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Thread: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (TV)

  1. #101
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't believe this anime. Miorine backstabbing Suletta, for seriously? Surely in some twist she'll actually have done it all to help Suletta. :/

    And by god, I hate Suletta so much. Every scene with her is insufferable. Seeing her suffer a bit now was very satisfying.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #102
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Surely in some twist she'll actually have done it all to help Suletta. :/
    Dude that's the whole point here.

    Minorine did it so she doesn't have to pilot Ariel, murder people and be her mum's puppet.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #103
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 18


    Kinda interesting seeing the mascot Gundam doing a heel turn. It's been known for a while that Eri doesn't want Suletta involved in their revenge plot, but they both fully abandoned her. The intentions are pure for Suletta's sake, but they're also both about to do significant evil by my guess.

    Elnora was visibly annoyed that Miorine didn't want to bring any weapons nor show a big display of force, "to start the negotiations on equal footing." She was basically stringing Miorine along the entire time about almost every other part of this episode, manipulating Miorine into doing everything exactly like she wanted. But she was not happy Miorine intended to do the negotiations truly diplomatically.

    If Aerial can control other mobile suits at Permet Score 8 or above, which she can now do on her own without Suletta, this means that the honor guard that Miorine ultimately brought along are probably doomed to be part of some Geass-type involuntary slaughter of civilians.

  4. #104
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What I got from this is that Suletta herself is not resistant to Data Storms. Eri is shielding her from it, and Eri can choose not to at any point. It also means that Suletta won't necessarily by any good at piloting other Gundams.

    What doesn't quite make sense is why unlocking Permet Score 8 once allows Eri to do it on her own.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #105
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 22


    No real surprises over the past few episodes, though the Assembly League seems to have popped up out of nowhere. They've just been sitting on their asses while all the other shit's been happening on Earth, and didn't intervene when the terrorist attacks happened earlier in the series?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #106
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The witch broom attachment on Caliban Gundam is a little too on the nose. It's fine that it is a supplemental thruster for the most part, but feels a bit more G Gundam than Ad Stella.

    I also would have liked if they stepped away from whatever bullshit they have going on to somehow get through the data storm around and abandoned Permet-powered systems and planned a proper manual space docking in the style of Planetes or the real world Soyuz T-13 mission (or even the one a few days ago).
    (edit: I guess that is what they're actually going to do. Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Ship is the little round barrel they're all sitting in)

    The series has gotten really rushed the last few episodes, and it could have benefitted from another half-season or so. They could have spent a few minutes teasing out how Sulleta is able to communicate with Caliban without it killing her. The fencing duel was also very stupid. I get the Char/Amuro & Utena callback again, but there's no reason for Suletta to know how to fence at all. Would have been better served with either a VR battle, or a Build Fighters battle.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 06-20-2023 at 09:29 AM.

  7. #107
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 23


    Okay, I take it back, the witch broom Gundam is pretty badass, especially in the updated OP. Considering she spend most of the time slicing people apart with bits, Suletta is god-tier at dodging laser fire.

    The giant beam weapon was also nicely done. I'm a big fan of showing off the blinding bloom properly instead of some discrete beam with confined edges when they're that powerful.

    Felsi was the real star of the episode though.

  8. #108
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I couldn't figure out why Suletta's mum had a red face. As far as we know, Quiet Zero didn't turn into a Gundam or emit particles within the facility. No one else seemed visibly affected.

    Felsi calling them out was refreshing. She looked like she was shooting sealants to stop any cabin decompression, as opposed to shooting flame retardant, but Guel's suit was intact so he would have survived anything but an explosion anyway.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #109
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Elnora appears to have injected herself with a Permet tattoo, possibly as a means to talk to Eri.

  10. #110
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Just watched 23.

    Hated it so much.

    - Fucking Miorine gets to talk big again. The only reason I keep watching is to see at long last be humiliated, ridiculed and punished for all her spoon-fed, privileged arrogancy. But no, now she gets to be heroic hacker who can even counter the mother's hacking skills. And then she has the audacity to hold a little speech to her. I swear, if Miorine doesn't find gruesome fate in the last episode ...

    - Fucking Ericht is being portrayed as a hero, too, because of some out-of-nowhere "enemy". Can we keep in mind that Ericht just killled thousands of people, and all for her and her's only, just so she has a place to live. This asshole couldn't for one second think "hm, maybe finding a place for ME is not worth killing OTHER PEOPLE". But no, Ericht did it anyway. And now they want me to feel for her, just because she blocks a laser beam? Screw her.

    Going into the final episode with very low expectations. Either Miorine will win or she'll get a heroic death, but surely not what she deserves. Stuck-up escort bitch.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #111
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 24:

    As feared, Miorine gets to triumph agian. Sigh. Worst character ever, even worse than Suletta.

    The ending was too "cute", too. Most importantly, it's ridiculous how everything was done by children, even at the end, we only see children doing stuff.

    Don't make a mistake, this is not comparable to Iron Blooded Orphans where it was children, too. But there, we have children who were work slaves on some distant, shitty planet who were forced into battle from the beginning. In Suisei Majo, the children simply do company work and politics and that's ridiculous. I guess 12 year olds watching this might like how children run everything, but from a plausibility's pov, it's pure bs.

    Definitely the worst Gundam-series I've seen yet.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #112
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah...the last few episodes and the 2nd cour as a whole kinda ruined the first.

    Horribly rushed, many plot threads dropped, others needlessly inserted (Lauda fighting Guel, though the fight was pretty good), and the SAL are the worst developed villain for a franchise of this size in a long, long time.

    I do hope they return to the setting though, I found Ad Stella quite interesting. There's hints they might, what with the lines about the Spacians trying to claw back control of the holdings that were transferred to Earth already. Gundam tech will also advance, and hopefully be less harmful to pilots in the long run.

    Be mindful on claiming it was "all done by children," when that's not true. The adults were waiting in the wings to evacuate the students if they failed their endeavor and switch over to an extremely bloody war. Just like the first season, there was a ton going on in the fringes that indicated that Miorine and crew were being given a chance to act in their parent's stead, but if things up-ended, they were going to be politely removed from the board by adults. I fail to see how what they did here is any different from any other teen protagonist series in any anime.

    The whole thing is still a reference to The Tempest and it somehow having a "everyone wins," ending despite the atrocious things going on during the play.

    I did smirk at the self-awareness of Miorine's line to Ericht on how the hell she could even exist. Come on, that's good.

    Worst ever? No. That still belongs to AGE.

    You may not like WfM, but it was extremely popular in Japan and, "redeemed the Gundam IP," according to Japanese viewers. It served its purpose.

    Maybe we'll get something better when Sunrise takes over Macross, because Studio Nue sure can't manage anything decent anymore, and it is another franchise deeply in need of redemption. We haven't had anything good since the first two Frontier movies.

    Fun fact though! Suletta has the lowest kill-count of any Gundam lead character. Just one.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 07-03-2023 at 02:38 PM.

  13. #113
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Eh, I can't agree with your "adults were just waiting to intervene" when an entire fleet with thousands of people was annihilated, plus all the victims at the school station. And the ending showed all those kids managing things, whether it's Miorine or Guel or his thicc secretary. The out-of-nowhere "villain" with he massive orbital laser beam was adult, too, ofc. All in all, this anime gave me Persona 5-vibes, "all adults are evil/incompetent" and that's just dumb imo. Again, Iron Blooded Orphans did it so much better, yes, child heroes, but there were plenty of equally competent adults, too.

    Agreed with your speculation about a sequel series, some parts at the end definitely felt like a setup for a future follow-up story.

    Haven't seen AGE yet, I'm super slowly working myself through the entirety of Gundam, a little over halfway in the first Gundam-anime lol (I have previously watched several newer Gundam-anime, though).

    Honestly, I'd like if the next Gundam focuses on some simple, regular pilot with a lowly mechanic-background who finds himself flung into bigger events. No "children only", no dumb yuri-drama, no "politics in the background", just an honest story about a becoming-a-hero protagonist using a not-special Gundam to make do in tough times and building a loyal group of friends and supporters as the show goes on. Gimme pls.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #114
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Honestly, I'd like if the next Gundam focuses on some simple, regular pilot with a lowly mechanic-background who finds himself flung into bigger events. No "children only", no dumb yuri-drama, no "politics in the background", just an honest story about a becoming-a-hero protagonist using a not-special Gundam to make do in tough times and building a loyal group of friends and supporters as the show goes on. Gimme pls.
    That's Macross (well, not Delta but Delta sucks) and debatably TTGL.

    Geass violates most of those rules. Every Gundam does. As does 86, Gunbuster, FMP, Break Blade, and Mazinkaiser.

  15. #115
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    That's Macross (well, not Delta but Delta sucks) and debatably TTGL.

    Geass violates most of those rules. Every Gundam does. As does 86, Gunbuster, FMP, Break Blade, and Mazinkaiser.
    Well, guess I should check out Macross then. I only watched one of the newer Macrossa-anime, with that green-haired girl and the pink-haired girl who both were singers.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #116
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    No "children only", no dumb yuri-drama, no "politics in the background", just an honest story about a becoming-a-hero protagonist using a not-special Gundam to make do in tough times and building a loyal group of friends and supporters as the show goes on. Gimme pls.
    8th MS Team isn't new, but if you're getting through Gundam in release order then it'd be one that you haven't seen.

    Well, guess I should check out Macross then. I only watched one of the newer Macrossa-anime, with that green-haired girl and the pink-haired girl who both were singers.
    That's Frontier.

    I had to turn off my brain for the end of Witch of Mercury. Some stuff just didn't click or make sense. I think I liked the middle aspect of this the most - around when the first terrorist attack happened.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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