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Thread: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

  1. #441
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wasn't their problem was the fact that the sacred beast itself was being aroused by his actions?
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  2. #442
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    So umm... if they can indeed smell sexual arousal, they didn't mistake Rudy and the dog like we initially thought. (unless they can't tell who is aroused and just assumed it was Rudy).
    I thought that was the joke. It's the dog, but since it's a sacred beast, it will always be blameless, and Rudy will be accused automatically. But then again, I reckon Rudeus isn't washing his clothes every day, so with how perverted he is, some smell will stick.

  3. #443
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    How long till the beast turns into a hot human girl, ya figure?

  4. #444
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ah. I assumed the dog was a boy. This makes sense now. Kinda.

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  5. #445
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Ah. I assumed the dog was a boy.
    I mean, they haven't said. But odds are...

  6. #446
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Wouldn't Rudy be perma-smelly?


    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    How long till the beast turns into a hot human girl, ya figure?
    I keep waiting for that since Rudy first met the dog, LOL

  7. #447
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 16

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    Another excellent episode. My favourite part was Eris trying to console Rudeus. It was so much in character and totally out of her field of expertise.

    On a more serious note, this was another episode that highlighted how lacking a man/father Paul is. It's one thing if the audience can't really decide whether to treat Rudeus as a brat, a 40 years old dude, or what, but for Paul, Rudeus should indeed be nothing but a kid, furthermore, his own son he should foremost be worried about. It was pretty rich from him to question why Rudeus was only thinking of his cousin Eris's safety and nobody else's, when Paul himself didn't spare a single thought for Rudeus, only remaining worried about his wife, maid, and second daughter.

  8. #448
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Paul's expectations on Rudy were ridiculous, but do make sense from a shattered, grief-stricken man's perspective. That's the kind of outburst that people make when they've suffered beyond their own level of reason. And Paul is mentally quite weak among the cast as a whole.

    So while I do appreciate it as good writing, it's still bullshit.

    Rudy, Eris, and Ghislaine were at the very center of the teleportation spell. The ball hovered over Eris' city for weeks. They were quickly sent off to an area that was utterly desolate, that the pair knew nothing at all about. They were lucky enough that the Human-God likes Rudy enough to perhaps have some sway in landing them close to Ruiierd. It took them weeks and weeks to get to Roxy's hometown, which is months and months into the demon lands. But Rudy is an asshole because he didn't write a letter?

    Is there even mail service back to the other continents from that deep into the demon continent (the opposite end from the port)? One that humans are supremely rare on and the only thing Rudy ever learned about the place prior to being sent there was the language?

    Paul expected Rudy to do more?! Fuck that. With what he knew, where he was, and how few other humans he saw until the coastline, Rudy's only goal was to get Eris home. They were 12 and 14. Eris only became a Sword Saint along the way because she had Rujierd to train against.

    I guess that means Paul was so proud of him that he didn't worry about him (which is not how the prior season ended, since he sent his old party with Roxy specifically to find Rudy), but at the same time he's such an asshole when they reunite. Which again, is realistic at least for someone so broken they'll blame anyone they can find for not doing more.

    Writing this out, I feel better.

    But yeah, that scene at the end with Eris was cute. She's doing her best.

    And the Goblin Slayer jokes to lead into it were well used to catch me off guard with Paul's grief-fueled rage.

  9. #449
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    1) I think part of why Paul felt so shitty about this was that Rudy's delivery made it sound like an exciting adventure born out of an unfortunate relocation. Rudy himself acknowledged this, but Paul took it as utter disregard. That's taking it out of perspective, but it's rather understandable.

    On the human side of things, it seems like the mass teleportation disaster was supposed to be well known. From what we've been told thus far, it was never gossipped around in the Demon Continent. Paul doesn't know that though.

    2) Rudy could actually fight Paul rather evenly now. They both tried there. That's progress on Rudy's part - but largely because he got a nice upgrade thanks to the Gods.

    edit: Okay fine, Paul was drunk.

    3) Eris.. nice.

    4) The Geese is actually some big shot I reckon. Not sure if he's one of the "famed people on the Engraving" big-shot, but he's up there is my gut feeling. That said, it's plausible that Rudy told Geese about his trip and Geese figured he should read the Guild's Lost Persons section.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 10-31-2021 at 09:35 PM.

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  10. #450
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    It is kinda of interesting how much traveling under a fake name keeps screwing him over. How it keeps preventing people from contacting or finding him.

  11. #451
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    1) I think part of why Paul felt so shitty about this was that Rudy's delivery made it sound like an exciting adventure born out of an unfortunate relocation. Rudy himself acknowledged this, but Paul took it as utter disregard. That's taking it out of perspective, but it's rather understandable.
    Yeah, we can all agree that you always get perfectly objective, analytical, and dispassionate descriptions of events from 12 year old kids, especially when the kid is very proud of what he achieved, for a good reason. Of course we know Rudeus is not a kid all the way down to his soul, but Paul knows nothing of such things. Even we do know, though, that in many ways Rudeus is like a child because of his degenerative circumstances in his previous life.

  12. #452
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I took me a while to realize that Rudy has been away from home for like 6 years or something by now.

    How old is he now? I know it has been mentioned earlier.

  13. #453
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    While Paul angered me, too, I can kinda understand him. He just never was one for serious topics. He went through life lightheartedly, banging chicks without malicious thoughts, and suddenly the women he loves vanish and he's out of options. Randomly searching THE WHOLE WORLD in hope to find them - while they're maybe slaves, raped, tortured or dead.

    Rudy should have just been honest and said 'i didn't know' and apologized. Then the ball would have been in Paul's court. He could have calmed down, discussed things with Rudy - and eventually figured out how much Rudy actually accomplished in all the time.

    But both of them were too aggressive, neither budging one inch.

    Stuff I wonder:

    - did his Little sister realize Rudy is her brother?

    - why did Paul not get teleported?

    - will Eris actually end up as Rudy's wife? They're pushing that hard, but I also really like the elf girl and Roxy.

  14. #454
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He can have multiple lovers/wives, like Eris's grandpa.
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  15. #455
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Teleportation was random it seems, so Paul might have been teleported to a much shorter distance than Rudeus.
    He was also a top adventurer, so finding ways to travel fast was easy for him. He probably even had support from former aquaintances.

    Norn was way too young to remember Rudeus at the time he left home.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #456
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    While Paul angered me, too, I can kinda understand him. He just never was one for serious topics. He went through life lightheartedly, banging chicks without malicious thoughts, and suddenly the women he loves vanish and he's out of options. Randomly searching THE WHOLE WORLD in hope to find them - while they're maybe slaves, raped, tortured or dead.
    That makes it sound like he shouldn't be equally concerned about the loss of his son.

    His WHOLE family was lost, not just the ones he fucks. He FINALLY finds one of them, and instead of being happy about finding his son, he's pissed cause his son didn't find everyone else for him?

    Seems to me like he's pissed at himself for his own failure, and projecting that onto Rudy.

  17. #457
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    He can have multiple lovers/wives, like Eris's grandpa.
    Or Paul...Zenith just wouldn't let him take a second official wife.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Teleportation was random it seems, so Paul might have been teleported to a much shorter distance than Rudeus.
    I assume that Paul was holding Norn when it happened, like Rudy grabbed Eris. That kept them together. Lilia must be with Aisha as well, wherever they were sent. Hopefully still alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Seems to me like he's pissed at himself for his own failure, and projecting that onto Rudy.
    Yeah, that's what it seemed like. The rest of Paul's current party, including his slutty fighter, are presumably all in the same position. They're trying to do something, but really only operating on a local level with whoever they stumble upon.

    Rudy is competent enough for Paul to view him as capable, but enraged that he's met with some degree of success (even though he brought Eris back from farther than any one else probably has), just not in the way that Paul still hasn't.

  18. #458
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I took me a while to realize that Rudy has been away from home for like 6 years or something by now.

    How old is he now? I know it has been mentioned earlier.
    I think he's 11 or 12 while Eris is one year older. He got his staff for his 10th birthday and was trying it out I think when the Teleportation thing hit. Then he's been wandering for 1.5 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Yeah, we can all agree that you always get perfectly objective, analytical, and dispassionate descriptions of events from 12 year old kids, especially when the kid is very proud of what he achieved, for a good reason. Of course we know Rudeus is not a kid all the way down to his soul, but Paul knows nothing of such things. Even we do know, though, that in many ways Rudeus is like a child because of his degenerative circumstances in his previous life
    Paul was inconsistent. He was previously worried about Rudy, asked "I'm amazed you survived" when he met him just now, but then got pissed off at how Rudy described his extraordinary journey. There'd be an element of self projection from him, but large part of this comes from the assumption that Rudy was aware of a large scale teleportation incident, the distress it's caused its victims and that Paul had been actively searching for him + giving him information.

    If he was to hear his son talk about his journey in a self-centric way as if he cared for nothing else then Paul's reaction is not that unphantomable. It's not ideal, but I can kind of get why he said what he did - surprised as I was.

    I take particular issue with everyone else's attitude though (the rest of the search party). They have no role in judging Rudy. They don't know this guy. Even Paul doesn't really know this guy deep down.

    The only person currently who I can say understands Rudy would be Eris.

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  19. #459
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Paul summed it up by saying he expected more from Rudeus. No one, aside from the god-figure, has spent more time with him during his developmental years and knows first hand just how beyond his years his capabilities are regularly proven to be. I suppose it is still ultimately unreasonable, from the layman's perspective, to think that he's asking too much from his teenager son, but this kid has been out maturing Paul himself since he was 8, and Paul knows it. He applies himself to his full potential, and his achievements appear limitless, so hoping he could somehow set this right, with an alcohol addled mind, makes enough sense. He intuitively saved their family from crumbling by his own infidelity, yet didn't consider over 18 months his family's position? Again, not a great look, but I can understand the internal logic behind the emotion.

    We all get that its frustration built into anger that had to be released for some catharsis. On both sides.

    These scenes, the ones that have nothing to do with swords and sorcery, are what make this show great when it could be raunchy trash. Those panties may haunt me.

  20. #460
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Again, not a great look, but I can understand the internal logic behind the emotion.
    Yeah, it's easy enough to understand. Especially since Paul seems to have been drinking hard and long. That makes it all the easier to understand his behavior because drunkards care for nothing but their own whims and desires, having totally removed their social inhibitions. That being said, what we saw were Paul's 100% genuine feelings. And they were very ugly feelings for his son to witness, understandable or not.

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