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Thread: Chainsaw Man

  1. #161
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Killed millions in less than 5 minutes. Feels more like thermonuclear bomb devil...

    Ok the bits he loses are bullets, so the naming is logical from that angle.

    But the way the house was blasted, felt more like a bomb honestly.

    Makima knows how to work Denji, don't know if she's a devil but she acts like one haha

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #162
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Killed millions in less than 5 minutes. Feels more like thermonuclear bomb devil...

    Ok the bits he loses are bullets, so the naming is logical from that angle.

    But the way the house was blasted, felt more like a bomb honestly.

    Makima knows how to work Denji, don't know if she's a devil but she acts like one haha
    Tactical nuclear weapons have been used as gun ammunition. There's no fundamental reason why even heavier payloads couldn't be sent on their way that way, but it's not convenient compared to bombs and missiles, especially since the artillery piece would be unwieldy. However, that's hardly a problem for a devil.

    Denji is the perfect underling for Makima. All of her tricks work on him 90-100%. I'll leave the margin of 10% aside because Makima is obviously intelligent, while Denji is about as smart as a rubber boot, so there's always a chance for simple miscommunication between them, plus intelligent people often can't imagine all the idiotic things fools might suddenly pull off.

    The writing is pretty good in this show, I have to admit that. I have certain extra respect for stories that have good writing for stupid stuff. I know I wouldn't be capable of it, so I respect it more than I would just the usual kind of good writing.

  3. #163
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I need to say: After a rather bad 1st episode, this is now my favorite anime of the season (although Fumetsu no Anata e Season 2 still has a chance). The pacing is so nice and there are zero boring scenes. Everything is interesting.

    Before I forget the question: Gun devil, ghost devil, ok. But ... what happens when these are killed? Do guns vanish from the world? Or is the gun devil just reborn? What's the deal?

    I must say I loved boob touching scenes. Not for being horny myself. But rather, unlike ANY other anime, they didn't just go for pervy humor or shock value or anything. Nah, they went through with it 100% seriously, and, oh the surprise, turns out grabbing some random boobs isn't all that. And personally I agree with that. But fictional media, anime especially, always make boobs into this uber sexual dream fantasy ... that Denji also shared. Seeing his disappointment felt SO refreshing.

    Even better then when he got to touch his leader's boob and more. It was such a good scene that really transported the message here: Sexual stuff can be amazing, but only if you're truly into it. And it also feels a bit like a 4th wall jab at all other anime who keep teasing ecchi stuff. Here it's like "so what?". And that's it. Good.

    The gun devil flashback with the little brother in the house vanishing in an instant was brutal. I assume the gun devil will be some late-story villain.

    Only bs I have to call: Does this anime really want to claim that widespread gun violence didn't exist prior to 9/11? lol

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #164
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Denji lost and gained a new 'goal' of physical fulfillment.

    We have some end-game devil and Aki backstory. Eyepatch senpai has apparently been there longer in spite of this seeming to be Aki's squad. Denji now (thinks he) has some elevated defense against lewdness, but is still just as thirsty, given the opportunity in a great introduction scene to the rest of unit 4.

    Then we have the actual horror of the looping hotel.

    Great episode; CSM is finally hitting its stride.

  5. #165
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Only bs I have to call: Does this anime really want to claim that widespread gun violence didn't exist prior to 9/11? lol
    That's not what it said.

    The Gun Devil was born after 9/11. 9/11 was the threshold at which fear peaked, not violence.

    Violence can increase, but when no one gives a shit or when no one is aware of it, the devil's power does not follow.

    Lots of good scenes this episode:
    -Denji being disillusioned, then being reignited.
    -Power losing her charm over Denji and losing in effective power.
    -The scene where the duo found Aki "easy" to manimpulate for snacks, while I'm sure he's seeing them as easy to manipulate with snacks.

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  6. #166
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    That's not what it said.

    The Gun Devil was born after 9/11. 9/11 was the threshold at which fear peaked, not violence.

    Violence can increase, but when no one gives a shit or when no one is aware of it, the devil's power does not follow.
    But the point is gun violence and fear of gun violence has ZERO connection to 9/11.

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  7. #167
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So who could possibly be stronger than a Gun Devil?

    Existential Dread Devil?

  8. #168
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    So who could possibly be stronger than a Gun Devil?

    Existential Dread Devil?
    Dumb/Idiot Devil would top anything else by far. After all Denji seems to be quite OP hahaha

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  9. #169
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    But the point is gun violence and fear of gun violence has ZERO connection to 9/11.
    9/11 is not caused by guns, I agree with that.

    9/11 rousing fear of terrorism finally hitting home, which is often pictured as crazies with guns? Plausible.

    It's the fear of guns that creates/powers this devil, not the use of guns itself.

    Again, answering the original question of
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Does this anime really want to claim that widespread gun violence didn't exist prior to 9/11? lo
    No, I don't think it's wanting to claim that widespread gun violence didn't exist prior to 9/11. Now, why didn't the Gun Devil appear during WW2? I have no idea. Surely guns were scary then.

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  10. #170
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You guys are too focused on the 9/11. The history is different from our world's. The episode said that even before 9/11, gun manufacturers/gun dealers were trying to profit by marketing guns as a countermeasure to devils. Perhaps we can assume gun laws in various countries were also affected, to be more relaxed (compared to our reality) so that folks could defend themselves from the devils/fiends that could lurk anywhere. However, this also, apparently, created a situation where not only criminals had more guns, but gunfights in general were commonplace. It's easy to imagine, in fact, if every joe has a gun and any sudden movement in the shadow of night could be interpreted as a devil or weirdly acting person could be suspected to be a fiend. There would be a whole lot people who shoot first, inspect later. That would certainly increase the fear of guns.

  11. #171
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    So who could possibly be stronger than a Gun Devil?

    Existential Dread Devil?

    Sex Devil

    Meaning of Life Devil

    Grievance Devil

    Envy Devil

    And then a whole slew of elementals: Water Devil, Air Devil, Fire Devil, etc.

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  12. #172
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Fear makes devils stronger. Guns are highly feared. Generally speaking simply Death Devil could be stronger, but maybe that's too abstract for a devil to be born out of? A Disease Devil could be horrifying, perhaps a more specific one, like Cancer Devil. However, as bad they could be, they wouldn't necessarily kill you immediately like Gun Devil, so they could possibly be destroyed before they caused a horrific amount of damage. It could be funny to see some technically powerful devils based on very concrete and powerful fears, such as Unemployment Devil. What would the fight against it be like, haha. Also kind of abstract, but still easy to imagine would be Hunger Devil. We have already seen it a long time ago in Elder Scrolls... It probably wouldn't appear in any developed country, though.

  13. #173
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Sex Devil

    Meaning of Life Devil

    Grievance Devil

    Envy Devil

    And then a whole slew of elementals: Water Devil, Air Devil, Fire Devil, etc.
    I think you missed the part where a devils power is based on how frightened people are of the devils thing.

    You think people are more scared of envy than guns?

  14. #174
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I think you missed the part where a devils power is based on how frightened people are of the devils thing.

    You think people are more scared of envy than guns?
    Ok, you picked the one from my list that might not fit. Congrats?

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  15. #175
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    You fear sex, the meaning of life, and grief?

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  16. #176
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    You fear sex, the meaning of life, and grief?

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  17. #177
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I fear grief, but so do most humans. However, fearing sex and the meaning of life is something I would talk to my therapist about (not a judgment but sincere opinion trying to be helpful).
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  18. #178
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I fear grief, but so do most humans. However, fearing sex and the meaning of life is something I would talk to my therapist about (not a judgment but sincere opinion trying to be helpful).
    I am in therapy because of my depression caused by my fear of the meaning of life or rather, not knowing what it could be or even realizing that there is none.

    As for sex, I think quite a lot of people have all sorts of insecurities that they're afraid of. Just think about all the women who are worried about boob size or men worried about dick size. Fear of impotence. Fear of not being able to get pregnant. Fear of undressing before someone else. Fear of the first time. Fear of STDs. And so on. Lots of stuff to fear about sex.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #179
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I feel like the majority of people would still feel more positive about sex than negative. Otherwise our species would be extinct already. I reckon the minority having issues with it, to the point of having been brutally raped at some point, might not be enough to create a truly deadly devil. Also, a fear of STDs might not directly contribute to Sex Devil's strength. It's not the act of sex folks are afraid of but specifically the partner being diseased. Impotence or having been raped before would, in my opinion, contribute more to Sex Devil's strength directly, although I guess there could be Devil of Impotence separately as well. No man would want to face it, but fortunately there are female devil hunters, probably less affected by it.

  20. #180
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Existential dread and sex are topics too broad to easily clump together into one devil. The other devils are much simpler, like bat, worm, gun, blood, chainsaw. I don't think complex ideas can become devils due to how differently interpretations can be, and therefore much harder to be a clear target of fear from the populace.
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