Wed, 03-16-2022, 08:03 PM
Long time no see Lucifus.
I work as an emergency doctor in Australia, probably gonna specialise into that. I like intensive care as well but dual specialisation is a lot of work and I don't know if I want to do that right now. I quite like radiology as well but not getting on the program and slowly losing interest has steered me here.
I'm watching less and less anime as time goes on I think, and it's partially due to there being some sort of mental "hurdle" for me to try a new show. If a trailer or poster interests me I'll try it. The biggest draw is actually the studio making it, or word of mouth (eg gotwoot posts) praising it. Otherwise, the easiest thing for me to do is to watch sequals to stuff that I've already seen (Attack on Titan is pretty much the only show I'm watching this season, for example now that Kimetsu no Yaiba has finished up).
It's partly lack of time due to work (COVID has kept me busy), games (Elden Ring is taking up so much time lol) and partly just getting old and lacking energy I think. I remember a time when I'd watch EVERY show each season for a few eps before finally culling down to 15 shows a season or something. This was just after highschool or so.
As for the forum, Complic8 made a post some years ago I think. The general gist of it is that he can financially maintain the status quo for now. New forum registrations have been stopped because it's just spambots overloading the system and we have no good way of addressing the issue. It's just old blood here now, and there isn't any new content reaction (sub groups) to pull in new people either. Reddit seems to be the current "discussion place of the internet". I read that, but I don't post. It's hard to keep track of, and here I can actually put a personality to the username.
Talking about personalities, I found that it's always interesting when there's a controversial poster around. Previous examples include BoC, Animeniax, Abdula and Arkangel. I'm pretty sure Ark's actually dead. He was really active on IRC then nothing. Currently it's mostly MFauli taking the controversial stance.
When the forum ultimately dies Comp mentioned that he'd just archive the site or something for nostalgia's sake.
I daresay the IRC chat is probably more active than the forum (if I go by "characters sent per 24hrs"), but it's more general banter and topic-of-the-day type stuff as opposed to thread-like discussion. TV shows, movies and US politics seems to be the main topics there.
Y has been asking for years to bring that chatroom over to Discord instead. We haven't listened to him.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 03-16-2022 at 09:59 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
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