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Thread: Sakugan

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Texas, where else?



    "The distant future, long after the Western calendar is no longer used. Humans live shoulder-to-shoulder, cramped in the "Labyrinth," an underground world deep below the surface. There are many colonies where people live in the underground Labyrinth. The place is known for extreme high temperatures, but also for lodes of gold, silver, and other riches. In one of the colonies named Pin-in, a curious nine-year-old girl named Memempu and her father Gagumber board a two-person work robot and mine for ore. They eke a living as the lowest of lowest "Worker" occupations.

    One day, Memempu begs her father Gagumber to set out as Markers — those who chart the innards of the Labyrinth as a spelunker — to search for her mother who left their home. If they encounter a "mysterious giant creature" lurking in the caves, the survival rate is less than 5%. Since discovering an unknown world is dangerous work, "maps" hold great value in the world of Labyrinth and fetch high prices on the market. A Marker is the most dangerous, but also the most lucrative, job. Gagumber decides he cannot hold back the ever-curious Memempu from going off on her own countless times, and finally gives in. The two embark on a journey together in the work robot.

    However, the "cost" of curiosity... The "truth" they finally uncovered...

    This is a father and daughter's epic journey with the theme of family love.

    Source: ANN"

    Genre(s): Adventure


    Well, the 'family love' theme definitely comes through. The spunky kid and her almost deadbeat dad going on a subterranean robot adventure. It has some feels where it counts, though the second episode spent a bit too much screen time on running from and defeating Kaiju for my taste, I like the promise of where this could go. Dad's throwing up death flags like fireworks, and other characters have been able to die, so the tension is still high for now.

    The dynamic of 'Experienced Muscle head that was a marker' paired with the 'Naïve Precocious Genius that wants to be a marker' is sold well. They play off each other with some good banter and the little details and world building are solid. If you're up for some old fashioned adventure, you could do worse.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Texas, where else?

    Well, it's staying on the traditional adventure path with a few new characters, and episodic obstacles to overcome while traveling. Not sure how much longer my interest is gonna last, as the banter between father and daughter isn't varied enough to keep me hooked, and the stories have been kinda pedestrian so far.

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