Deer E09
Lol, they did a Lucky Star cheerleading routine and didn't animate it AT ALL.![]()
Deer E09
Lol, they did a Lucky Star cheerleading routine and didn't animate it AT ALL.![]()
this was especially bad.
also, they are all awful, and it's getting to the not-funny tipping point.
You guys should watch "Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai" if you haven't.
Super fun and chill.
I can't find a thread for Dragon Ball, but since I'm rewatching DBZ right now, it's part of MY summer 2024, so whatever :P
I realized something: It makes no sense that Radditz and Vegeta and Nappa would want to kill all of mankind. When Radditz saw Gohan, Goku's son, he had to realize that for some reasons saiyajin can have offspring with humans. That must be pretty unique in the universe, because i doubt saiyajin can have babies with all the weirder alien races in the DB-universe. So for rebuilding the saiyajin empire, Radditz should have chosen to keep humans alive.
Also one thing I find weird is that they really expected baby Goku to eradicate humans. Without training, Goku would never have become strong enough and just transforming into a were ape once wouldnt be time enough to finish the job, so when he returned to normal, humans would easily kill him. Dumb plan, Vegeta!
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
It was a retcon because the manga became popular and needed to be extended.
No, it really was the reason. The original Dragonball was supposed to end while Goku is a kid, once they collected all the dragonballs.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Oh I didn't get what you meant.
I also don't get why people would discuss something we already know is actually retconned, but far be it from me to stop you. Carry on!
Btw what's incredible about DBZ is how serious the story actually feels. Whether compared to DBSuper or any modern anime shounen. The world feels "real" within its setting, the danger feels tangible, and stuff takes time. People need to train and don't just get powerups out of nowhere (unless on very special occasions). And people die and grieve. Even with the Dragon Balls existing, yes. Really feels so good. Dragon Ball is often seen as this mindless, dumb, funny "everyone beats up each other"-anime, but it's actually an incredibly well made world with plausible characters and story developments. Really fun to rewatch this.
Oh, and another thing: Adult characters actually look adult! In modern anime, everyone just has the same "cute" face, and when they're really old, there's wrinkles or some bs. But they never look like proper "adult" characters. In Dragon Ball, everyone really looks their age and you have a wid variety of differeing ages.
I'm really falling in love with Dragon Ball again, wow <3
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
it makes perfect sense. it's the core emotion that defines him. Saiyan pride. he won't see these things, it goes against everything he believes in. he's going to spend almost 300 episodes learning to see past it, die twice and lose his son once. That's his entire character arc.
but here are some other reasons:
1. Saiyans are pretty lust-less for a warrior race. they don't care much about sex.
2. Vegeta is a emotionally stunted, being made to serve the person who destroyed his planet and killed everyone on it. he's an angry twenty-something that spends his entire life in a constant struggle for strength. those above crush him, and he must crush those below else they rise up against him. there's no room in his mind for long-term planning.
Even as a child. Goku was one of the top 100 warriors on earth. let's assume Goku is Saiyan evil and a child. does he know about the ape transformation? if yes, great, he can transform, wreak havoc, and transform back, nobody suspects him, he's just another kid with no family who managed to survive the giant monkey attack. and if someone suspects him.... well, he's still Goku. and if he doesn't know about it? well, then there's a serious chance that by the time he's grown up enough to stay awake until the full moon, he's also strong enough to defend himself. Goku wasn't particularly sheltered and house-trained, but he still transformed for the first time only when he was four or five years old, and the second time when he was nine or something. (I'm not too sure about the ages).Also one thing I find weird is that they really expected baby Goku to eradicate humans. Without training, Goku would never have become strong enough and just transforming into a were ape once wouldnt be time enough to finish the job, so when he returned to normal, humans would easily kill him. Dumb plan, Vegeta!
And the most important part... it doesn't matter if he kills 100% or 1%. it's a baby that they shot to space. if he wins, good, another soldier for Frieza. if not, then he was worthless anyway.
Do you mean Vegeta, his father or the planet?
oh no, you wrote Radditz and I answered about Vegeta... shit.
well, Radditz... he's an idiot. same as Vegeta for lesser extent? he does plan to take Gohan with him, so he realizes the potential for that specific child. but I don't think they are thinking so far, they care about killing Frieza and resorting the Saiyan empire, but the Saiyan empire is that because it's ruled by a Saiyan, it's more about putting Vegeta on the top of the pyramid than birthing tons of little saiyan half-breeds.
and also same as Vegeta, it doesn't matter if the kids are strong. they can't see this. admitting that "earthling and saiyans hybrid are surprisingly strong" is the same as forfeiting the pride in their race. they will only re-populate their kind with species that won't effect the strength of the people. since that means the saiyan blood is the only thing that matters, and it overtakes any other heritage. I'll go one step further - they'll avoid mixing with races that make the offsprings stronger. they'd rather say someone is weak because he's only half saiyan than accept other races can "improve" the saiyan blood.
Last edited by Death BOO Z; Wed, 09-04-2024 at 04:41 PM. Reason: I missed your point!
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
I actually continued the rewatch and turns out: Vegeta and Nappa are such egotistical, power-driven idiots that they actively want to kill all humans BECAUSE their offspring might turn out more powerful than them and beat them. Lol. Vegeta is literally the dumbest piece of shit ever, forsaking his entire race in favor of his own power strife.
It's actually amazing what a character arc Vegeta goes through. He's probably the best-developed character in the series, isn't he.
What do you mean? I know all of DB. Instant power up I can think of are: The old wiseman on Namek, although he doesn't give Goku a powerup, only Gohan, Kuririn and Dende. The other one is the Potara ear rings that give you an insta-power up via fusion. You could include the regular fusion here, too, but that at least requires learning the dance.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Except he has a monkey tail lol.Originally Posted by DBZ
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Okay that made me lose it LOL.
and it didn't help anyone, so the point still stands.
Buu is the only canon villain who was defeated by the spirit bomb. and it took the combined will of all the world, including getting Vegeta to swallow his pride and ask for earthling strengh, and mr Satan to drop his act and reveal weakness.
deer anime episode 10.
Is this a perverts series?
Not in the sex way, more Voyeurism related. a lot of the episodes revolve around looking at others (and being SHOCK!!!-ed by them), rather than interacting. we had spying through the window in the first story, then spying in the flower arrangement club, and then spying out the window.
Having the narrator constantly butting in doesn't help.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.