Tomokui Kanata has been re-incarnated in the weakest goblin, named Goburou, after having undergone an unfortunate death. However Goburou has retained his previous life's memories, an unusual evolution, as well as becoming strong enough to gain status boosts from eating.

In this alternate world of survival of the fittest, events unfold with competent subordinates and comrades, delightful case of the tail-wagging dog...

Episode 1:

While I'm unsure how good this stays, I'm pretty sure I'll keep watching, so here's the thread.

I like the premise of following someone who's born into an isekai as a non-human among non-humans. The group dynamics were nice, too, there's an instant comradry between Goburou, Gobukichi and Gobumi.

There's also stuff I didn't like, though: The super fast growing up was dumb. Come on, let's take it a little bit slower. Then you have the unnecessary videogame-element. And you have the "hero gets dozens of cool abilities without much effort" that plagues so many of these power fantasy-isekai stories. It was fine when I watched Spider-Isekai, but now it's just lame. And then my last criticism is more of a fear: How will the hero treat humans in this world? He shouldn't treat them friendly, considering he's a monster and he's been killing even humanoid, intelligent monsters like orcs without second thoughts. It'd be shit if he meets humans and is all "let's not kill them". We saw the rape-women in one scene in the cave, lol, but I'm not sure what to make of it. I could see Goburou be like "from now on, no more rape women". Which I'd be okay with, because if goblins stopped kidnapping human women, they wouldn't give humans a reasonable excuse to kill goblins anymore.

Anyway, the premise of this story is nice and it's on the more creative side of isekai anime.