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Thread: Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi


    "* Based on an isekai adventure light novel series written by Broccoli Lion and illustrated by Sime.

    One moment, a certain salaryman is on cloud nine, that promotion finally within his grasp, and the next, he's keeled over pain, and that was all she wrote. Luckily for him, fate had a bit more to say. A world of magic, monsters, and other such life-shortening entities await his newly reincarnated self for a second shot at life. With nothing but his past-life experiences and sharp business skills to guide him in the foreign lands of Galdardia, he takes up the name Luciel and vows that his (next) demise will be from naught but old age. And what better way to avoid a(nother) gruesome death, than by taking up a nice, cushy job as a healer? But getting by in another world doesn't come easy, or cheap. It'll take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to hone the skills he needs to make his way. But make it he will...or die (again) trying!"

    Genre(s): Isekai



    More unassuming isekai that is light on the power fantasy so far. Salesman reincarnates and decided to embrace his healing affinity to eke out a living and eventually adjusts his mission statement to save many and so on. Sparse, plain production. The only thing that kept me going is the desire to see just how depraved established healers must behave. All present counts of people reacting to the mere mention of magical doctors suggest they are either god-complex demons or mad scientists, so I gotta see that interaction to justify the distain. Otherwise, nothing really to see here.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The MC isn't instantly OP, which really shouldn't be anything to celebrate, but unfortunately in the isekai genre it's an exception. I'm sure he will eventually get powerful, but that's okay. On the other hand, he doesn't seem to be combat-oriented anyway. This is really generic in a sense, but due to it being kind of plain story wise as well, at least so far, I can't predict where it's going.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 4

    - - - -

    It was quite annoying to watch Luciel spam the elementary level heal spell 10 times on a wounded person to get anything done, draining all of his MP at the same time. It seems like magic/spell profiency isn't really doing anything in that world, and it's all up to the fixed stats of any particular spell. Regardless of if you are an archmage or a noob mage, Spell X will consume n amount of mana and heal a particular amount of damage. I guess a mage also can't develop any spells, it's only possible to buy a tome for a better spell for good money. Who knows where all of those spells are coming from.

    Or perhaps the MC simply can't think outside the box at all. A very good trait for a Japanese salaryman, no doubt.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I wasn't paying attention to the mechanics much, as I figured he was still bottom of the barrel as a healer.

    The story is going in a different direction than I expected initially. Usually, in trash isekai, the OPMC settles in a cozy shack near when they 'spawn' with their enthusiastic harem, but here Luciel spends an entire year to become a barely competent healer. I like the slow burn of his growth, and that he is still weak in combat. Now his obligation is over, and he will be a travelling healer; this could be interesting.

    I'm still waiting for the appearance of an in-the-flesh healer to gauge just how slimy they are, if their reputations are to be believed. Will there by any justification for their disposition (Luciel had a heck of a time training the ability up)? Are all healers truly so bad? These questions will likely get no answers, but I'm here for it.

    Another interesting merit to note is that this reincarnation isn't some hammy fulfillment of a lifelong dream or eye-rolling otaku fetish (vending machine otaku?). This dude wasn't a doctor, and didn't care about 'healing' in his previous life. It just seems like a viable path this time with his slight magic affinity. He isn't reciting the Hippocratic oath or carrying his ideals over to teach the primitives; just following his own morality. It's another factor keeping me tuned in.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 5

    - - - - --

    To be honest, I'm grateful for Bottaculli's plot to get Luciel transferred away. I was growing far too bored indeed of the endless grinding in the adventurers' guild basement. I get it that Luciel isn't interested in fighting monsters, but absolutely nothing but practice combat against the same old opponent episode after episode doesn't make an interesting story. It's far better if the dude sees the world and experiences more things. Who knows, he might encounter priceless opportunities out of town. With his pittance of a pay, he can't even keep buying new spells, after all.

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6

    - - -- - - - -

    Jesus Christ, it took the dude a whole episode with whining and crying to leave the town. Yet he claims feels more like an adventurer than a healer. As it is, the bloody coward has never left the town to even check the surroundings and to bash some giant rat skulls to level up. After two years, he's still level 1. One of the more annoying MCs in isekai I've seen in a long while. Considering how much the adventurers liked him, he wouldn't have even needed to experience one day adventures alone. Newbie adventurers would have gladly taken him with them. But nah, he really is a Maso-Zombie.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7

    ---- - -- -

    A better episode than the previous one, that's for sure, but also no achievement whatsoever. I also can't help but wonder about the level. The dude has brought down likely a few dozen zombies and a good amount of skeletons on top of it, plus those wil-o'-wisps, yet he's still level one? Just how much does it take to advance to the second level in that world? Seems a bit unreasonable.

  8. #8
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    He's a healer, his adventurer level can't move regarless of his adventurer's skills hahaha

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    He's a healer, his adventurer level can't move regarless of his adventurer's skills hahaha
    But he used healer's skills to take down the undead (even when swinging the sword). Plus he spent whole two years healing adventurers in the first town. If acting like a healer would level him up, he ought to be at least level 2 or 3, even if level ups were really difficult to achieve in that universe. Since nothing happened, one would think he needs to slay monsters for exp, like in the most traditional RPGs. Yet, nothing.

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 8

    - - - -

    Those items he retrieved sounded extremely valuable, so I can only assume a dimensional pouch with that much room and a stasis function must be equally pricey, even though the pope didn't make it sound like it.

    If the dude is still level 1 after the boss fight, it's safe to say that either he's permanently stuck at level 1 or he has some extra special conditions for leveling up. If it's the latter, perhaps he will rise multiple levels at once, once the conditions are fulfilled.

    It bothers me greatly that he's only interested in the most expensive tome, even though he doesn't even bloody know what spell it is. He's like some gold digger who wants the most expensive handbag, regardless of what it looks like, how it's designed, or if it fits the gold digger's overall style at all. The only thing that matters is that it's the most expensive one in the store. The MC is such an airhead that every other episode makes me want to kick his ass.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Just caught up...

    Well, he seems motivated by goals, so setting one for the most expensive thing is probably more of a mental self-trick to keep him on track. He expected this job to rake him over the coals, after all. I think he mentioned doing something in his previous life to keep up the sales calls and meet his quotas. I expect he thinks that one will have the best healing spells, expediting his other healing goal. If he buys books that have spells he already knows, some of that value is wasted.

    As for his leveling, I'm guessing we'll find that there is a simple catalyst to turn in/bank exp into levels that he just doesn't know (but is of course common sense to every one else) after all, we've never seen what it looks like for someone to level up. It's just set up for a sudden power creep reveal later.

    Funny how lopsided the magic users in this world are that they create situations where a mini-boss that blocks off magic has warded off all comers (if any even made it that far) for 12 years. A mini boss that dies with two consecutive hits.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Well, he seems motivated by goals, so setting one for the most expensive thing is probably more of a mental self-trick to keep him on track. He expected this job to rake him over the coals, after all. I think he mentioned doing something in his previous life to keep up the sales calls and meet his quotas. I expect he thinks that one will have the best healing spells, expediting his other healing goal. If he buys books that have spells he already knows, some of that value is wasted.
    I wouldn't have particular problems with it if he at least knew what spell it is. But he doesn't. It was enough for him to know it's the most expensive one. He would now already have enough points for many tomes in the shop, I believe, but he doesn't even bother to check the selection. There could be spells that would make his life easier, such as detect life/undead, detect magic, and such. They probably wouldn't even be that expensive. There's no guarantee the most expensive one is useful for Luciel specifically. I do hope it is, though it would make a decent joke if it was useless. Maybe it's detect lie. Such a spell would be a huge deal in practice, which would explain the price. In that case, I wouldn't anymore blame him. Though that being said, he's so cowardly that he would hardly dare to react to lies, but at least he could do his best to avoid the liar in the future.

  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 9

    -- - - - - - -

    While I do like the MC is full of energy and isn't giving in his training, it's also quite annoying he's so 100% adapting to that world. It actually seems like he's proud of being just one of the locals. Even though he's originally from a different world. He never objects to anything or criticises anything, continuously apologising even when he did nothing wrong, like a good little black company slave from Japan. It makes me wonder what was the point of him to get transferred to fantasy world in the first place.

    I also wonder just long the author wants to keep postponing the fricking level up. Come on.

  14. #14
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    He does his best to become a good support member.
    Able to protect himself and a top level healer.
    Scouted by the leading adventurers team, they will go on a quest to beat the demon King.... in about 30 years from now ?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 10

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    What an eye-opening episode. It explained the two greatest mysteries in the story: Why the relationship between healers and adventurers became so deplorable and what Substance X is doing.

    The first detail wasn't explained directly, but if you have even 5/100 points in the reading between the lines skill, you can see it. Once upon the time the healers and adventurers would have got along just fine and the healers were asking for a reasonable fee for their services. However, the adventurers kept insulting the healers even under those normal conditions for no particular reason, but simply due to their lack of manners and intelligence. Eventually the healers grew sick of it and started raising their prices, due to the poor treatment they received from the adventurers. The rest is history. Funnily enough up until now we had only got the adventurers' version of the story, where healers are evil money-grubbers. However, if you rather believe your own eyes and not listen to rumours and old wives' stories, the reality was there to witness: Luciel saved a whole room full people from death, disability, or a life of debt-slavery for mere pennies, yet what did he get in return? Insulting nicknames and jeering. So, yeah, I will believe my own eyes; it all began with the adventurers themselves.

    The second is one of the few believable concrete, solid mechanisms to reduce an isekai MC to a celibate hero that I've actually seen in my years of reading/watching isekai. I should congratulate the author, but instead I'd only like to kick his ass all the way to the ocean.

  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 11

    . - - ----

    I watched only half of this, but this is enough. I'm dropping this POS series. I have had bloody enough of the doormat MC and the author's miserable sense of humour. I bet the author has never been invited twice by anyone to anywhere. I consider myself to have saintly patience to have kept watching this for 10.5 episodes, always hoping it would get better, but it's consistently only getting worse. Even Buddha would have his limits, and I'm no Buddha.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I can't really blame you. The quality of the story started declining and has simply continued to do so, slowly, for about 8 weeks now. In these last few episodes, we got a few answers, but none of them pertinent or even interesting. I have no idea what the story is trying to do now. Is Luciel the only person who braves the labyrinth at all anymore? We haven't seen any others down there for 4 episodes.

    The reception girls come to visit and... just hang out, I guess helping with his charitable healing in the capital and remind them that they exist? The whole beastfolk side arc was a huge, mushy misstep, and the substance x reveal was more flaccid than than my stand-up set. Complete waste to bother attributing Luciel's sexless nature to the potion when the audience already included it in his 'salaryman/reincarnation protagonist with a dream' trope but instead is an unfunny joke.

    Just grinding, leveling, and everyone praising the MC. Where have I seen this before? Maybe in about a hundred or so mediocre isekai stories? The only remaining flicker of an interesting story line I have to grab onto is the emperor and the potential mystery of the dungeon, which we will likely not see.

    Using substance x as an actual combat deterrent is too lazy and crass to be funny, and the skeleton fight it exploits wasn't worth devaluing the tension to make, effectively, another fart joke.

    I'm not dropping quite yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if anyone did.

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Just grinding, leveling, and everyone praising the MC.
    He just saved a whole district of the capital and how do the previously long-suffering, now saved folks there thank him? By calling him using insulting nicknames. Like how the heck could that ever happen? This is the pitiful epitome of the author's sense of humour, and thus the author keeps repeating the same idiotic joke endlessly every chance he gets. This is what happens when the system has no editors or, like the author of Sono Bisque Doll puts it: if the only things the editors ever request from the author are cute girls, romcom, and panty shots. A genuinely talented author can still deal with it, especially if they happen to have some family or friends who could check the script, but the author of this Seija Musou neither has talent nor anyone who would tell him he keeps writing bullshit.

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