Chainsaw Man

"Chainsaw Man follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who after making a contract with a dog-like devil named Pochita, he fuses with Denji, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji eventually joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency focused on fighting against devils whenever they become a threat to the world. "

Episode 1

Uhm... lol, for some reason I actually cried when The doggo-demon sacrificed himself for him.
I have no idea why that short bit was already so touching for me.
Maybe because I love dogs and I think that the poor/homless guy and his loyal dog "trope" is just too beautiful. Doesn't matter if it's anime or real.
Giving up the little wealth you have to feed your best buddy, an animal just hits me right in the feels.

Great episode imho. Seems interesting, sounds interesting, I hope it will remain that way.
Did expect alot and got a lot.