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Thread: Bokutachi no Remake / Remake Our Life!

  1. #101
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    LOL, I'm actually on your side this week ;D I kinda suspect your early rant was a spoiler because you already knew the story, huh? ;p
    Oh, and now he'll go back again? Man, if he really erases his daughter, that'd make this one of the worst anime ever lol.
    I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but I don't read LNs. The last one I read was Haganai's between the two anime seasons. It's easy to guess what will happen in this series because it is so predictable.

    So here's the fucked up part...he doesn't know his daughter. He doesn't act like he knows her all that well either. We've seen him play with her once while Shino was busy cooking dinner, but that was really a setup to double-down on the point that Shino doesn't draw anymore and never will (and that it's not his fault...except it is). On screen at least, he's ignored her more than he's interacted with her.

    He probably won't be too broken up about abandoning a child that is in theory, his. Maybe autopilot Kyouya was a better dad, but POV Kyouya is a shitty one.

    Strongly recommend you go watch Nicholas Cage's The Family Man (2000).

  2. #102
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    They just replaced the .exe and voilą runs on new engine.

    I'm very certain that's not how programs work.
    Unless the data structure is exactly the same, for example if the inhouse engine is inspired by that original engine.
    But if Kyouya was able to make it economically viable after trashing all the money/time spent in the in house engine, I wonder why no one quickly thought of this.
    I understand they got that project started like this, but still...

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  3. #103
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I'm too disgusted with this episode to even rage-comment about it.
    Oh boy. Lemme level with ya- watching this visualizing Ryllharu's rage at the Kyoya endorsement scenes makes this ten times more entertaining. It shouldn't, but when I know how pitch perfect the show is continually rejecting your ideals, it is amusing, to say the least. Like watching someone get accidentally trolled. I know you don't really care all that much; it's mediocre anime, but I do appreciate the hot takes.

    Episode itself:

    Having the dirty deets of CEO man on deck was a bit of a stretch for me, but I can hand wave the game engine stuff because I don't care enough about game development to get stuck on those points- the scene did its job and let Kyouya be super awesome, as usual- awesome enough to hurt people at which I know have been trained to laugh in response to.

    I also find it meta-funny that Kawasegawa not only affirmed Kyouya's goodness and abstained him from his perpetual guilt trip, but took umbrage with anyone who says otherwise, like the author is aware of the hate-train. I pretty much agreed with most of what she said: Kyouya tried to help and it didn't work out, but I don't see the stunting of fickle artists as reasonable proof of negligence or malicious intent. Live and let live because he didn't knowingly cause the time loop. I'd be hard pressed to change on that line of thinking. He even did help inspire another artist, so going back might undo that? Is there a happy medium in this next time loop (of course there is)?

    Keep seething; this show really is an awkward pity party without the backlash.

  4. #104
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Ok then. Here's a rant. Maybe my final one, maybe not.

    Episode 12

    Bullshit he went back in time because he, "wanted to struggle." He had that in 2016, he just didn't want to try from the failures. Kyouya wanted to "struggle" in the sense that he wanted to succeed amazingly with the people he "should" have been with had he made the right decision to follow his dreams in 2005. Kyouya is a coward who made a bad choice, regretted it, and did what he could do to repair it only to give up every time he hit a setback, because he was a coward.

    Thankfully, he seems to have learned from that in the last few episodes.

    I'll give him a pass on "not wanting to cheat" because he just spent a month being completely blind to two years of tech he's never seen before, and fixing that same break by relying on his team, even if he was basically working behind Kawasegawa's back.

    He's still a coward for wanting to go back to 2006 though. I can give him some leniency because he did get to know them all, and did wish for their best interests, even as he was hurting them in the long run. Though he did at least confront giving up Maki. Keiko should have fucked with him and sent him back to 2016. Maybe that's the final arc for the unfinished novels, who knows.

    I did like Aki going full art nerd on him though, getting back her spark and seeing the ideas flow and flow and flow. That's what a mental block getting cleared feels like. Excitement again.

    Points for finally accepting his own ego and arrogance. But I don't trust Kyouya with his words. He's said before he'd stop giving up, starting with the wrong camera incident, but then he did over and over again anyway. I need to see actions before I can trust that his character development has finally stuck. He's right back to trying to guide them. Sure, undoing the things he did, but that's not exactly what he told Keiko right before she gave him another redo. Nudge Nanako into independence. Figure out how to get Aki over her block. "I need to help..."
    That's literally what he told Keiko he wasn't going to do! I think it is safe to assume that this will be another failure loop. Hopefully, this infuriating trash doesn't get a second season and we'll never find out.

    There's the answer with Nanako. She's famous for game OSTs and anime songs, particularly telling by her concert attire. She's basically a Kuribayashi Minami. She might even be modeled after her specifically, since Kuribayashi wrote the Kimi ga Nozomu Eien game theme songs.

    Hold on. I did not expect Ayaka to be their age! I thought she was 5-10 years younger than the rest of them.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 09-25-2021 at 11:39 AM. Reason: grammar and typos

  5. #105
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Had the same reaction for Ayaka. I thought she said the game saved her love for drawing when she was in highschool.
    Unless for some reason highschoolers can get art tutoring at the university ?

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  6. #106
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ayaka is just the worst character of the show. Wish her all the worst.

    Finale was bad. I assumevthe manga continues, but I have no idea why anybody would want to see more.

    Also, the random time travel loli is fucking dumb. Thx for giving anime a bad image, sigh.

  7. #107
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Best comedy of the season, hands down.

    When Kyouya told loli timekeeper that he needed to say goodbye to someone, I wondered who it could be? The assistant lady on Kawasegawa's team was the first that came to mind, or maybe the artist? Kawasegawa? Nope, the family. Fair enough. But then, in a stroke of comedic gold, he lied in bed, listening to Shinoaki tell him about how she wants to do art again and implies it will be harder on him since he will need to pick up the slack in raising their daughter, and the whole time, I imagined him, with his blank face, thinking "Good thing this won't be my problem". I let out a Mark Hamill worthy Joker cackle at the thought of how stupid the entire scene was. Saying 'goodbye' to someone you're about to go back in time and meet, who is till the same core person, and listening, straight faced, to their impassioned monologue about how they just now want to make art which you are about to rewind with time travel. Truly, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Anyway, Now that he has had an active hand in going back in time, he is fully accountable (in my eyes) for what happens to those around him. Funny that this time skip is only back to where he has already done damage, and so he can only perform triage at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I think it is safe to assume that this will be another failure loop.
    Did I just watch mid-life-crisis RE:Zero? It's right in the title. The loops take so long that I kind of forgot there could be multiple. The show had me sold on each loop being the last so far, but this probably makes more sense.

    Good on him for fixing the 'harm' he inflicted by making tuition money for Tsurayuki, also known as work experience (I'll probably die on this hill that he didn't do anything malicious). At least the story is giving the girls (and Tsurayuki apparently) an opportunity to readjust and resume creating. Its not like there was enough run time to tie up the story in any satisfying way, so here to another oddball take on 'fixing' our boring lives that we'll forget in two weeks. Fun discussion, as always.

  8. #108
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    My first reaction to him learning it was Ayaka was, "Did Kyouya just creep on a high school student in her art club room to find a solution for Aki's slump?!"

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