"* Based on a manga series written and illustrated by Urasawa Naoki. The manga reinterprets the story arc The Greatest Robot on Earth from Tezuka Osamu's manga Tetsuwan Atom.
European robot detective Gesicht attempts to solve the case of a string of robot and human deaths. The case becomes more puzzling when evidence suggests a robot is responsible for the murders, the first one in eight years.
Source: Wikipedia"
Genre(s): Mystery, Drama, Sci-fi
What a colossal letdown. Which is weird, since I remember reading the manga, and could tell you almost nothing about it; that should have tipped me off that this Urasawa work didn't resonate with me. The main issue I think I have is that this story itself isn't conducive to anime in the first place. While the pace is somewhat brisker than some of his earlier adaptations (Monster, Master Keaton), this story in particular relies on character vignettes and cheap feeling cut-aways to garner investment from the audience leading up to reveals that are far more shocking to the character's expressions than they ever are to us. In a manga, a cut away somehow feels less cheap and it is easier to read 'faster' past character sections when you feel they are less relevant to the mystery.
I would say that Pluto, while 'adequate' for a single viewing, should have been much more given its pedigree. It is interesting, but not compelling, which is an odd combination for a mystery, and that mystery pays off the bare minimum possible by the end. The constantly entering and exiting characters unravel the central narrative somewhat by diluting our focus to extraneous things far too often. Its more organic (real detective work takes time, as well), but not satisfying on an episode by episode basis, especially with how little foreshadowing there is, and how corny some reveals can come off; it hasn't aged as well as Monster in that regard.
I wanted to like it much better, but as it is, the anime feels rushed and plodding at the same time. Give it a try if you're curious.