"Kazuhiko Nukumizu, a self-proclaimed "background character," accidentally witnessed his popular classmate Anna Yanami being rejected by her childhood friend. Since then, Kazuhiko has become involved with several loser heroines, including Anna."
Genre(s): Rom-com
Oh yeeees. Very enjoyable, fresh twist on tired harem tropes that is so much fun to watch. Honestly; the gags are on point (as is the fanservice, I must say). The humor (characters being a little too honest/real with each other) is reminiscent to the writing style of Konosuba and it really sticks out against typical anime dialog in a good way without ever getting that smarmy. Animation is better than I expected and has tons of little unnecessary flourishes that give the characters life. Can't praise this enough, for my tastes.
I'm dying to see what they can do with the story once the last main girl gets rejected.
Don't sleep on this one if you can help it!