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Thread: Question?

  1. #1
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ontario Canada
    Why is Naruto in englsih Charatures instead of like

    第一回戦で日向ネジと対戦することになったナルト。人間の「点穴」のツボを見ぬいてくるネジの前に「影分身 の術」も通じず、一方的にやられてしまう。さらにネジは「八卦掌回天」という絶対防御のワザを持っていた。 これは、360度の視界を持つ上、攻撃をうける時に体全体からチャクラを大量放出し、その放出力だけで物理 的攻撃をふせぐというもの。
     ナルトの攻撃をかわしたネジは、「八卦掌回天」でナルトの全身64個の点穴をついた。ついに立つこともで きなくなるナルトだったが

    or somthin please elaborate on this

  2. #2
    i always wondered about tha. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. #3
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ontario Canada
    Does Nobody know

    if i knew how to write in japanese then i would e-mail them

  4. #4
    very often, for some reason, anime companies like to put the title in english, then maybe a little sub thing with it in japanese

  5. #5
    for Japanese people, English is "cool" so they try to use it in stuff like that.
    If you want check, to see what I'm talking about.

  6. #6
    lmao is hilarious...

  7. #7
    In Sweden English is pretty "cool" too. Or perhaps it's just Swedish that is uncool...

  8. #8
    Its not written in english. Naruto is the romanization of the japanese characters that make up the word "Naruto". England did not make up these characters, therfore they are not english characters. But starting below the "U" in Naruto in the opening song, you see a dash, 3 characters, then another dash. Not counting the dashes, those are the katakana characters for Naruto. First one is "na", second is "ru", third is "to".

  9. #9
    lol engrish =) maaan

    I wouldnt agree that english is cool in sweden.. we translate everything to swedish. And some words we make swenglish

  10. #10
    hmm Swedish, Norwagian und Suomi ownez....

    [ok it ownez in Metal ]

    I like Englisch coz' I can understand it *sfg*

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