The story is set in an alternate world called Yamauchi, ruled by the Yatagarasu clan, who are able to transform between human and crow forms. Yukiya, a beautiful and eccentric Yatagarasu boy, is chosen to serve the young prince. While encountering various events in the conspiracy-filled imperial court, he forms a strange master-servant relationship with the young prince.

Episode 1 and 2:

This has been a VERY strong start. Finally, an anime this season that tells a serious story withous out-of-place comedy bits. Ofc, my biggest fear was that it'd end up too dry as is often with these feudal Japan-stories. But these 2 episodes have been really interesting to watch.

We have the "battle" among the 4 wife-candidates who each represent a unique personality and have a beautiful kimono. Then we have son of a country lord who's becoming the close attendant of the, emperor? "Main lord"? Not sure what to call him, the most powerful guy anyway. That boy seems fun, he's mischievous, yet hides his abilities. And then we have some hinted relation between the boy and the lord.

I'm not usually one to care about feual Japan royalty drama, but this is really nicely presented thus far. The animation, while simple at first, is extremely clean and knows how to be vivid and expressive when necessary. The only truly cheap part are those raven-drawn waggons that are only shown from the side, like you're watching some powerpoint presentation, lol.

Speaking of which, one thing I don't get: So people can transform into three-legged ravends, right? Then what about those ravens that are drawing the transport-waggons? Are these people forced to work as ravens? Or is there a separate species of dumb giant ravens that are akin to flying horses? Weird.

Anyway, looking forward to next episode. My favorite anime of the season so far.