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Thread: Birdie Wing: Golf Girls` Story

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Right. Golf Mafia plays dirty, so don't play for them.

    Play because you want to mentally destroy your opponents on tour tournaments. Not hustling.

    Aoi taught Eve that the game itself is challenging and fun, you don't need to have your actual life on the line to play like it is.

  2. #22
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Technology leaped while I was sleeping.
    a 278y drive is not impossible for a 15 years old male with no wind and on flat ground.
    For a female the same age you need help from the slope/wind/elevation.
    We're talking top 5 LPGA distance here. So you need to develop your body and technique to get there. A U15 girl probably isn't there yet.
    This is not a rant, just giving some context to the shonen part :-)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    a 278y drive is not impossible for a 15 years old male with no wind and on flat ground.
    For a female the same age you need help from the slope/wind/elevation.
    We're talking top 5 LPGA distance here. So you need to develop your body and technique to get there. A U15 girl probably isn't there yet.
    This is not a rant, just giving some context to the shonen part :-)
    Yeah, I looked it up as well, because I had no context, but it does make sense why Golf Balalaika fainted when it happened.

    Eve's whole technique is very Happy Gilmore.

  4. #24
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Happy gilmore and with highheeled boots, haha.
    A little detail:
    a slice is for a player playing right handed, a trajectory that misses the target line (a lot usually) to the right.
    a fade is similar to the slice, but is on the target line.
    I'd qualify Eve's traj as a fade, even if you could say it's a controlled slice because of the large curve.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 8

    I love this stupid show.

  6. #26
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I think I will like it more in a highschool/golf course setting, than in that mafia setting we've had till now.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    ...I was hoping she was a part of some government shuttered super golf soldier project that went too far in the pursuit of golf perfection... What we got wasn't much less stupid, I'm glad to report. That one handed drive almost gave me a stroke of my own! Love it.

    I'm glad she got to talk to her master one more time before she had to pay the putter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Right. Golf Mafia plays dirty, so don't play for them.
    Looks like, in this instance, crime did pay quite handsomely for our girls.

  8. #28
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wherein Eve finds a new chipper caddy for herself, has to look up her own new name in her passport, and is startled to realize that she knows how to speak Japanese.

    The mystery of her past deepens!

    I do kinda like that Ichina loathes the idea of being Misono's caddy. It's nice that she's upfront and brutally honest that Misono is arrogant and not really capable of meeting Ichina's potential, since Ichina is apparently quite the rival of Aoi's secretary Amane.

    The club juniors being forced to cheer on their senior's hits feels oppressive. Makes me long for the stark and critical, but ultimately supportive, attitude of Fate/Stay's kyudo club. The president comes off as a total bitch too.

    Heh, Aoi has developed a weird complex and its even affecting her golf.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Well, introducing a caddie was a surprising development (didn't think Eve needed one). Their only commonality is the appreciation for aggressive golf, which I remain amused to imagine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    and is startled to realize that she knows how to speak Japanese.

    The mystery of her past deepens!
    Really glad you mentioned that, because it went totally over my head. I honestly thought that the show was breaking the fourth wall when she said that at the camera (I forgot Eve was an amnesiac), folding into its own lunacy. This makes more sense and is much less slipshod storytelling.

    Eve seems to be fully blooming into a shounen protagonist now, with her nude declarations of war in the bath and saying she 'loves this king of thing' when the club senpai offers a wager to let her see someone at the school. She is far from the angsty teen she was... two episodes ago.

    Misono is attractive; I mean distractingly so. Maybe I'm ousting myself, buy why is her character design so much more... cute than either of the leads? Is it just me? I hope she sticks around for a bit.

    Power levels are wobbly right now, but not in a bad way. I look forward to seeing where everybody in this new expanded cast stands in the multitude of friendly matches to come.

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Misono is attractive; I mean distractingly so. Maybe I'm ousting myself, buy why is her character design so much more... cute than either of the leads? Is it just me? I hope she sticks around for a bit.
    Lily is my favorite character design from this series, not in terms of attractiveness. Overall design.

    Comprehensively, she's really well-rounded in terms of character design carrying through her character, or vice versa. Her design comes off young (which she is), a little overly immodest in her clothing choices (she is actually the least-dressed character, which connects to her former profession that she shared with Klein), but also perky and a bit of a tomboy (carrying through her love of gunpla kits), and mischievous (since she was Eve's handler and arranged all the matches and gigs). Her design is simple, and hits all those points. The story filled in all the aspects as we went.

    But Eve is a close second. Third was Anri (Rose's punk street hustler).

    Aoi is generic ojousama. The rest of the cast is meh, but they all have great voice actors.

    I do like Eve's outfit in the ED best out of all the golfing outfits. Same with what Rose and Anri set her up with for that single day event. If we're going for attractiveness, Eve's VR catgirl all the way. It suits her, and the VR clerk in Nafrece knew it after talking to Eve for a couple seconds.

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Not following the point of the girl's date/night out montage. I know she's apparently no social butterfly... until she is, so what was the point of spending so much time with barely-named characters we may never see again? Just to see the Caddie be jealous?

    A high stakes putt-off? Okay. I'm game.

    This is the first time Eve's belligerent 'don't got time for anything but my objectives' came off as just... stupid. Eve, you're here to play golf with one person who makes you enjoy playing golf... it really didn't cross your mind that anyone else might also be fun to play against? Is it so hard to join a golf club and do the thing you like all the time when you spent your illicit fortune coming to Japan in the first place for a single match? How short sighted can she be? Good thing she had handlers until now, or she would have likely been sold off into golf-related prostitution given how poorly she handles basic interactions.

    They really are also playing up the strength of the 'bullets' as mostly a mental thing in throwing off perfectly good players. Its a nice angle where we get to see each player's reaction to the ogre-worthy clubbing Eve always gives.

  12. #32
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post

    Not following the point of the girl's date/night out montage. I know she's apparently no social butterfly... until she is, so what was the point of spending so much time with barely-named characters we may never see again? Just to see the Caddie be jealous?
    The scene was set up with Ichina saying that once Eve joins the golf club, she can go to the dorms and have food, and all that other stuff, claiming that Eve really had no place to go (which is kind of true). Eve counters her challenge by immediately going to seduce a few girls, proving that she can make a place for herself to go any time she wants. All the food and entertainment she wants in an evening. I suppose it was meant to imply that Eve didn't have a home or family to go back to in Japan...except that the writers and storyboarders seem to have forgotten that Eve is already Ichina's roommate, and they live in the dorms together (and we learned Eve always sleeps fully naked). The discussion and outing felt out of sequence, like it should have been in the previous episode, or maybe even before Eve enrolled in the school.

    This is the first time Eve's belligerent 'don't got time for anything but my objectives' came off as just... stupid. Eve, you're here to play golf with one person who makes you enjoy playing golf... it really didn't cross your mind that anyone else might also be fun to play against? Is it so hard to join a golf club and do the thing you like all the time when you spent your illicit fortune coming to Japan in the first place for a single match? How short sighted can she be? Good thing she had handlers until now, or she would have likely been sold off into golf-related prostitution given how poorly she handles basic interactions.
    I think it is a reasonable expectation for Eve to believe everyone else in Japan is trash at golf. She beats European players routinely, she beats adult men routinely, she can defeat many pro Underground golfers, she can outshoot an adult pro she was impersonating. The only person she cares about is an all-around golf prodigy.

    Aoi has the same problem. She has no one else good to play against in Japan, or worldwide.

    Or so they both think.

    The interesting thing about sports like golf, tennis, or boxing, is that there can always be someone a little better than you on any given day. They can be unbeatable on an otherwise unassuming day. Aoi plays "perfect" golf, but she was running out of enthusiasm before she met Eve. Eve destroys mentally weak opponents, but doesn't face a lot of mentally strong ones like Kaoruko.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 06-10-2022 at 04:52 PM.

  13. #33
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    We've also been told Eve stands no chance against that golf club president.
    Like in most sports, men outperform women.
    But in golf there's a surprise: putting. You'd think men and women should have the same chances as there's no athletism involved
    But for some reason men still have the edge.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #34
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    We've also been told Eve stands no chance against that golf club president.
    Like in most sports, men outperform women.
    But in golf there's a surprise: putting. You'd think men and women should have the same chances as there's no athletism involved
    But for some reason men still have the edge.
    The Coach? I thought that was a nice touch actually. The anime has been portraying Eve and Aoi as these amazing golfers, and yeah, Eve can beat men who gamble against her. But the series admitted with absolutely no hesitation or concessions that Eve has zero chance against a male pro like the school's coach, a nice injection of realism.

    That's an interesting fact about putting, I'd never even considered it. So of course I did some quick research to learn more!
    Golf Digest's article here seems to suggest it is because pro-golfer women don't practice putting, and get bad at it over time compared to junior leagues where the skill levels are more evened out. Women are more concerned about beating each other to the green rather than beating each other on the green. They end up focusing on fairway accuracy and their drives instead (like Aoi and Eve respectively). The ones that set aside time to practice the skill specifically begin to dominate their competitors in the collegiate and LPGA.

    So maybe the ace putting girl is more competition for Eve than she realizes. She just needs to work on resisting Eve's hustling skills that crush the confidence of her opponents. There's no backstops for Eve to use on a real course.

  15. #35
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Surprised that the captain's 'weed inferiority' complex was allowed to play out and she had to abandon her dreams to push Eve forward, if I'm understanding this correctly. While she wasn't necessarily a memorable character (by design), her rushed background story felt like wasted potential to have Eve's boorish golf perhaps make a positive impact on someone else's life. Instead, we have our power pair preparing for the tournament arc. Also, another good montage for the books, but no technical skills were expounded upon, only some philosophical and hypothetical practicals which I'm sure will be useful, but it really is/was looking like Eve is the inferior golfer by two training montages... as a unit of measurement.

  16. #36
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I didn't take it as Eve being worse at golf, but Eve plays a very dangerous style.

    Eve will either make it farther than anyone, and take her reckless shots hitting the pin directly or ricocheting off of berms, but every stroke she takes is All or Nothing. She has never needed to develop a game sense for when things aren't entirely under her control or how to recover from accidents.

    This was made evident when Ichina needed to save her at mini-golf. The club president drummed into Eve how she might have to play in non-optimum conditions. Eve can already do trick shots and things like that, but she needed more experience in an environment with actual rules. Eve's particular play requires her to go first as well, in order to ruin her opponents' concentration. That's why it didn't work on Rose, and they've introduced characters who specifically play very Zen like, and Eve will struggle to perturb.

    The President might not be a phenomenal golfer, but she does make a pretty good coach.

    This really has a lot of parallels to Happy Gilmore, and thinking about that makes me laugh.

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I seem to recall Rose evaluating that Eve is actually fairly poor at regular golf in that her style has many weaknesses (which I inferred more than was said), like a house of cards: impressive outwardly, but prone to tumbling down when pressured. She didn't even know how to put spin on the ball. Like you said, her style has drawbacks, and I think evolving her play beyond "shoot straight at the pin" is going to be the fun growth of this story, or it won't and we'll get more outrageous bank or trick shots which might become one note.

    I am most excited to see her style deconstructed by better players; Eve has been an overdog for too long.

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Man, Eve really can be embarrassing to watch, in a chunni kind of way. Don't get me wrong, she remains a captivating presence on the screen (wow that outfit), but she would be right at home on a pay-per-view wrestling roster with how she conducts herself and her general lack of social decorum.

    So this girl is the next mid-boss, if the OP is anything to go by. At least the format of alternating strokes with Aoi should give this face off a unique texture.

    It still amuses me just how serious all of these rich people are taking high school golf. Commandeering magazine articles, starting tournaments to promote family members, holding strategy meetings going over qualifier results in the most dramatic ways possible; never stop being anime you, anime.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This is the only series this season that I definitely want a sequel for. The dynamic of Eve and Aoi oddly flirting in a non-romantic way (at least from Eve's perspective) while constantly challenging each other to get better at golf. Eve consciously and actively irritating and destroying her opponents and Aoi crushing them while being intensely oblivious (because she is obsessively focused on Eve).

    Also, Eve got some Bogeys!

    Hopefully they announce a 2nd cour at the end of the next episode.

    I enjoyed Amane and Ichina fighting (and Ichina getting some recognition with an instantly regretted high-five), the club President confirming to her entire club that the coach is her property, and Lily being upset that Eve sent her an ancient and basic gunpla and not a Master Grade.

  20. #40
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Back to the minigolf scene some eps ago: putting a dent in a minigolf matt is impossible. Like the ball, everything has to last a very long time and will be replaced well after it should have. So the matt is heavy duty stuff that will not get marked by a chip/pitch shot.

    Never heard the terms slice/hook used for putting. I get the idea, so why not.

    Also, everything Ryll said.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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