I tried to ignore it the last time, but agreed, media in general has a misconception about how loud gunshots are. I tried to rationalize it from the perspective of maybe the Alan Institute gave him some additional hardware parts too like Chisato, maybe even after she blew out his eardrums 10 years ago, and whatever aural implants he's got level it out.
The animation was a little worse overall, but also had some nice details, particularly the parts where Chisato was climbing the wreckage and when she almost fell off it just barging through the door.Did the animation become shit this episode? The action was choppy, and a lot of the art was shoddy. Are they saving money for the next one, which I assume is the climax?
Hubris.Why is the Lycoris organization so inept? How can they be fucked over so many times by Majima and one hacker? How did they not even think Majima would bomb them AGAIN? Did no one really wonder why the fuck vacuums were just running around during a shootout? My first thought upon seeing one was "oh bombs again."
At least we know what the backpack inflatables are for that we see in the OP. That was pretty cool to see. Fuki, Sakura, and the redhead got theirs off in time, but I'd guess the other squads are pretty much done.
I guess Sakura isn't nearly as stupid as she comes off. She was the first to realize it and her first reaction was to direct the others even before she warned them why.