Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
Btw. the whole setup of how the 3 bullies humiliated him is bs. First of all, why did Rudy even go with them to some empty basketball hall? He could just have said "not coming with you" and if they started dragging him, yelled for teachers' help. I know it's anime clichee, but that doesn't make it any less bs. And then the bullies' extreme actions. Undressing Rudy and tying him to a spot where everybody would see him. What kinda deep end-psychopaths are these 3 guys?! That's comically evil and, again, bs. Bullies don't do this because they know they wouldn't go undamaged after such action. Ofc, we are to believed that in Japanese schools this is totally normal and possible and the victim is powerless. Like, I was bullied for many years, too, and nobody ever helped me. But even then I'm convinced that had they undressed and tied me to a spot like that, somebody would have punished them hard. I don't know. It would have been better if the humiliation was done more sensible, more believably.
Of course in manga/anime it would be exaggerated. Just like in school gang series the schools are utterly lawless and full of destructive fighting. If you make it look more realistic, it doesn't necessarily feel so bad with a few glimpses, unless you have personally experienced it, which most of us probably haven't. In fact if I hadn't read so much manga, I couldn't even imagine so many varied ways of (realistic) bullying.

We just saw three events, but I'd imagine they were just the beginning, the escalation, and the climax. But maybe that was all, who knows. Then your question would indeed be relevant. If that wasn't all of it, then it would make more sense how he ended up with those bullies in an isolated place and perhaps how it got so bad.