Wed, 12-10-2003, 02:05 AM
use your story skills guys!!
i think neji will almost beat the kidoumaru my pulling himself towards him and using jyukan, but orochimaru will also have taught him the hyuuga curse seal activation technique somehow and neji will be in a bad situation, but somehow, he uses his remaining chakra to detonate a huge chakra wave and he kills the kidoumaru but also depletes all his chakra and slowly dies, and you see his mark fade away and the last thing he sees is a bird flying!!
Wed, 12-10-2003, 02:56 AM
I'm thinking that they're all going to win but be very wounded except Naruto. Kiba deals with the last of the Sound Nins while Kabuto arrives. Kiba wins but is wounded badly. Kabuto and Naruto start a fight and Naruto has to go full out (with as many Fox Chakra as in the Neji or Haku fight) The fight is even but using the ransengan, Naruto gains the upperhand. Kabuto heals himself and flees with Sasuke. Naruto then finds Kiba dying, then suddeny out of nowhere, a Konoha Medic nin appears. He heals Kiba and they track back to find all of their friends. They take them to Konoha hospital because the medic-nin doesn't have enough chakra to heal them completely. Meanwhile, Tsunade is operating Lee.
A couple of days pass and the normal life returns to Konoha. Tsunade, Kakashi, Jiray and the other jounins are studying data from what happened to Sasuke. Then we go to Kabuto and Sasuke training while Itachi is watching. He then thinks about why Oro left the Akatsuki (sp?), he goes to see him and sees that he can't do a thing. He decides not to kill him, the friendly guy he is. Then we see Lee and Neji wake up, then after a few minutes they see each other. After that it turns out Lee is okay and Neji and Lee talk about their rivalry.
Wed, 12-10-2003, 04:03 AM
he will pull in kidoumaru with the web hanging from the arrow and do a 128 hands of hakke on him (i saw that move in the ps2 game, maybe it does exist
Wed, 12-10-2003, 05:14 AM
After they fail to return with Sasuke. They are all wounded and tired.
They decide they need to get stronger before they would attempt something like this again. Sakura feels helpless and seeks a sensei that will teach her to become strong, she starts meeting with the Fifth.
A few years pass and.....
I can't think past that part yet.
Wed, 12-10-2003, 08:28 AM
Neji pulls Kidoumaru in after "catching" the arrow and releases a big Kaiten (possibly with the help of his seal). That whole Neji thing with his seal fading and his last sight is that of birds overhead... I like it so I'm going to use that too
The rest of the team catch up to the Sound Nins and Sasuke. Kiba pairs off and fights the 2-headed Sound Nin while the rest chase Sasuke and the last Sound Nin. Kiba fights well but is a losing battle after the Sound Nin goes to curse seal level 2. Shino is nearby and has a tracking bug on Kiba and notices he is in trouble. Shino's dad tells him to help him as saving a comrade/friend is more important than any mission so he goes after Kiba. When he arrives Kiba is nearly dead and tells Shino to use his chakra. Kiba's last words are about how he always thought Shino's glasses were really cool. Shino takes off his glasses and puts them on Kiba covering his eyes while he uses his kikai bugs to drain Kiba's last remaining chakra. Shino and his bugs go super-saiyan and he turns around without his glasses on with a look of determination and revenge for his fallen comrade. Then he uses his bugs to clog his ears (the 2-headed Sound Nin used sound as a weapon, and Shino can still use his bugs to "hear"
. Shino then uses a Kage Bug Bushin of himself and one of Akamaru and attacks the Sound Nin from all angles and clogs every orifice with Kikai bugs. The bugs drain away the Sound Nin's chakra and curse seal away. The real Akamaru then comes out and finishes him off with Gatsuuga. Shino becauses Akamaru's new master and he becomes a Shino/Kiba hybrid. Shino passes out because he depleted all of his chakra while Akamaru mourns for Kiba.
Later on you see the results of Lee's surgery and he recovers, and Shika and Naruto face off the last Sound Nin. She is defeated but Shika becomes unconcious from the fighting and Sasuke bursts out with his level 2 seal active (as a demon with horns). Naruto summons his kyuubi chakra and they fight and both get badly wounded. Sasuke flees after nearly dying to Naruto's rasengan. Naruto cannot make himself to break his promise to Sakura and continues tracking Sasuke leaving Shika. Shika wakes up as well as Shino/Akamaru and they meet up and head back to the leaf village and tell the others of what happened. Kakashi's team breaks up (because of Sasuke and Naruto missing) so Sakura takes Kiba's place under Kurenai and becomes a genjutsu specialist. Lee hears of Neji's death and swears vengence. They form a new search party consisting of Shika, Shino, Lee, and Sakura. New storylines open up from here, perhaps Sasuke reaches Oro and gains more power and then chases after Itachi. The new search party appears and is greeted by Kisame (the shark dude with Itachi) and they fight and defeat him. Whilst this is going on Sasuke is defeated once again and sees that there is no "short-cut" to defeating his brother, and Naruto enters and saves Sasuke. Naruto releases his chakra like he did vs Haku, and Itachi gets wounded and flees. Sasuke is brought back to the village with the rest. Unbeknownst to everyone is that since Sasuke has the curse seal at level 2 Oro has complete control over Sasuke (remember how they lose their will-power?).
This ends the current arc and sets up the next one.
Wed, 12-10-2003, 09:55 AM
Interesting, pretty good prediction. Especially, the someone gotta die part.
I doubt Lee will avenge for neiji though. I think maybe Hinata might do that. As she would volunteer to go look for Naruto.
And I dont think Kidoumaru will be able to perform juninjutsu on Neiji. Its one of the best keep secret, and orochimaru is just to freakish to be able to do that.
Wed, 12-10-2003, 10:26 AM
Yeah I think only the hyuuga can or know how to activate the hyuuga seal, so I doubt Oro knew it and thus Kidoumaru probably does not konw it either.
But yeah... my story is less of a prediction than how I want the story to go.
Wed, 12-10-2003, 10:35 AM
Chouji die, Neji send all his remaning chakra into the arrow and collapse. For a while it does nothing, then Neji's chakra force the spiderdude's chakra to overflow out of control (Curse seal ---> eat body to produce abnormal amount of Chakra) and SpiderMan is down. Kiba is the next one left behind and battle with two-head. Blah blah blah ... so tired ....
Me .. go ... die n n now
Thu, 12-11-2003, 12:39 PM
Khonohamaru comes and in kills everubody including Naruto so that all his rivals for Hokage are gone. Then he defeats Tsunade with Sexy no Jutsu (she's really lesbian as we all know). Konohamaru then declares himself Hokage and declares war on the Village of the Sound. After hearing this, Itachi comes to the village and kills everybody and commits ritual suicide after he realizes what he has done.
The end.
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