"* Based on a supernatural thriller manga written by Ooba Tsugumi and drawn by Obata Takeshi.
As his classmates celebrate their middle school graduation, troubled Mirai is mired in darkness. But his battle is just beginning when he receives some salvation from above in the form of an angel. Now Mirai is pitted against 12 other chosen humans in a battle to become the next god of the world. Mirai has an angel in his corner, but he may need to become a devil to survive.
Source: Viz"
Genre(s): Thriller, Seinen
Like it says on the tin, this is a thriller, and based on the latest death game manga penned by the duo behind the much lauded "Death Note". This actually has a slightly different 'DNA' than the old DN series, I suspect because it is lacking the old director who made everything ultra dramatic (potato chips, anyone?), and because the writing is trying to inject a little more emotion into the non-stop logic and moral ambiguity that the characters banter with.
Suicidal kid gets some vaguely defined powers that will be exploited to the fullest of their capabilities to oust and kill other like-equipped schemers like their lives depend on it (cuz they do).
Who's the second victim, assuming the guy in the limo-harem was the first? We haven't even met most of the characters- way too fast to be killing them off!