Kana subdues herself professionally for the sake of the production, Akane subdues herself in real life. It does seem like Kana's approach is more professional and better for her mental health. However, she has had bad luck professionally, which led to a downward spiral. That being said, Japan is not a Western country. Over there, one is supposed to moderate their own behavior/individualism heavily for the sake of the society. On the other hand, showbiz is a dream factory, so the audience probably tries to find some escapism there, not just other people stuck in the same grind as they are. Who knows.

Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
Have you ever seen child actors from Hollywood? They all talk and behave like little adults, it's the most unlikeable, creepy shit ever.
Well, damn. I wouldn't have thought that's possible. I might say I'm glad I haven't seen such interviews with RL Hollywood child actors, then. In general, it doesn't really seem like the IQ of Hollywood actors would have been increasing of late, due to Hollywood caring more about political correctness and wokeness than the education of actors, but I suppose no matter the time, if you enter that world as a child, you need to be head and shoulders above your peers in certain ways. At least Epstein isn't there anymore to make them "mature" too fast in all the wrong ways.