The story follows Tsunehiro Sasaki, a depressed college student burdened with debt and being told that he only has two years left to live. After falling into the sea while on the run from debt collectors, Tsunehiro is rescued by friends Hana and Takaaki and soon becomes hooked on fishing himself.

Episode 2:

A light-hearted episode with focus on actual fishing. As someone who's been trying to get into fishing (I need to get back to that), I can't say I'm fully okay with how these characters go about it, although I assume this is different countries having different approaches to fishing.

I'm enough into this anime now that I will probably watch it all, but I wished it was less "funny" and more drama and slice-of-life. Sasaki is deadly sick, after all, and that shouldn't be taken too easily or shoved to the side. I also hate the loan shark side story, completely unnecessary.

This episode reminded me, though, that I still never have eaten grilled fish directly from the fire. Absolutely need to do that at some point.