Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
I'm quite impressed at Suletta's logic. It's true that everything her mother's advised her to do so far has worked out, and given that she acknowledges that she knows a lot less, she's accepting her mother's guidance 100% right now even if it means murder. Hard to argue with 100% success rate from her perspective.
Nah, Suletta is warped very badly by Elnora, and Miorine caught on immediately. They've established across the last few episodes that while Elnora has two daughters...she's mostly focused on her first. Suletta is a means to an end, and it's becoming more clear that Elnora is grooming Suletta to be the trigger for Quiet Zero and her revenge. Probably sacrificially. The first daughter she loves, but the second daughter, she raised to OBEY. Suletta has led a very isolated and dangerous life if you read the prologue short story from Ericht's perspective on their website. Suletta has been piloting Aerial since she was a very small child. She's good at it because she never once thinks about herself, she just implicitly trusts the people close to her. She never realizes when she's being lied to. Also seen with the way she interacts with the three Elans.

Eri cares for Suletta. Eri does still want revenge along with her mother. But Eri does not want Suletta to pay the price for that "Circle of Sin."

I don't get why Elan is going to report the tech. The only thing she's hidden is perhaps her origin. Her actual work on experimental humans and gundams is obvious. Of course they would have read between the lines and knew of her connection to the original Vanadis Institute.

Eri going GTFO was pretty cool. I wonder if Suletta gets to visualise Eri as well - so far I've assumed it was just voices.
Elan is a fucking idiot for thinking it is a good idea to run off and tattle on Bel because he was upset about how the attempted hijacking went. Bel's modifications to his body almost certainly saved his life.

Eri's Cosmic Horror encounter with him should have killed him.

I don't think she was playing around, since she knew his intentions from the moment he tried to sync. He pushed in anyway, and she responded. Eri pushed his body well beyond the point that the other gundams killed Sophie or even Eri's own father. Easily well past Permet Score 4. We know that Suletta can handle Score 8 or more, but most people used to die at Score 3. Sophie and Norea were trained to handle Score 3 routinely, and Score 4 for a matter of seconds to override the Antitode systems, but it nearly kills them doing it and they have to pull back immediately to recover.