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Thread: four words

  1. #1
    oh my fking god

    (at 62 of course)

  2. #2
    havent gotten it yet.......... at work when it came out.... and it hasnt been 24 hours has it?? like maybe 6

  3. #3
    who cares. i said nothing about the ep other than omfg

  4. #4
    omgf.......... yeah i know. just didnt want it to become a 62 thread. and wanted to complain to someone that i couldnt get it yet. not trying to attack you for spoiling or anything

  5. #5
    There is a 62 topic in the open section. *hint*
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  6. #6
    is there a 24h waiting period before we can discuss? because god, great episode!

  7. #7
    Yeah deffenitaly a crazy ep.

  8. #8
    Oh my fucking god

    (at this topic offcourse, why is it still open. )

  9. #9
    I enjoyed it.

    But then again I like calimari on toast, so don't take my word for it

  10. #10
    STOP BITCHING! Holy shit! He just said "omfg"

    If anything, that should be incentive for all you slowpokes to go out AND WATCH 62!!!!!

    Because i SECOND THAT OMFG!!!!!!!


  11. #11
    yes omfg i love this eps

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