We're in the "3 episodes to go"-range, so time for the usual "What are we gonna watch?"-thread!
Here's the link for those who STILL can't find it themselves: https://anichart.net/Spring-2025
Here's what I'm gonna give at least one episode:
- Lazarus (honestly, I'd prefer if the story started AFTER all those who took the pills died. But I guess trying to prevent it is also okay of a plot. Animation seems high quality, going for a Cowboy Bebop-style)
- Vigilante (yeah, ill probably hate it and will tell you each week about it. but people said this was "better" than BnHA, so let's ee)
- Kowloon Generic Romance (the synopsis sounds super lame, but the trailer looks high quality and I like the non-moe designs)
- Teogonia (maaaaybe it will be a nice adventure story? but maybe its super generic)
Yeah, very bad season. Every time I see a "cute girl", I immediately proceed, sigh. Well, guess time to make progress with Gundam.