I rewatched some scenes, and I just realised that the weird head-twisting thing from the orc team leader who spoke wasn't a system glitch. It was the actual orc king who possessed the orc team leader and spoke with the human team.
I rewatched some scenes, and I just realised that the weird head-twisting thing from the orc team leader who spoke wasn't a system glitch. It was the actual orc king who possessed the orc team leader and spoke with the human team.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I don't believe the earlier instances, like with the snow elf (I don't remember if there were others), were glitches either. Like Steve Jobs would say (if he hadn't glitched out of life): it's a feature, not a bug. The elf was talking too much, so the system stopped him. That's what it looked like.
But why glitching anyway? Was it known that the fantasy world was a virtual/digital world?
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
That seems unlikely because the hunter powers also work on Earth, not only in the dungeons. If you ask me, those distortions, that look like a game with graphics problems, weren't a good design choice from the author. Freezing the character for a moment, and then recovering but talking about something else would have been better, if they are indeed supposed to be living organisms that are just affected by the system. But maybe that wouldn't have looked clear enough to suggest something external is stopping them? Who knows.
But then what Kraco said. How does stuff work in the real world? Or does it mean the "real" world is a virtual world, too? After all, Jinwoo is using holograms there.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Magic too.
Episode 18
-Well, in contrast with the ice elf, there was zero suspense re: resurrecting all the important high orcs.
-Mana potion OP.
-Glad he kept the 2x magical damage orb, and now he has an elite high orc mage to pair it with.
-The orc leader seemed to have figured out that he's being fed to Jinwoo to level him up on purpose.
-Cha being all dere is almost comical given how quick this progression was. A slower buildup with her attraction would have been nice.
-I'm going to love this dipshit actor kid being one-upped next episode.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 02-08-2025 at 12:31 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I really dislike Chae-Ha so far. She's fallen in love with Jinwoo and there's literally only 2 reasons fo it: He's hot. And he's strong. Wow. If he was rich, too, she'd have the trifecta of bad reasons to love someone.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
You listed several reasons, but the most important one is that he smells good.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Quite a few witnesses already. The cat is most certainly out of the bag already, apart from the critical detail of being a player (able to keep leveling up). But now those who need to know already know Jinwoo alone has a bunch of skills that usually would require a whole team, with each skill at a very high level. Based on what that mage said, Jinwoo's summoning skill is so ridiculous the regular hunters must consider it S+. I reckon his assassin power must qualify for A. Not to mention he wasn't using pure assassin skills, it was more like a combination of a fighter and assassin.
The action animation continues to be pretty dope. Though towards the end, there were scenes of nameless combatants merely standing with minimal animation. I guess the studio ran out of budget before the episode minutes were full, haha. But some shows have terribly animated, static fights from the beginning till the end, so it's easy to forgive running out of steam just before the end, not to mention Tusk's animation remained okay till the end.
I like Cha. She's a mixture of a valiant warrior and a rather naive girl. Kind of like Saber.
She doesn't need money though.
The smell thing is an actual thing. Some people (possibly more common in women) just find the smell of certain people pleasant, even if it is sweat or funk. My wife (who absolutely exists) sniffs me all the time like this:
Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 02-09-2025 at 08:10 AM.
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) has long been recognised as a factor in vertebrate pheromones and sensing those pheromones. So, it indeed affects sexual selection, even in humans, but the ultimate reasons aren't quite as clear, even if there are lots of good theories. Modern humans in developed countries are so detached from the natural environment and challenges of primates that humans make poor examples to study this. It means that however it affects humans, that is, what kind of smell in a potential partner a certain individual finds attractive, it may not anymore play the role it did back when a bone club was still the peak of technology. Of course even if the original reasons are unknown, it still affects preferences, nonetheless.
I like to believe she's the kind of naively honest girl that since she borrowed the pickaxe, she feels like she needs to stick to it.
I fixed it:
Sometimes peak comedy happens by chance.
I really liked how the captain of the mob group thanked him for saving them. I can imagine a less conscientious person blaming Jinwoo for letting him get pummeled half to death before saving him. He also tried to get Jinwoo out of there by distracting the enemies, so he is truly an honorable man and warrior. Too bad he can never level up and will now be left behind.