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He wasn't in the right mind to even consider his situation. He knew he died for a fact, getting torn into pieces, yet somehow he came back to life, perfectly healthy, and it seemed like his only friend and ally in the world sacrificed itself for him. He jumped up because it was the natural reaction in his shock. In other words, he wasn't thinking about anything. He only, again, became aware of the zombies when they noticed him and the demon told the zombies to eat him.
Because he clearly isn't the sharpest tooth in a chainsaw chain. There are a lot of people in this world who aren't as smart as they could be under different circumstances. And then there are just people who were born stupid due to their genes. It's possible his background made him grow up with insufficient nutrients and he's lacking education as well.
They clearly are normal in that world. So normal there's a government agency established to get rid of them, but there's also a black market trading demon organs.
Because he asked? And she sees potential in him. Or at least I hope so. If your job was killing demons and you came upon a person highly competent in that trade but possibly not yet employed, wouldn't you try to recruit such a person?