Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
The performance was a good scene and the implication of copying the other actor is clear, but why wouldn't that make her a top star? You don't have to beat the best if you can simply be the best when that self-same person isn't around, can't you? I know, that wouldn't be satisfying and would be off-tone for what this show is, but that is just the disconnect I'll set aside for how much I am enjoying the remainder of what's going on.
Because she'll always be an understudy, essentially. She can deliver a perfect performance to mirror previous stars, but she won't ever be one herself. There's no distinctly "Watanabe Sarasa's Oscar/Romeo" it will always be a mime of someone else's.

There's an entire arc in Glass Mask about why this kind of behavior is garbage acting for the stage/screen. Also one of the most satisfying.

If you like this series, give the Glass Mask manga a read. It's perhaps the most influential shoujo manga, period.