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Thread: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

  1. #541
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I hate that Orsted healed Rudy. That cheapens the whole encounter. It should have been another coincicential person, maybe Roxy even, who happens to be there to heal him. Now it's just total play-pretend kind of, with Orsted showing off. Nah, I don't like that solution.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #542
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Would have preferred that Eris, beastly girlfriend who can't be killed when she should be, would have provided just enough first aid or even if they revealed he had taught her (poorly) how to cast healing. Enough for Rudy to instinctually jump start what he faded out doing as he began to die: gather mana and heal himself enough to survive.

    Deeply despise the poor writing of an All-knowing, arrogant, and powerful villain type. There's no functional difference between that an unspeaking monster or "basically just a moving statue" evil deity/demon. They're drowning in hubris and are barely even two-dimensional characters.

  3. #543
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No, it's cool. He didn't care to listen to Rudeus's explanations. He apparently simply goes around killing anything Man-God related. However, Nanahoshi obviously made him reconsider that automatic action. Maybe time will tell why. If Nanahoshi is one of the very few people who can interact with Orsted without shaking in their boots all the time, it might explain why he listens to her. After all, killing Rudeus was nothing personal: He simply killed him because he was somehow connected to the Man-God. Thus healing him isn't a big deal either.

    The incident will leave its mark on Rudeus, hopefully, but it definitely affected Eris. So, it wasn't wasted at all. Having some third party suddenly appear and be able to heal Rudeus, despite the huge, critical wound, would be a real deus ex machina development.

  4. #544
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The incident will leave its mark on Rudeus, hopefully, but it definitely affected Eris. So, it wasn't wasted at all. Having some third party suddenly appear and be able to heal Rudeus, despite the huge, critical wound, would be a real deus ex machina development.
    Orsted is a third party individual healing Rudeus in my opinion.

    Would have made more sense for Rudeus to see the whole thing through his eye and then finally agree to shut the fuck up and let him pass.
    - Rujierd dead in 30 seconds, Rudy punched through, Eris dead in a matter of seconds in one of her fits of revenge (she's not Ghislaine yet!) and then fade to dead. All over under a minute.

  5. #545
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    There were 2 good way to resolve this situation:

    1: Someone else appears and saves Rudy
    2: Rudy actually dies, but is given another rebirth in the same world, but in another body

    2 would have been exciting, 1 acceptable. What we got was meh.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #546
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Would have made more sense for Rudeus to see the whole thing through his eye and then finally agree to shut the fuck up and let him pass.
    - Rujierd dead in 30 seconds, Rudy punched through, Eris dead in a matter of seconds in one of her fits of revenge (she's not Ghislaine yet!) and then fade to dead. All over under a minute.
    Except, his eye doesn't see nearly that far into the future. It only sees a split second ahead.

    This makes way more sense than suddenly making Rudeus 100x more powerful.

  7. #547
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Orsted is really shittily written for a villain here. Very one-dimensional, and having him go back to heal Rudy cheapens the encounter, exactly like MFauli said first.

    All-knowing, arrogant, over-powered, and switches on a whim. Which makes him Boring, even if it invokes an immediate reaction of dislike, it's a cheap one.

  8. #548
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Rudeus actually did foresaw his own gruesome wounding, and was able to avoid the first hit, although Ruijerd actually made most of the evasion happen. However, Rudeus doesn't, very evidently, have the mindset of a fighter, despite the long journey through the demon continent. That's why I said he's not only benefitting from his past life on Earth, but it's also a big weakness. He can't, by default, process a situation where another humanoid he can even talk with would be totally unreasonable and hostile. It's actually kind of funny because back on Earth he was mercilessly bullied, which is unreasonable hostility. But he's still a Japanese pacifist deep down. He simply didn't have the tools to face Orsted in any manner. We can assume Orsted is beyond powerful and experienced, besting Ruijerd handily, so if he intended to give Rudeus a fatal wound, it would be a fatal wound.

    Orsted is not a third party, he's the second party. Like I said, his reason for killing Rudeus is quite flimsy, so why would he need an especially heavy reason to heal him either? If he's a so called god, it must not be an especially big deal for him.

  9. #549
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I feel like people are complaining about how Orstead switched gears so fast, but we don't actually know what the girl said to him to make him do that. She might have had a really good, convincing argument. We don't know, because Rudeus passed out, and Eris doesn't pay attention to details.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    If he's a so called god, it must not be an especially big deal for him.
    He's not a god-god. He's one of the Seven Sword Gods. Which is just a fancy name for really strong warriors.

    He's presumably the 2nd strongest warrior in the world.

  10. #550
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I feel like people are complaining about how Orstead switched gears so fast, but we don't actually know what the girl said to him to make him do that. She might have had a really good, convincing argument. We don't know, because Rudeus passed out, and Eris doesn't pay attention to details.
    The guy who was just explained to be utterly non-negotiable, a force of nature-like character, listening to a "good, convincing argument"? That only makes it worse. The only thing I'd accept is if his companion turned out to be the #1 of the Seven Sword Gods, which is doubtful.

    The problem with the scene is that it doesn't make any climatic sense. Orsted attacked with the intention to kill Rudy for good. The end. Then screen fades to black and back, and now Rudy is alive ... saved by Orsted?! Had Orsted said "kid, I don't want to kill you", but then ended up having to fight Rudy nonetheless, THEN him healing Rudy would have made sense.

    It's just nonsense. I'd go as far as saying that it ruins the tension of the whole series going forward, because now you can always expect a "leave jail-card" even from the most dire situations. Just have the opponent have a "mysterious" change of heart that will be bs-explained much, much later. It's a cheap way to tell a story. A deus ex machine with Rudy awakening powers to fight Orsted would have been more satisfying.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #551
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The guy who was just explained to be utterly non-negotiable, a force of nature-like character, listening to a "good, convincing argument"? That only makes it worse. The only thing I'd accept is if his companion turned out to be the #1 of the Seven Sword Gods, which is doubtful.
    Why wouldn't he listen to a good, convincing argument? If he had no motivation, no interest in anything, he wouldn't have killed Rudeus in the first place. However, he seems highly motivated to do anything he can to hurt the Man-God. If the masked woman, Nanahoshi, said something that convinced him that letting Rudeus live would serve his purposes better, why wouldn't he do it? If you ask me, Orsted didn't look like a deep thinker, no matter how powerful and skilled he is, so maybe the woman is the brains of their duo.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The problem with the scene is that it doesn't make any climatic sense. Orsted attacked with the intention to kill Rudy for good. The end. Then screen fades to black and back, and now Rudy is alive ... saved by Orsted?! Had Orsted said "kid, I don't want to kill you", but then ended up having to fight Rudy nonetheless, THEN him healing Rudy would have made sense.
    What kind of climactic thrill did you expect from a scene of the main character dying in the middle of a series? This clearly isn't any Les Miserables either. It was a foregone conclusion Rudeus wouldn't die for real. It was only a matter of how he's going to revive. It was a really good fight, but the MC doesn't obviously die. Besides, Orsted clearly did want to kill him because Rudeus is connected to the Man-God. "I don't want to kill you, but I will kill you nonetheless" is the kind of stuff a two-bit villain would say.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    It's just nonsense. I'd go as far as saying that it ruins the tension of the whole series going forward, because now you can always expect a "leave jail-card" even from the most dire situations. Just have the opponent have a "mysterious" change of heart that will be bs-explained much, much later. It's a cheap way to tell a story. A deus ex machine with Rudy awakening powers to fight Orsted would have been more satisfying.
    Deus ex machina is never better, unless it's a pure comedy series and the deus ex machina is hilarious. This was pretty much the only way this could happen. Orsted wouldn't have allowed Rudeus to stay alive, unless Orsted himself accepted it. Rudeus suddenly getting a huge Dragon Ball powerup to fight the number 2 or 1 most powerful individual in the world would have ruined everything. This series didn't go the instantly OP route for the MC, which is one detail that makes this far less trashy than most isekai out there.

    And no, Orsted didn't have any change of heart. At least I don't think he had. Whatever Nanahoshi said made him reverse his decision, but it doesn't automatically mean he feels different about it. Orsted seemed like a dick, so I wouldn't expect too much from him. After all, he decided to kill Rudeus simply because Rudeus knew about the Man-God. There could be a number of explanations for reversing the decision. Although I don't remember any details, the manga might have mentioned something about it, so I can't type here anything at all, to avoid writing spoilers unwittingly.

  12. #552
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The problem with the scene is that it doesn't make any climatic sense. Orsted attacked with the intention to kill Rudy for good. The end. Then screen fades to black and back, and now Rudy is alive ... saved by Orsted?!
    No, it faded to black with the girl going "Hey, wait a minute, what if he's..."...and then he's alive. Which is an important distinction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    After all, he decided to kill Rudeus simply because Rudeus knew about the Man-God. There could be a number of explanations for reversing the decision.
    The first thing that comes to mind is "If he's connected to the Man God, maybe we can use him to GET to the Man God, so you can kill him."

  13. #553
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    No, it faded to black with the girl going "Hey, wait a minute, what if he's..."...and then he's alive. Which is an important distinction.
    He could have listened to Rudy before attacking him. I don't care about what that girl said when he's already demonstrated that he's not willing to listen to reason.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #554
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Lot of meat on the bone this week.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Orsted was a bit rash here. As far as I know, seeing Man-God in your dream is up to the Man-God, not you. Nor does Man-God seek require consent before appearing in your dreams.
    I'd like to challenge this 'Orsted was completely bonkers for attacking rudeus' sentiment. Firstly, we know (now) that every living creature from this world hates or fears him due to a curse, visibly so. He walked past them frozen in fear, business as usual, but this one kid that he doesn't know when he knows about everyone strikes up conversation. Already suspicious. This kid asks about the mana disaster. Orsted finds this even more suspicious (that was years ago). The only conclusion he reached was... not far off base- this guy is associated with the man-god somehow. It follows that he must die.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I hate that Orsted healed Rudy. That cheapens the whole encounter.
    The whole encounter was an accident to begin with. How could it get any cheaper?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Deeply despise the poor writing of an All-knowing, arrogant, and powerful villain type. There's no functional difference between that an unspeaking monster or "basically just a moving statue" evil deity/demon. They're drowning in hubris and are barely even two-dimensional characters.
    What if he's not a villain, but simply in current opposition to the protagonist? Arrogant and all knowing/powerful would have killed all of them for sure, and would not be talked into reviving one, would they?

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    There were 2 good way to resolve this situation:

    1: Someone else appears and saves Rudy
    2: Rudy actually dies, but is given another rebirth in the same world, but in another body
    Tastes vary, but 1 for me would have been a bigger machina (has anyone else healed a gaping hole on screen yet?), and 2 would make this even slower Re:Zero, so I'll have to agree to disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The problem with the scene is that it doesn't make any climatic sense. Orsted attacked with the intention to kill Rudy for good. The end. Then screen fades to black and back, and now Rudy is alive ... saved by Orsted?! Had Orsted said "kid, I don't want to kill you", but then ended up having to fight Rudy nonetheless, THEN him healing Rudy would have made sense.
    As a rational actor, he could be acted upon, and was by his companion, who asked him, after the fact, to 'reverse' his decision to kill. It makes sense to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    It's just nonsense. I'd go as far as saying that it ruins the tension of the whole series going forward, because now you can always expect a "leave jail-card" even from the most dire situations. Just have the opponent have a "mysterious" change of heart that will be bs-explained much, much later. It's a cheap way to tell a story. A deus ex machine with Rudy awakening powers to fight Orsted would have been more satisfying.
    Not everyone they meet has to be a sociopath who revels in death and destruction? There's no reason to assume that goblin slayer rules are going to be enforced on each lost battle. People have language and can talk and reason, and even change opinions. There's no reason this story can't tap into that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Orsted is really shittily written for a villain here. Very one-dimensional, and having him go back to heal Rudy cheapens the encounter, exactly like MFauli said first.

    All-knowing, arrogant, over-powered, and switches on a whim. Which makes him Boring, even if it invokes an immediate reaction of dislike, it's a cheap one.
    It was said at the beginning of this episode, but sometimes things just happen. We're talking like this is some fated confrontation we've been building up to over three seasons or something. What, exactly, is Rudeus owed for not 'reading the room' and talking to a dangerous entity, getting his comrades dragged into it and nearly all dying? What is the opposite of 'cheap' in this scenario, if that is a value judgement? If the tables had been turned, and Dead End wiped out some petty bandits that didn't know their place, I doubt we would be complaining this much.

    'Boring' is the only argument I've seen against this so far, and I'd disagree. I like the dynamics of an unstoppable force tempered with reason and some actual counteragency to the man-god's whims. It didn't even take more than an episode, and we got some cool fight scenes to boot.

    I think the fundamental thing people are missing and upset about is a lack of satisfaction with the encounter. Rudeus didn't get to have the last word, or scratch Orsted's cheek, heal himself slyly after playing dead, or anything that reminds us that this story, this world, centers around Rudeus for a whole 15 minutes. I'm fine with that and it makes everything feel richer than bog standard power fantasy isekai.

    Fun discussions, as always!

  15. #555
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I consulted everyone I know and I'm pretty sure now that this week's episode was only 5 minutes long.
    It was over in a flash.

    I loved every second of it.

    And did I miss a whole episode of Orsted or something? Because people talk about him as if they know anything about his character, actions or motivations, when in fact we know actually absolutely nothing as of yet and the whole purpose of this meeting was to introduce him, not to explain him in less than 30 seconds. What kind of character would that be? And people say the way he is now is one-dimensional? A joke, I say!
    Either way, from that little introduction we can assume stuff like "he knows this timeline" and also knows that Rudeus is different from everyone else.
    And if we are feeling adventurous, we can assume that his girl-side kick is someone from another world as well, because the curse doesn't work on her. (if we accept what Man-God said at face value)
    And if we are feeling very adventurous, we can assume that this is the reason why Orstred, or the girl, healed Rudeus. After all, if the girl died and got pulled in this by the Man-God as well and Ostred he took a liking to her (probably due to her not being affected by the curse)... and they have a feeling that Rudeus might be one of that kind as well... well... it's going to be unconclusive as of now.
    Yet, Nanahoshi is a japanese sounding name.... pretty sure that this isn't at random, considering it's the first I remember hearing, pretty sure it isn't mentioned at random either when the whole scene could go without saying that name even once.

    We also don't know anything about "apostles" either, it's the first time we heard that term and the Man-God *is* a shady guy, who knows what his "apostles" do?

    I found this little bit rather exciting. First and foremost because we finally get to see him after being teased who knows how many episodes ago.

    Oh, and the music was kicking ass.

    It's just nonsense. I'd go as far as saying that it ruins the tension of the whole series going forward, because now you can always expect a "leave jail-card" even from the most dire situations. Just have the opponent have a "mysterious" change of heart that will be bs-explained much, much later. It's a cheap way to tell a story. A deus ex machine with Rudy awakening powers to fight Orsted would have been more satisfying.
    Nah... the way it is now is much better.

    What people seem to forget, if you have power over life and death and can basically heal fatal wounds, you lose sight of what said wounds actually are to others.
    Like,for example, when Hidan in Naruto fights all-out without the fear of getting stabbed or losing his head, because he is immortal.
    You'll tend to make rash decisions and you'll lean towards making them more readily and easily than others. If taking a life isn't something of consequence, you don't treat it as such.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 12-06-2021 at 04:41 PM.

  16. #556
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    This episode feels a lot like one of the Re:Zero episodes where Subaru is suddenly brutally murdered by someone he's never met before.

  17. #557
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    The only conclusion he reached was... not far off base- this guy is associated with the man-god somehow. It follows that he must die.
    Yeah, Rudy is indeed associated with the Man-God. That's not a big leap of logic - Rudy mentions he's seen him.

    The leap is where he assumes that Rudy is the Man-God's Apostle.

    Apostle means follower, and generally worships a god or figure voluntarily. The involuntary ones are better known as slaves.

    Orsted jumps the gun here by assuming Rudy's knowledge of the Man God means he's an Apostle.

    I'm not particularly fussed about Orsted's reasons for killing Man-God worshippers or rescuing people he previously thought should die. I'm fussed about his jumping to conclusions.

    That's just dumb.

    Like... Eris-dumb.

    Maybe worse.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #558
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Orsted jumps the gun here by assuming Rudy's knowledge of the Man God means he's an Apostle.

    I'm not particularly fussed about Orsted's reasons for killing Man-God worshippers or rescuing people he previously thought should die. I'm fussed about his jumping to conclusions.

    That's just dumb.
    Is it though?

    I am sorely disappointed with the majority of the way this played out, but I'll still be the one to dive back into the obvious detail we haven't been discussing.

    Orsted knows everyone's past and future but Rudy's. Which I will still contend is bullshit from a writing perspective, but the declaration has been made so now we gotta roll with it. "Paul shouldn't have a son; only two daughters."

    Rudy is an aberration and admitting that he knows Man-God makes it a very easy leap to believe that this person who shouldn't exist is a pawn or direct agent of the Man-God. It of course makes sense after it is said. Rudy was isekai'd into this world after all. But why does Orsted know with enough detail to state that Paul only ever has daughters? Rudy noticed the point too. Paul's super horny. I'm honestly surprised Tits and her sister haven't been knocked up. Only ever two daughters?

    He was also surprised that Eris knows any magic at all. After commenting on her sword skills lacking polish but having promise even though he confirmed to Rudy he hasn't met Eris or Rujierd "yet."

    Orsted's bullshit lines mean there's time travel or a time loop. Unequivocally.

    That should also make us question Orsted's claim that he doesn't know about the teleport/mana disaster. It has to have happened more than once. Or he caused it. And asking about it only pissed him off more even though he replied in the negative.

  19. #559
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Is it though?

    Like, yeah, Rudy is not Man God's "apostle" or whatever. But he's still guided by him and does what he tells him to. So he's still an agent in the physical world enacting his will.

    This guy probably knows a lot more about Man God than Rudy does. This could just be his MO. Bring over people from other worlds, manipulate them into setting certain events in motion, and maybe these events end in disaster.

    Does it matter to Orstead if Rudy is knowingly following, or just an unwitting pawn, if the consequences are the same? Perhaps to him, it's better to just remove the piece entirely.

  20. #560
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    Like, yeah, Rudy is not Man God's "apostle" or whatever. But he's still guided by him and does what he tells him to.
    And how does Orsted know Rudy is doing what Man-God tells him to do?

    Agreed that there is time travel.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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