Plot Summary:
Seven years ago, the reign of the Britannian Empire came to an end. Yet, that was not the end of war and oppression as many had hoped. Three years later, the disenfranchised remnants of the old empire made one last attempt to seize power, taking over the Japanese island of Hokkaido and isolating it behind an energy barrier. To this day, even the mighty Black Knights have been unable to take it down, leaving the Japanese people trapped within at the mercy of their “Neo-Britannian” overlords. In this dire situation, mercenary brothers Ash and Rozé begin working with the rebel groups within Hokkaido. With Ashe's skill as a pilot and Rozé's tactical genius, there is hope for victory for the first time in years. But little do they suspect that there is far more to Rozé than meets the eye—for not only is his true identity shrouded in mystery, but he also has the power to control men's minds. -ANN

Links: ANN, AniDB, MAL, Official

Up to Ep 3.


It's alright. Nothing amazing. Not to the level of Human chesspiece that Lelouch plays. It's duo with one doing espionage and one doing all the shooting. I'm mostly watching this to see where the original characters fit in. I do more or less look forward to it.