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Thread: Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto


    "* Based on a black comedy dystopian manga written by Asou Haro and drawn by Takata Koutarou.

    After spending years working for a soul-crushing company, Akira's life has lost its luster. But when a zombie apocalypse ravages his town, it gives him the push he needs to live for himself. Now Akira's on a mission to complete all 100 items on his bucket list before he...well, kicks the bucket.

    Source: Viz"

    Genre(s): Zombies, Apocalypse



    The first episode went hard, but didn't fully sell me. I appreciate the lengths they went to normalize how Akira might assimilate into the black company for three years; it makes him seem less stupid as a protagonist if we can relate to his emotions slightly.

    That being said, I'm merely optimistic about Zom 100, because I dropped the manga due to lack of interest. Good news is that I remember liking this first episode significantly more than the source, so that is a good omen, especially if the animation keeps up.

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Really good first episode, but as I said, I hope it won't devolve into silly comedy. The message of "people are too obsessed with work" is an important one and I'd hope that a somewhat serious story is attached to it. Doesn't mean that i cannot have some funny scenes, too.

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  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The series isn't good. The anime just made the things that were bad about it worse. Maybe the netflix live action won't suck like the other two do. It certainly looks considerable better.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 07-13-2023 at 03:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 3:

    Three episodes, three bangers so far. Really enjoyed this one, too. I'm positively surprised how this show manages to mix comedy and serious events, like, the overall situation isn't being made fun of, but the individual scenes can be over-the-top. And I like that Kencho actually is allowed to stay alive and not be a one-off. Although now that I watched the ending, I guess this was to be expected.

    Easily the show of the season.

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  5. #5
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    where's the new episode

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  6. #6
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 4:

    Wow, talk about "no strings attached"; Kencho got to fuck and right after the girl is killed, rofl!

    Bummer that the oldest girl died, her mean attitude was kinda hot and would have made for a more unusual pairing.

    In general, it sucked that all 3 died, made the whole episode feel too formulaic. One of them joining their group, even if temporarily, would have been better.

    Dat tv, though, LOL. And the game must look worse now, because there's no console that properly supports 8k gaming yet

    All in all a really enjoyable anime.

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  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm surprised you are enjoying this due to its deadpan depiction of death and the characters' reaction to it. No one bats an eye hardly that so many people have died. Even Akira got more emotional response out of finding a kindred spirit that also sought a fulfilling job than at the loss of her (and her comrades) lives, as a human beings.

    That is probably why the emotional beats of this story fall flat for me. For all it offers, I just can't get behind the cast due to them being (with exception being the edgy main girl) completely flippant about the end of society. None of them suffer any real breakdown and are just... natural sociopaths? That drains my sympathy for them and actually makes me root for Akira's downfall. Nothing about his demonstrably poor decision making skills should enable his survival, meaning his 'luck' in doing so is simply deus ex. Zombies left conveniently for the getaway with a giga tv? Enjoy your fun time while the utilities still work and food hasn't spoiled yet?

    That is likely why I also dropped the manga after x chapters; if the characters don't care about the story, why should I?

  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I'm surprised you are enjoying this due to its deadpan depiction of death and the characters' reaction to it. No one bats an eye hardly that so many people have died. Even Akira got more emotional response out of finding a kindred spirit that also sought a fulfilling job than at the loss of her (and her comrades) lives, as a human beings.

    That is probably why the emotional beats of this story fall flat for me. For all it offers, I just can't get behind the cast due to them being (with exception being the edgy main girl) completely flippant about the end of society. None of them suffer any real breakdown and are just... natural sociopaths? That drains my sympathy for them and actually makes me root for Akira's downfall. Nothing about his demonstrably poor decision making skills should enable his survival, meaning his 'luck' in doing so is simply deus ex. Zombies left conveniently for the getaway with a giga tv? Enjoy your fun time while the utilities still work and food hasn't spoiled yet?

    That is likely why I also dropped the manga after x chapters; if the characters don't care about the story, why should I?
    "Natural sociopaths", yeah, that's why I probably can relate to Akira so much <3

    The way he despises work is just SO on point with my reality, and just how often have I wished for a zombie-apocalypse, lol. Ofc, it sucks to lose loved ones, but a zombie apocalypse is such an out-there-scenario that it's easier to get over it compared to, say, them dying in a car accident.

    That's not to say that I likd how quickly Akira got over the girl he just had a moment with dying ,that was bad. But I've come to accept that Japanese authors just suck at depicting people's reacton to death. Tbh ever since Gantz have I given up on Japanese authors to handle death and loss properly. One of the rare exceptions really is One Piece, surprisingly, that handled the death of a certain character truly realistically and I likd that a lot.

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  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    But I've come to accept that Japanese authors just suck at depicting people's reacton to death. Tbh ever since Gantz have I given up on Japanese authors to handle death and loss properly. One of the rare exceptions really is One Piece, surprisingly, that handled the death of a certain character truly realistically and I likd that a lot.
    Not that I'm watching this (I also dropped the manga fairly early on), but this is a really good point. I tried to think of a number of examples that countered this, only to realize that several I could think of were actually Korean. Japanese anime and manga all too often have the, "oh no! Anyway..." meme style reaction to a character's death or grief in general.

    Maybe the only one to handle it well is Battle Angel Alita. Macross Delta did a pretty decent job even though the series as a whole is shit, it's actually the best episode in the entire series. 86 wasn't bad about it either.

    Japan anime melodrama covers it, but it doesn't really match the natural stages of grief. Japanese films do it pretty well though.

  10. #10
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Not that I'm watching this (I also dropped the manga fairly early on), but this is a really good point. I tried to think of a number of examples that countered this, only to realize that several I could think of were actually Korean. Japanese anime and manga all too often have the, "oh no! Anyway..." meme style reaction to a character's death or grief in general.

    Maybe the only one to handle it well is Battle Angel Alita. Macross Delta did a pretty decent job even though the series as a whole is shit, it's actually the best episode in the entire series. 86 wasn't bad about it either.

    Japan anime melodrama covers it, but it doesn't really match the natural stages of grief. Japanese films do it pretty well though.
    Japanese films as in other than live-action adaptations, maybe, I wouldnt know these. Im trying to think of other anime that did death/loss well, but often it's just romance stories where the griefing doesn't come from actual grief, but from "I lost my love interest". I was about to mention Clannad After Story, but that's too much already, it's "grief porn", lol.

    I guess my favorite anime of all times, "Fantastic Children", handles it pretty nicely from what I remember. I really liked how the whole Conrad Röntgen-arc came to be, but even later on there's a heavy theme of losing others.

    But, yeah, it's much easier to find anime where people don't give a shit about other people dying.

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  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Interesting points, but I think there's a distinction to make with mourning strangers and morning people/characters you are familiar with. I think anime fumbles largely with the stranger death. Maybe because their culture is insulated or individualistic 'to each his own', but there is fairly little attachment to randos in anime (which itself is written/adapted for a certain young demographic). Maybe its to save time and keep the storytelling simple and brief? That said, death is used common enough in anime that it has to be reacted to to even serve a purpose narratively. You might not be able to remember an entire episode dedicated to a funeral (I think there was one in Naruto and Summertime Render was predicated around a funeral), but there are plenty of examples of household shrines to passed loved ones and annual graveyard visits; honoring or still grieving?

    To be clear, none of this applies to Zom100; everybody dies and nobody cares is the attitude I'm getting from that, but I can think of quite a few anime that handle death with an approximation of appropriate realistic weight.

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's what I found to be such a distraction to the series. It's badly written shonen after the first chapter. Terribly written.

    All the tonal mistakes it make, High School of the Dead never did, goofy ecchi aside.

    Cemetary visits and using the home altar is not the same as showing a decent depiction of grief. The characters are usually long over it, and it comes off as household routine.

    This is just flippant disregard for the lives of others, which sharply undermines the main point of the first episode.

  13. #13
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I guess I went into this anime expecting silly comedy, so it being more than that is already satisfying me enough to enjoy it, even though you're absolutely right how it treats the death of others without regard. I mean, does Akira even have family, if so, wtf.

    But the premise of this show is "Im free from work, now I can live!" and I just celebrate that so much <3

    Agreed that special events like going to a cemetery is not the same as reacting to immediate death. Really, what anime do a good job there, feel free to mention them if you know. I vividly remember watching Gantz for the first time and how I was upset when all the people waiting for the underground just watched as Kurono and Kei were trying to hoist a guy off the rails, and we got to hear their thoughts, like "omg, are they gonna die" with excitement, ugh.

    Although Western movies do the same shit, really. So many times a side character dies, hero is sad for a moment, then someone else says "we must proceed. we owe it to <dead character>", then hero nods and the story proceeds and everybody keeps making jokes again. blugh.

    That's why I always think: Using a characters death in a story AlWAYS needs to be done carefully, otherwise it will quickly make the viewer feel lik the heroes have a plot shield (they always do, but good stories make you feel like they don't) and it also makes you not give a shit about people dying in a story.

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  14. #14
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    I guess I went into this anime expecting silly comedy, so it being more than that is already satisfying me enough to enjoy it, even though you're absolutely right how it treats the death of others without regard. I mean, does Akira even have family, if so, wtf.
    He does. An item on his list is to spend more time with family.

    I caught up on this show, and it grates me the wrong way.

    -stylistically the rainbow blood took getting used to. I'm not a fan.
    -Utilities work for some reason, suggesting that government or organised society is still functional, but there's no organised effort to get rid of the zombies?
    -Raiding convenient stores freely with barely any survivors around, and those they see are all friendly - no bandits.
    -The MC just YOLOs and gets away with it.

    Overall it just feels like a poor setup. The MC gets the joy from being liberated from work (a necessity of modern society without AI/full automation) without suffering from any setbacks that a dystopian apocalypse brings.

    I enjoy the main girl and her pragmatic approach to all this though.

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  15. #15
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    -The MC just YOLOs and gets away with it.

    Overall it just feels like a poor setup. The MC gets the joy from being liberated from work (a necessity of modern society without AI/full automation) without suffering from any setbacks that a dystopian apocalypse brings.
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  16. #16
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think we should remember that this guy is insane. He was broken by his job. He feels free now and enjoys his life even with everyone dead because he is completely and utterly broken and bonkers. He survives due to luck and plot armor, but he is infesting everyone else around him with his craziness.
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  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    That is how I see him, but my issue is that Zom 100 implies that being crazy is the survival of the fittest in this situation, and that's just... irresponsible. A personal pet peeve.

  18. #18
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think one can argue being his specific brand of insane is perfect for an apocalypse scenario. It allows him to do crazy risky things that have good returns, like jumping that ramp with the bike. Others are too stressed about the situation and cannot think, while his broken mind allows him to be chill about it, and in turn more adaptable.
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  19. #19
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't know man. He also nearly trapped himself in a convenient store because he lured zombies to the entrance while thinking about beer.

    He did utilise quick thinking to perform the car jump, but main girl could have done the same as well.

    His behavior does give us something to watch, and does avoid the OP/too-knowledgeable protagonist thing.

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  20. #20
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    "Main girl" (is she "main", there's a girl in the opening that hasn't joined the group yet, which I'd consider "main girl" once she does) can do what MC can, but the difference is: He's having fun. She's stressed out to the max. Which approach is better I wonder.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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