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Thread: Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!

  1. #21
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Tanabe had a horrible start where he was interested in Tomo, then quickly changed target to Misuzu. I imagine most girls would see that as being rather ingenuine.

    "Will any girl do?" type of thing.
    Yet even that wasn't used to develop his character. I don't recall the manga would have done it either. He was just a character that possibly was intended to be developed along with the rest, but quickly abandoned and left as a background actor with the occasional but repeated foreground scenes that don't belong to extras, creating a very weak minor character. Maybe he wouldn't have looked so bad if the main characters and the real supporting characters weren't so strong.

  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The thing that makes him a bit wishy-washy I think is that he not only stuck around as a recurring character like any romcom, but they made him specifically interested in Misuzu and stuck with her - for no apparent reason other than because she didn't have a romantic interest. So yeah, it's like he didn't matter initially, then he became something slightly more by being around and hooked on Misuzu, but never became anything more after that. Even if they threw something in for the final ep, I'm not sure that it'd sound convincing.

    The pairing is actually more Carol/Misuzu, with Misaki only providing a penis whenever a male is required to be around (eg the dancing scene here).


    edit: Ah... just rewatched the Misuzu/Jun scene and realised I missed her reaction:
    Misuzu: was I your first love?
    Jun: No, you weren't.
    Misuzu: So I wasn't your first. BTW I never loved anyone.
    Jun: *leaves*

    Misuzu: happy at the fact that Jun did love her, even if she wasn't his first.

    And we know that Misuzu also did like Jun for a brief half a day until he made her do a Tour de France.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 03-23-2023 at 02:09 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #23
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 13


    Very much an epilogue-type episode where everything has already fallen into place and we're just seeing things play out. In that sense, this was a weaker episode in terms of surprises and enjoyment, in comedy even - but it felt conclusive.

    I'm glad they didn't shoehorn Misuzu into a relationship since that wouldn't have made sense.

    Overall, this was really good.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, this was a good final episode. It wasn't particularly grand, including the fight, but this was a romcom series, so how grand could it even be? This did, though, give a pretty good impression of what kind of romantic relationship Jun and Tomo will have. A nice twist was Gorou's reason for the whole challenge thing, which wasn't "I won't give my daughter to some snot-nosed boy" at all. After all, he actually likes Jun and has got nothing against him.

    I fully agree on Misuzu and her lack of romance. It wouldn't have fit her character, at least in the setting of a high school, so it's much better not to force it. She feels like the kind of person who will only get together with someone once she's already a working adult.

    A much better anime adaptation than I expected.

  5. #25
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Feel sad for Mizusu. Still a good ending, yeah. More than one could have hoped for, really. But it's okay to be over. No need for a s2.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Feel sad for Mizusu. Still a good ending, yeah. More than one could have hoped for, really. But it's okay to be over. No need for a s2.
    There's no more. The manga's finished. Events have been omitted, but the timeline has been adapted from start to finish.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #27
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    We even know Tomo will evolve to ressemble Junichiro's first love

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  8. #28
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Is this good?

  9. #29
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Is this good?
    Yes. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like romantic comedy then try it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #30
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    The VA cast is just full of geniuses.
    Megumin has crazy range.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Maybe it's because this isn't exactly textbook romcom.
    Let's see...

    Fireworks Festival
    Sports Festival
    Cultural Festival...with maid cafe and haunted house...

    Yep. Yep. Yuuuuup.......*sigh*...yup...
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 04-16-2023 at 11:58 PM.

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Let's see...

    Fireworks Festival
    Sports Festival
    Cultural Festival...with maid cafe and haunted house...

    Yep. Yep. Yuuuuup.......*sigh*...yup...
    I added the "exactly" for a reason. This is close enough, for sure, but in my opinion, although I'm hardly the greatest consumer of romcoms, this had enough other elements to make this not exactly a textbook one. The characters themselves have more quirks than in the more stale examples, where you will utterly forget pretty much the whole cast after taking a break of some length from the series. Furthermore, it's not the core theme in most romcoms that the FMC must struggle to make the MMC look at her like she's a woman, not just another "male" buddy. Not that an old childhood friend being revealed later in time to be a girl would be a novel idea as such.

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Agreed. It hits the same 'doki doki' story beats as most rom coms, but the underlying character dynamics and personalities felt fresh because they were put to better use than just inserting them into the same tired old events. The events themselves weren't the point.

    Clearly they weren't as fresh or entertaining for Darth.

  13. #33
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I added the "exactly" for a reason.
    Well sure. The big changeup here was we started in the spring. So the fireworks festival was in the middle of the season instead of the last episode. What a rollercoaster!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    although I'm hardly the greatest consumer of romcoms
    I only really started watching them with Love Is War. And since then, any time I try one, it follows this exact formula. Like, it's just as bad as isekai in that regard.

    I don't know why I keep letting Mother's Basement trick me into thinking these are worth my time. A couple really likeable characters can only do so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Clearly they weren't as fresh or entertaining for Darth.
    Tomo is entertaining. But no, I did not find the show "fresh".

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