Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
Lilia must be one of the weirdest characters in the story. She didn't initially like Rudeus because she viewed him as creepy, being kind of sexually inclined from the birth, yet Lilia herself is a person who got raped, then followed the rapist, later to become the rapist and his wife's maid, fully on purpose, and finally seduced him to give birth to his child. But I guess it's like they say: It takes a weirdo to recognise a weirdo.
Sad as it is, that's actually a fairly accurate representation of what happens to a lot of sexually abused women. They go back.

Not knowing her family situation, but knowing the generalized fantasy medieval era, I think we can probably assume Lilia didn't have a lot of options, and tagging along with Paul and Zenith after they retired as their servant was one of the better ones.