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Thread: Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 16

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    Maybe Souma actually wasn't planning anything to actively topple Amidonia, but he most certainly gave the place a serious nudge, perfectly knowingly, into that direction. I'm sure he's ready to act if Julius screws things up as expected. I could imagine Amidonia becoming a province under Elfrieden's rule, with Roroa as the governor general. After all, you'd think there would be some use for Roroa.

  2. #42
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Everything seems to point to that yes.
    Rather dull episode, except for those who like politics I guess.

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  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Julius's attitude confuses me- he acted like he would be the voice of reason back during the campaign (maybe that was just a weak will), and his haughty-ness is uncalled for and seems out of character, for someone from such a small player of a country in this world, with no accomplishments to speak of. The whole negotiation was so one-sided that it more served more as a vehicle for additional worldbuilding exposition than any attempt at actual diplomacy. I guess it is framed as just that; a means for Souma to become more involved with the Empire/catch their attention rather than an actual diplomatic crisis.

    I thought some injustice here would be a good opportunity for Souma to become acquainted with the existing power structures and realize that his idealized course of civil strategy would not always work when faced with entrenched power structures- 'the nail that sticks out must be hammered down' kind of stuff, but it seems that Souma found himself isekai'ed into a rather agreeable world, after all.

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The one-sidedness was realistic. Amidonia was an occupied country, for the relevant parts, at least. The winner of the war is always going to dictate the terms. The loser can try to negotiate, but typically the winners aren't super interested in such talks. This time the empire was involved as a forceful mediator, but it was made quite clear Jeanne had no interest in the empire being used a tool to clean someone else's mess, possibly creating an even bigger mess in the future. Amidonia started it and now must pay for the consequences. The empire is only interested in a single thing: as long as the demon threat exists, humans won't waste their resources fighting each other unnecessarily.

    I don't remember exactly how stupid or smart Julius was during the first season, but when the situation changes, his stance might change as well. It's also easier to talk wisely from a position of less responsibility. Now he simply wanted his country back, no matter the cost. He also acted more foolishly than one would have expected because he thought the empire was completely on his side. However, in reality Elfrieden offered more to the empire than Amidonia ever could, regardless of being a member of the treaty or not.

  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 17

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    Somehow I find it hard to believe that last bunch would be qualified to control any country from the shadows.

    It's a pity the lion dude had to die. Assuming he died. I suppose there's a slight chance he didn't and instead became a rebel hunter behind the scenes. But it doesn't really seem like Souma would have been capable of handling such a plot. As it is, he's starting to have his hands full of simply handling waifus.

  6. #46
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It's a pity the lion dude had to die. Assuming he died. I suppose there's a slight chance he didn't and instead became a rebel hunter behind the scenes. But it doesn't really seem like Souma would have been capable of handling such a plot. As it is, he's starting to have his hands full of simply handling waifus.
    I dunno. Seems like a fairly simple "fake death potion" followed by "dump his body out in a field" or have one of his puppets make off with it.

  7. #47
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Georg's character isn't fit for spying/assasin roles as his visible/public persona is too strong and flamboyant.
    He was able to use those traits to lure corrupt nobles to his side, but now that he's a traitor, there's not much he can do to hide what he is.
    I do not think it was a fake death, unless that crappy group gets him out and thinks they saved their hero only to fall in the same trap as their predecessors haha.

    It's still a way out as random guards where their the whole scene and I would not want them to learn the details of what Georg did.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  8. #48
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    It's still a way out as random guards where their the whole scene and I would not want them to learn the details of what Georg did.
    The presence of those guards was the strangest thing about the whole scene in my opinion. Considering the topic, you'd think Souma would have asked them to leave for a while. Although he might have asked them to return before handing over the poison, to get a couple of witnesses.

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm not sure why he needed to kill or stage his death at all. Its no one's business who's in the prison cells or palace, and Souma can make disguises or have them made. Death out of sight is easy to stage, so I am unimpressed by this unimaginative outcome.

    Harem padding wasn't compelling enough to carry the episode either, so this was a dud all around for me.

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I'm not sure why he needed to kill or stage his death at all. Its no one's business who's in the prison cells or palace, and Souma can make disguises or have them made. Death out of sight is easy to stage, so I am unimpressed by this unimaginative outcome.

    Harem padding wasn't compelling enough to carry the episode either, so this was a dud all around for me.
    Not sure why it would be no one's business.
    Leaving the main reason of the rebellion alive would be a japanese-anime thing to do.

    And having him run free in the palace would also mean that the King was part of that scheme and basically forced the Lords to rebel with his trick, which would paint him as someone who wanted to get rid of the nobles in tyrannical fashion. If not that, it would make him look like an idiot at the very least because he was played a fool by the rebellion-leader, because "why else would someone like him not be executed"

    Lion Guy's intentions might have been for the best of the kingdom, but the King is now vulnerable due to that if he doesn't crush everyone involved. The people would question his involvement and the Lords and Ladies would think they have been played and could be next.

  11. #51
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm referring to the use of deception. It shouldn't be a big deal to disguise or hide a still living man of such caliber. If kept safely and securely, there is no need to kill, and the prospect of preserving this life/asset was abandoned too quickly by our hero. The 'no business' is to mean that the palace isn't privy to regular people or tourists, so housing a living member of the government should pose little enough threat to be warranted. His living would have also been a boon for 1st wife's moral.

    My issue is, they didn't spend enough time cutting off the logistical reasons to spare him to convince me even slightly that it was the optimal route.

  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quite interesting, although I feel like this purge was executed quite haphazardly in the story. It's like there was no background to having those nobles killed, aside from what was stated offhandedly. In other words, those people were just cardboard cutout characters, whose only reason to exist was to get killed so that Souma could follow that chapter in his favourite instruction book for medieval rulers. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but think the author wanted to mockingly laugh at 99% of isekai series with that "kill your enemies now when you have a chance rather than regret it later" line.

    At least in my opinion the series does depict Souma's character somewhat decently. He does act like cool-headed person would when able to stick to some kind of internal code, which is Machiavelli's book is for him, whilst being able to accept his new circumstances. He's in a do or die situation, and so far hasn't encountered events that would have left him totally helpless. Interestingly enough his order to Carla could be pretty deep, as his past actions does show that he's not really fighting against being thrown into a position of an autocrat, supposedly against his will. It's plausible he could start to like it a little bit too much, over the years.

  13. #53
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Apparently, Souma wasn't aware that The Prince was probably satirical, if not intentionally undermining.

  14. #54
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Apparently, Souma wasn't aware that The Prince was probably satirical, if not intentionally undermining.
    It works, nonetheless. Just look at how Russia has been ruled throughout the ages.

  15. #55
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Now we have closure for Georg, head of secret ops. Quite logical he is the one cleaning the nobility to finish the job he started.
    The Souma/Georg prison scene and suicide in front of random guards was a way out for him to plunge into the shadows.
    We also had that creepy short scene with nobles thinking they can still manipulate things their way.
    And last the slaughter of those nobles and lineage at the trial.

    I agree if you think that part of the story was rather weak. But they at least gave us key points to link these events.

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  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Okay show, you got me. At least the haphazard execution was some political theatre in front of the guards to preserve that ally.

    The slaughter of those nobles was both shocking, and I'm not sold on it yet. Yes, they were consorting with other nations and involved in politics- isn't that what nobility is supposed to do, or does Souma expect them to govern their lands only? I'm surprised he had two to spare. No trial, no defense or repurposing or even triple agents coercion- just kill 'em quick so Machiavelli will smile down upon you...

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was probably the most tedious episode so far. I'm sure the original author felt like it was needed to build the world, but it felt utterly stretched here, with details that didn't really build the world at all or at the very least were hardly needed to be covered in a whole episode. It didn't help that the so called mad scientist hardly felt like a mad scientist and her voice was annoying (which is subjective, of course, but it affected me). All of this stuff could have been covered in half an episode and in a much better fashion. Quite disappointing because I don't have any anything against viewing the possibilities of magic in more mechanical and scientific ways, as long as an author is ready to accept the consequences for their fantasy world.

  18. #58
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    She definitely didn't just accidentally create a railgun...

  19. #59
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Yowza. That was rough. World building is one thing, but it felt like the author was just saying "don't be surprised when we introduce computers later; I foreshadowed it" for half this episode. This episode was a misstep, but maybe it will pay off down the road.

    Giant Dyson fan was a funny visual gag.

  20. #60
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, Roroa is a gold digger. Although I suppose she might be the hidden agent unifying Amidonian rebels against the waste-of-skin prince (although the finances minister was thanked for that). Still, Amidonia is already a part of Elfrieden, by popular vote, so Roroa doesn't have much to offer anymore. She couldn't have used the discontent and rebels if those elements weren't already ready to bet their lives to oppose the prince, after all. Elfrieden's popularity was all thansk to Souma. If Souma hadn't bought the goodwill with his own actions, there's no way Roroa could have made the people want to become a provinve of Elfrieden. In short, it's going to be interesting to see how exactly she justifies becoming Souma's wife. What exactly can she offer?

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