
"* Based on a manga series written by Oomori Fujino and illustrated by Aoi Toshi.

Will Serfort dreams of keeping his promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, one of the mighty magicians who sit atop the Wizard's Tower. However, he is unable to cast even the simplest of spells, leaving him to fight dungeon monsters to earn credits at Regarden Magical Academy. As if that weren't enough, he finds himself putting his sword skills to the test against a bullying professor!

Source: Kodansha"

Genre(s): Fantasy, Action



Will definitely watch more, but this is another low-IQ series with a good amount of money and animation talent behind it. Super OP protagonist (is there any other kind?) is a mage in mage-school who can't use magic; not even the friendship kind! Everyone makes fun of him going trying to graduate gathering credits via auxillery methods but it turns out... are you sitting down? Good. He's actually the bestest guy with a sword and will no doubt cause a stir in 'This world where magic determines your worth'!

Aside from being absolute brain rot, this is pretty well animated and suited with some similarly ambitious direction. A few notable gaffs include:

- Humble mcniceguy never fathoms to be proud of or even consider his own superhuman abilities when people around him tell him to shove off, yet hesitates when his bully is nearing death because of the torment. Are you a nice guy or not?

- Childhood friend is at the top of the Wizard's tower and never interacts with MC aside from staring out longingly from on high; prize get?

- 'Friendly' teacher who believes in MC's superhuman abilities is angry at him for going into dungeon, but is unsussed when danger lurks for other students near him.

- Placeholder waifu student acts like she has never been complimented before (objectively cute?!?!?! really!?!).

- The seething professor, unable to contain his contempt at a non-magic user 'surpassing magic' (whatever that means) while ignoring the likely deaths of two of his charges.

Like an unironic Mashle played straight, animated better, and storyboarded far worse. For tonal clash this reminds me of that isekai from a few seasons back about making your life better by getting hot via magic. I'm obviously not the target demo, but I still kinda wanna see where this goes.