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Ok, I asked someone who just successfully earned himself the JLPT N1 result. He watches the anime and reads the LN. While he's an idiot who refuses to separate anime and LN, at least in the LN Paul seems to have raped Lilia.
The key phrase in the LN is 無理矢理, which means he did it forcibly. So by all means, he raped her. The reason why I believe they changed it in the anime, though, wasn't because of rape per say, but because the LN makes it sound like the typical h-doujin rape bs, where the victim ends up falling in love with the rapist, lol. To be more concrete, in the LN Lilia says "I didnt hate it" and wonders if this is what they call "romantic". Honestly, the LN version is just dumb.
The anime doesn't have that, however, so I stand by my translation of "nekomi o osou". It not being rape in the anime makes more sense, otherwise the story would need to go down a whole other rabbit hole, where you'd have to explain why Lilia chose to work as a maid for her rapist and even seduced him into more sex later on. That's some psychological trauma then that you couldn't excuse anymore and then Lilia or Paul would absolutely have to leave the house.