
I thought the Episode was great, and what you say about Naruto and Lee I think it's unfair because Lee is in advantage, he's for two years ninja, Naruto only for one, if Naruto could have learned more technics, he would have mastered them all, because I think he has a talent in technics.
And if he had one more year he would have kicked the ass of all the Chuunins ^^
I have a question too
What will happen after the exam? Are the winners going to do stuff all alone? I heared something that Naruto will help Jiraya after he becomes Hokage, or is this wrong? I just wanted to know that
Sun, 12-14-2003, 04:53 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ZakuHan @ Dec 13 2003, 07:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Well since the points I was going to make about Naruto, Kyuubi and Neji have all been covered by other people
Figure I'd touch on the shadows flying into the dust cloud thing that seems to be confusing some folks..
When Naruto's charge collided with Neji's Kaitten, they were both moving at extraordinary speeds. An example cited from another anime.. Kenshin vs. Shishio, the final blow.. When they hit, they shoved all the air between them out, creating a void which sucked them closer together.. then it all rushed back in and repelled. Same thing happened when Neji and Naruto hit: All that Chakra between them got thrown out around them, causing the huge dust cloud, then when that "void" got filled between them they got thrown apart and into the dust cloud.
Hopefully that didn't sound too muddled or anything, best way I can think of to explain it 
~Chris </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
It was the first spin of the Amakakaru Ryu No Hirameki that created a vacuum when it went past Shishio, it wasn't a result of both of their attacks. And it sucked Shishio in, not both if I remember correctly and it didn't throw them both out again, because Kenshin had swung aroung again and hit him with the second pass of the Amakakaru Ryu No Hirameki... that's why Shishio was sent flying.
That is why the vacuum was move specific to Kenshin's attack, not a result of any two big attacks.
I still dont think those two shadows were Naruto and Neji.
Sun, 12-14-2003, 05:05 AM
Me and my friend, Tony, always sat around after each episode and used our current knowledge to predict the future. We predicted that he would win the fight against neji because
1) He did the whole promise-because-of-hinata-blood thing.
2) He needs to go up against gaara and stop him from ruining everybody at night time when the full moon hits.
So we were sitting down trying to think of whether sasuke will step up to the plate. And if he did would he win or not. Now please don't call any of these spoilers only because they are based off of previous assumptions and I really would hate it if they erased only a certain portion, called it a spoiler, and ruin it for me because then I'd know which assumption is correct. Please don't erase it.
It would make more sense if sasuke didn't show for the following reasons:
1) He really doesn't give a damn. He wants to kill Itachi and labels don't matter anymore.
2) He might be too busy training with Orichamaru and might have actually ditched kikashi sometime after gaara spied on them.
3) He doesn't want to go up against gaara because after what kakashi told him about how gaara fights, sasuke doesn't particularly want to risk dying for a title he doesn't care about. Again, his goal is Itachi.
4) If gaara and Sasuke were to fight, then gaara would lose and probably have used up most of his power in the process of losing, and wouldn't be able to storm the town later on that night.
5) I firmly believe that in order to stop gaara's freak form we haven't seen yet, Naruto will summon Gamabunta to beat him. But that will be later on that night. So gaara has to be at his best. In order to be at his best all the fights must pass him and let all the others fight to take up time until he faces off against Naruto (i.e. Sasuke will lose, or won't show up).
So in conclusion, gaara will not face sasuke and will face off against naruto. Whether naruto shuts him down completely so that gaara cannot face off against the town or whether the naruto-gaara fight is held at night time (full moon time) and gaara decides to screw the exam and take on the town then, I don't know. Damn this is a cool show because anything that does end up happening will be awesome and perfectly acceptable. Earlier we even thought that naruto might lose because it's based on performance. He might have just been really crazy and still lost but still made it as a chuunin. See? The writer wanted us to think that naruto can lose because we all know he's going to be a chuunin, so he won't have to win it all. Bah. I'm done. Tell me what you think.
Sun, 12-14-2003, 05:13 AM
Me and my friend, Tony, always sat around after each episode and used our current knowledge to predict the future. We predicted that he would win the fight against neji because
1) He did the whole promise-because-of-hinata-blood thing.
2) He needs to go up against gaara and stop him from ruining everybody at night time when the full moon hits.
So we were sitting down trying to think of whether sasuke will step up to the plate. And if he did would he win or not. Now please don't call any of these spoilers only because they are based off of previous assumptions and I really would hate it if they erased only a certain portion, called it a spoiler, and ruin it for me because then I'd know which assumption is correct. Please don't erase it.
It would make more sense if sasuke didn't show for the following reasons:
1) He really doesn't give a damn. He wants to kill Itachi and labels don't matter anymore.
2) He might be too busy training with Orichamaru and might have actually ditched kikashi sometime after gaara spied on them.
3) He doesn't want to go up against gaara because after what kakashi told him about how gaara fights, sasuke doesn't particularly want to risk dying for a title he doesn't care about. Again, his goal is Itachi.
4) If gaara and Sasuke were to fight, then gaara would lose and probably have used up most of his power in the process of losing, and wouldn't be able to storm the town later on that night.
5) I firmly believe that in order to stop gaara's freak form we haven't seen yet, Naruto will summon Gamabunta to beat him. But that will be later on that night. So gaara has to be at his best. In order to be at his best all the fights must pass him and let all the others fight to take up time until he faces off against Naruto (i.e. Sasuke will lose, or won't show up).
So in conclusion, gaara will not face sasuke and will face off against naruto. Whether naruto shuts him down completely so that gaara cannot face off against the town or whether the naruto-gaara fight is held at night time (full moon time) and gaara decides to screw the exam and take on the town then, I don't know. Damn this is a cool show because anything that does end up happening will be awesome and perfectly acceptable. Earlier we even thought that naruto might lose because it's based on performance. He might have just been really crazy and still lost but still made it as a chuunin. See? The writer wanted us to think that naruto can lose because we all know he's going to be a chuunin, so he won't have to win it all. Bah. I'm done. Tell me what you think.
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