"After graduating from high school, Hirose Natsuko starts her career as an animator. Her talent quickly flourishes, and she makes her debut as a director in no time. Her first anime becomes a massive hit, sparking a social phenomenon and earning her recognition as an up-and-coming genius director. Her next project is set to be a romantic comedy movie themed around first love! However, having never been in love herself, Natsuko struggles to understand the concept of first love, and as a result, she's unable to create the storyboard, causing the movie production to come to a standstill.
Source: MAPPA"
Genre(s): Fantasy
The less you know going in, the greater the effect.
That said, the summary appears to wisely hide the true nature of the story pretty well. I didn't expect her to get isekaied into the d-tier movie she watches on loop, nor that her animation 'powers' could play a part in the story as written. I have no idea where the story is planning to go from here, and that's its greatest strength. Is the entire series going to be fixing this movie, or will she jump to other troubled works and interact with other fictional characters? If you watched Re:Creators, this might appeal to you. If the preview is anything to go by, at least the next episode will continue to take place in this current movie.