Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post
for 2021?
I want to find a job that i like.
be a better person.
spend more time with friends and strangers. do new stuff, broaden my horizons.
also move out to a place that's just mine. five years is enough.

let's hope 2021 will be better.

I also remembered that one of my decisions was to order pizza every month (part of me deciding to treat myself better), and i think i've kept us this decision.
kind of managed to hold on to the pizza part.
I quit my job in june and started a new one in october, i'm still finding my place in it, and i'm not doing as well as i would like professionally.
I didn't move out, so i've been in this apartment for nearly five and a half years.
I don't know if I managed to be a better person, also didn't do nearly enough new things.

for 2022
- find myself in this job
- either find a new place to live (rent alone) or buy (take a morgaege, etc..)
- do new things, meet more people, etc