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Arknights Endfield is releasing this year.
And while the combat is no where even close to the level of ZZZs (it's more mechanical, and much slower, but you play with teams of 4 people that are on the field all the time and have AI), it might still be fun as it has Satisfactory/ Open world stuff mechanics.
And apparently it has reaaaaally great rates.
around 4-6 as much as Mihoyo games.
50/50 at 80 pulls, but guaranteed at 120.
And you get 60 weapon pulls per 120 pulls, meaning you get currency for character weapons from pulling in character banners.
You can craft gear too and farm everything through the Satisfactory mechanics.
I'm really hyped up for it too now. That could be a very good F2P waifu collector, while ZZZ is both a waifu collector AND animations/eye candy etc. but the rates are frustrating.