Sasuke didn't know what was going on in their. For all he knew, it could be a Henge Jutsu. The only time Sasuke used strategy and showed skills as a leader was with the Haku fight.
Sasuke didn't know what was going on in their. For all he knew, it could be a Henge Jutsu. The only time Sasuke used strategy and showed skills as a leader was with the Haku fight.
kinda makes me surprised at times how iruka managed to become chuunin through such strict tests
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Dec 12 2003, 11:54 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> kinda makes me surprised at times how iruka managed to become chuunin through such strict tests </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Or it proves that Iruka is a much stronger shinobi than you give him credit for.
Also Iruka has shown time and again great leadership qualities
i also suspect there are other types of chunin. like, i doubt they force medical chunins to go through the same test when their primary ability is healing people's injuries.
iruka is valuable because he's a great teacher. can you imagine kakashi trying to train a classroom full of amatures?
I know that shikamaru is a strategic genius but, that was a big twist when ONLY shikamaru got promoted. You'd think after seing how much Neji, Naruto, and Sasuke have improved that they would also get promoted. Shino also but he really didn't get to prove himeself.
What are everyones thoughts on this issue? Or did I just miss something?
No, it is more like: You become Chuunin, then you specialise.
Could you please be more discreet when it comes to naming the topic? Everyone who clicks "view new posts" reads the topics including the ones who do not read the manga... Thank you.
Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P
If im not mistaken this forum is for the manga, the manga is ahead of the anime. Hence it is your fault for taking the risk to come in this forum.
i think they discuss this, but since i'm at school i can't check on where. i agree about shino, though, he shoud have been given an opportunity to test.
naruto, sasuke, and neji didn't get promoted because they didn't show any of the sorts of skills that peopel in leadership posistions need. they're good at fighting, but ina mission there are a lot of things just as important as brute strength.
sometimes it's best to know when to retreat and cut your losses.
Actually one theory I came up besides the popular one is that the judges don't want a kid with a demon fox, and a kid who is an avenger to become top level shinobi. But that's my theory...its probally not true.
Sasuke had leadership skillz in forest of death, and naruto vs garaa. too bad no one saw it so he cant be promoted![]()
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Dec 12 2003, 08:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Sasuke isnt self centered, i hate to break it to you but he only went evil when he realized he wasnt getting anywhere, if he became a chuunin things might have been completely different
i'd like to draw attention to the fight vs Orochimaru, Sasuke wanted to run away and not risk the lifes of everyone around him, instead he listens to Naruto and ends up getting a cursed seal and screwing up his life.
Also Hinata listens to Naruto when he tells her to continue and we all know what happens to her, is it just me or does Naruto give bad advice? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
First Sasuke *was* improving (taijutsu, chidori) and why he left was because Itachi did not give him the time of day. It also seems like he was jealous of Naruto's improvement, but that was just icing on the cake. It was mainly because of Itachi.
And Oro said he was going to kill them anyway if he didn't give them the scroll remember? Besides it's not like he doesn't care about his comrades, its that when he gets "that way" from thinking about Itachi *that* is when you can't count on him.
And so Hinata feels a little physical pain but recovers from some emotional ones. I would think Hinata would have rather things happen the way they did than if she just gave up.
On Topic, I loved the fact that Shikamaru became the only Chuunin. During the entire course of the Chuunin Exam, he began to grow on me. His cool levelheaded-ness and realistic analyses were really what got me to like him. Sure, he's a bit whiny. But at least he can be strong with just one Jutsu. He uses Kage Mane very creatively in both his fights, and is very deserving of the rank of Chuunin.
this is in responce to the Iruka thing.
I kind of feel like many of the genin in this exam are much more powerful than they usually are. I mean, look how fast Gaara deals with another team of far older genin. Sasuke, wihtout being able to use chakra, took out one of the sound village spies. Even the rookie squads had very little trouble dealing with the other teams. (aside form Naruto, but they kind of kept getting screwed over by the oro and his sound gennins.)
So it could have been that up against the average Genin, Iruka was on par, but had he competed against these people he would've lost.
you are correct... Sasuke was going to risk his own life to save Naruto and Sakura... however Naruto had the tactical and emotional knowledge to know that he was capable of beating Garaa... in a fight Naruto is second to none in tactics... Sasuke displayed all the requirments for a chunnin and had everything gone off right he would have won his match and probably been promoted... however the curse seal is acting against Sasuke and causeing him problems... other wise I don't think any of this would have happened... we have already seen it effect his judgment, but we have also seen him reject it because of his consern for his teammates. Sasuke deserves the title almost as much as Shino... and Naruto may get it at the end of this mission... but who knows what our friend Kishimoto is thinking![]()
N shikamaru's shadow abilities helped him get promotion, common who can block shadow? how about sneaking up an enemy with kagemane no jutsu, u cant smell shadows, or hear shadows lol......... it'l be ez if hes good at sneaking.
Sasuke and Naruto are around a Jounin level in strength right now.The problem with them is that their mind is in the wrong place.Sasuke is power hungry,Naruto is hokage crazy.Though Naruto is starting to mature more now,Sasuke is still undetermined.
one thing i don`t understand, and i don`t know if this has been cleared up already because i didn`t bother to read all the posts is that why would they only want leaders to become chunnin, u may have a great leader but u gotta admit shikamaru doesn`t have the strongest power. wouldn`t that mean that he would need some strong members on his team that way they can follow orders not be leaders. i don`t understand why they would want everyone to be a leader, otherwise there would be nobody to follow the orders given by the leader. also skyro the chunnin exams happened before sasuke decided to leave the village so that has nothing to do with it at all!!! maybe u should re-read the manga
The reason they want people with leadership qualities to progress is because Chuunin become squad leaders. The ability to think through things rationally and not endanger your team are the qualities that truly stand out among Chuunin. It's not the level of Jutsu you know, and it's not how strong you are.
"If you're a ninja, act like a first-rate one." Morino Ibiki
This quote sums up the true meaning of the Chuunin exam. Resourcefulness and cunning.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (fear_my_jutsu @ Dec 14 2003, 08:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> one thing i don`t understand, and i don`t know if this has been cleared up already because i didn`t bother to read all the posts is that why would they only want leaders to become chunnin, u may have a great leader but u gotta admit shikamaru doesn`t have the strongest power. wouldn`t that mean that he would need some strong members on his team that way they can follow orders not be leaders. i don`t understand why they would want everyone to be a leader, otherwise there would be nobody to follow the orders given by the leader. also skyro the chunnin exams happened before sasuke decided to leave the village so that has nothing to do with it at all!!! maybe u should re-read the manga </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I'm sure they are in the situation where there are enough genin (soldiers) but not enough chuunin (leaders). Also, chuunin make up the core army of the leaf so chuunin can be part of a normal squad as well (like anbu).
And yeah I know Sasuke left after the chuunin exam, but everybody knew how unstable he was. The last thing you want is an unstable leader. Had his match been completed, and Sasuke did not have the curse seal or his desire for power to kill his brother it is quite possible he may have become promoted.
And someone said Naruto is second to none in tactics? You mean power right? Sasuke, Shino, Shikamaru are/were all genin who have better tactics than Naruto does, not to mention the jounin-level people like Kakashi.