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Thread: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

  1. #321
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Lilia must be one of the weirdest characters in the story. She didn't initially like Rudeus because she viewed him as creepy, being kind of sexually inclined from the birth, yet Lilia herself is a person who got raped, then followed the rapist, later to become the rapist and his wife's maid, fully on purpose, and finally seduced him to give birth to his child. But I guess it's like they say: It takes a weirdo to recognise a weirdo.
    Sad as it is, that's actually a fairly accurate representation of what happens to a lot of sexually abused women. They go back.

    Not knowing her family situation, but knowing the generalized fantasy medieval era, I think we can probably assume Lilia didn't have a lot of options, and tagging along with Paul and Zenith after they retired as their servant was one of the better ones.

  2. #322
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Sad as it is, that's actually a fairly accurate representation of what happens to a lot of sexually abused women. They go back.

    Not knowing her family situation, but knowing the generalized fantasy medieval era, I think we can probably assume Lilia didn't have a lot of options, and tagging along with Paul and Zenith after they retired as their servant was one of the better ones.
    She wasn't with a child, is healthy and quite good looking, and a hard worker, so it shouldn't have been a problem for her to find a husband. Certainly not a nobleman or anything, but an ordinary, decent man of some profession. Now, however, she ended up as a single mother with a child. She knows the father and the father has recognised the child, so it's not a total disaster, but it's still a child out of wedlock. But then again, it's a fantasy world, not our world.

  3. #323
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Looking forward, things are actually even more weird for her.

    She can't exactly go around fucking Paul every day, but she's got a kid and that would raise questions for any new partners.

    I don't know how "She's mine from a previous one-night-stand" would fly in medieval times.. and also ties in whether or not her kid knows Paul is her dad. This is getting messy but we will probably never have to go down this hole.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #324
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    ... that's what I was saying :/
    Munsu, I'm not saying Paul didn't rape Lilia at this point.
    What I'm saying is not what you think Paul did or not. What I'm clarifying is that the anime is not censoring content. What is mentioned in the article is not the same scene we discussed here, so you can't draw comparisons on how the translations were handled based on that. That's the gist of what I wanted to get across, not go on another round on how to interpret what was said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Lilia must be one of the weirdest characters in the story. She didn't initially like Rudeus because she viewed him as creepy, being kind of sexually inclined from the birth, yet Lilia herself is a person who got raped, then followed the rapist, later to become the rapist and his wife's maid, fully on purpose, and finally seduced him to give birth to his child. But I guess it's like they say: It takes a weirdo to recognise a weirdo.
    She is indeed, but maybe not necessarily out of character for that type of "era"? Like, what if she liked Paul all along, what if she doesn't feel she was raped and the appreciation that she was raped comes from a modern look at what happened and not from the victim?

    Anime aside on how things will develop in the future, I'm curious on how the LN will now translate some portions of the story. Can't wait for the new versions to come out for the LN.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 03-14-2021 at 11:23 AM.

  5. #325
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Mushoku Tensei - 10


    Pros: Eris having the time of her life, while also being wistful and showing that she does care about her grandfather and Ghislaine (who she is especially worried about). The new demon lands city is beautiful, vibrant, and they're really showing us the diversity and promise in the world building.
    Cons: The Ruijerd storyline. Zzzzzzzz.

    Bad stuff first then. The Ruijerd storyline is suddenly and abruptly completely boring as shit. I don't care how you want to count Mushoku Tensei as the "godfather of isekai" the whole, 'You mustn't kill! Even the bad guys!?' plot thread is so old and trite at this point it's not even interesting.

    Mushoku Tensei started in 2012/2014, and this trope was old in anime THEN. It was old in 1992 for Terminator 2. It was old in Dragon Ball. I'm honestly not even interested in seeing what (if anything), the series will attempt to do as a different spin. I feel like I've seen every possible iteration of the trope already, and it isn't even an interesting or compelling one to begin with.

    Onto the good stuff. The backrounds are gorgeous. Eris doing a death dance fight, and so causally confident in her abilities that she doesn't even pay attention to the others is fascinating. Sounds like we're first-hand witnesses to the next great Sword King. There's an effortlessness in her swordplay, like she's not holding back against Rudeus in practice, or if she idly worries about hurting Ghislaine. Not that she probably could. But her abilities seem to have directly ramped up

    Her confidence is contrasted nicely with her continued fury, frustration, and that little hint of homesickness. She's loving every minute of this adventure, except at nights. Her loose cannon behavior because she's can't understand the language might drive her to study from Rudy even more, which could be good.

    Eris facing down the furious Ruijerd was the sole interesting spot in his boring-ass half of the episode. She's not afraid of anything, but she does learn. Beating up the other adventuring party in the inn lobby was something she took to heart. Her temper is hiding her mild homesickness, and she used a lot of what Rudeus has been poking at her over the years back on Ruijerd.

    The city is also beautiful. I love the wall designs, the weird castle in the center, the building stacked up in every corner out of the weird bowl the city is in (very much like Deca-dense's was or something out of a Ghibli film). There's a depth and variety of the demon-folk too. From the asshole Bojack guy, the ultra chill innkeeper, the timid lizard and bug lady, and the dorky other adventurer party.

  6. #326
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Great ep.

    I for one like the Ruijerd storyline and how they try to increase his reputation.
    Not sure what the deal about it is. He was clearly in the wrong killing that guy and his reasoning is flawed. I think it gave us great insight on why he is called dead's end, his moral compass is way too black and white and this, overall, is probably more for Rudeus own mental health than anything else.
    It's almost as if he sees children as innocent beings and the rest is always up for judgement.
    I could totally imagine Rudeus fearing what will happen to him if Ruijerd starts to believe Rudeus did something evil (which is basically what he said through the flower anyway).

    Eris really begins to truely shine and bloom during adventures. That's totally her thing and quite obvious her childhood dream. She even has the power to back it up. That's some superhuman strength right there.
    Almost annoyingly so, she can't be held in check, but that kinda fits her character and her age and upbringing.
    I also loved how Eris tried to stop Ruijerd, yet it kinda didn't affect her as much.
    I wonder if she actually sees these people as people or just random creatures.

    I really enjoyed this episode.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 03-14-2021 at 03:39 PM.

  7. #327
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I wonder if she actually sees these people as people or just random creatures.
    The city gate kind of proved her demeanor towards them. She loves it. Ghislaine is her favorite person aside from her grandfather, and she seems to like all shades of beast people, just like her father and grandfather, though not in that way.

    She called them weird, in an excited way. The ones she attacked, she couldn't understand, and they touched her, resulting in her cloak button snapping, which set her off. She's beat up Rudy in the past for less.

  8. #328
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Bad stuff first then. The Ruijerd storyline is suddenly and abruptly completely boring as shit. I don't care how you want to count Mushoku Tensei as the "godfather of isekai" the whole, 'You mustn't kill! Even the bad guys!?' plot thread is so old and trite at this point it's not even interesting.
    LOL, I had the exact opposite reaction: WHY won't neither Rudy nor Eris tell the guy that there are different levels of crimes/evil?! I mean, maybe he'd ignore that, but at least TRY and tell him that. Someone slaps a child? Shove him away and shout at him. Stealing a pet? Get him to the local enforcement or make some deal. Committing murder? Depening on circumstances, now you can think about killing the perpetrator. Easy peasy.

    This is now such forced drama. "I MUST KILL ALL EVIL! ONLY BLACK AND WHITE!" and Rudy just takes it without trying the above. Ugh.

    Hope that Sperd-arc is not too long. Although we're at the final episode anyway.#

    Edit: Also, I had hoped that the kick Rudy received actually damaged him more severely and he'd only survive thanks to quickly healing himself. That could have been some nice reality check that this isn't a game, but a real world.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #329
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Do you even read other people's comments before quoting them?

  10. #330
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Although I also believe Rudeus's real motives were elsewhere, but he's essentially correct about Ruijerd needing to avoid killing people, that is, if he really wants to lower the infamy of his people. Avoid killing is different from never kill, but it does indicate killing is the last resort. Otherwise nothing will ever change. That being said, Rudeus as well needs to accept it's a new world and new rules. He's the one who wants a new beginning, so he has to let go of his old values and live up to the new ones. It's pretty interesting he has no problems with the idea of working with villains, though, it's just killing the opponent he can't accept. Kind of ambiguous moral standards, unless it's something else that's holding him back.

    Nokopara makes me think of Words Worth's Stallion. I guess every horse-headed man will, forever.

  11. #331
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Although I also believe Rudeus's real motives were elsewhere, but he's essentially correct about Ruijerd needing to avoid killing people, that is, if he really wants to lower the infamy of his people. Avoid killing is different from never kill, but it does indicate killing is the last resort. Otherwise nothing will ever change. That being said, Rudeus as well needs to accept it's a new world and new rules. He's the one who wants a new beginning, so he has to let go of his old values and live up to the new ones. It's pretty interesting he has no problems with the idea of working with villains, though, it's just killing the opponent he can't accept. Kind of ambiguous moral standards, unless it's something else that's holding him back.

    Nokopara makes me think of Words Worth's Stallion. I guess every horse-headed man will, forever.
    I don't think he's particularly against killing as an absolute, I think he's more shocked than anything... like when he was when Ghislaine saved him.

    Ruijerd did kill someone defenseless though. It wasn't about different level of crimes and what not, Ruijerd killed someone with no hesitation when there was absolutely no need. Even though strangely we don't get any of Rudeus' inner thoughts during this portion, he does give us a hint, despite appearances, he's still somewhat scared of Ruijerd, particularly if he's someone who lacks control. It's also the first time he see Ruijerd kill anyone (monsters aside).

    That aside, it's probably because Ruijerd was so ready to kill that there's a legit threat to the other party to make Rudeus' plan work. It might have not been possible otherwise.

  12. #332
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Ruijerd did kill someone defenseless though.
    He did send Rudeus flying across the room pretty well for someone defenseless...

  13. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He did send Rudeus flying across the room pretty well for someone defenseless...
    He did kick a 10yo kid, indeed...

  14. #334
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He did send Rudeus flying across the room pretty well for someone defenseless...
    come on ....

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #335
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Took a few takes to work out what was weird about this picture but finally got it.

    I wonder what sort or law and order there is in a demon city. Is there a penalty for stealing pets then reclaiming them? What about killing other adventurers? If Red Lizard had family then that'd get hairy, but looks like Horse fellow is playing the suspicious "bad" guy for now.

    Eris was fun to watch. It was particularly pleasing that her getting angry at her cloak breaking was that it was Rudy's first purchase for her (aside from her wand). That said...

    "He kicked a child.."
    "I kick people too! /kick"

    Yeah... I get your point, but that's not a good look Eris.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #336
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post

    Took a few takes to work out what was weird about this picture but finally got it.

    I wonder what sort or law and order there is in a demon city. Is there a penalty for stealing pets then reclaiming them? What about killing other adventurers? If Red Lizard had family then that'd get hairy, but looks like Horse fellow is playing the suspicious "bad" guy for now.

    Eris was fun to watch. It was particularly pleasing that her getting angry at her cloak breaking was that it was Rudy's first purchase for her (aside from her wand). That said...

    "He kicked a child.."
    "I kick people too! /kick"

    Yeah... I get your point, but that's not a good look Eris.

  17. #337
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    LOL, I had the exact opposite reaction: WHY won't neither Rudy nor Eris tell the guy that there are different levels of crimes/evil?! I mean, maybe he'd ignore that, but at least TRY and tell him that. Someone slaps a child? Shove him away and shout at him. Stealing a pet? Get him to the local enforcement or make some deal. Committing murder? Depening on circumstances, now you can think about killing the perpetrator. Easy peasy.

    This is now such forced drama. "I MUST KILL ALL EVIL! ONLY BLACK AND WHITE!" and Rudy just takes it without trying the above. Ugh.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Edit: Also, I had hoped that the kick Rudy received actually damaged him more severely and he'd only survive thanks to quickly healing himself. That could have been some nice reality check that this isn't a game, but a real world.
    Yeah but then Ruijerd WOULD have been justified in killing the guy.

    Guy steals pets, not kills kids.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    That being said, Rudeus as well needs to accept it's a new world and new rules.
    Jesus Christ, what is with this "nobody should try and be better than the standard of behavior of where they are?" shit.

    I swear, if it were up to you we'd all still be cavemen...
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 03-15-2021 at 02:38 AM.

  18. #338
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Jesus Christ, what is with this "nobody should try and be better than the standard of behavior of where they are?" shit.

    I swear, if it were up to you we'd all still be cavemen...
    High morals won't do you much good if you are lying dead in a ditch. If your encounters have no qualms about killing you, what choice do you have but act in a similar way in a critical situation? The only other choice is to die. Maybe much, much later when Rudeus is an OP character, should he ever be, he can afford to ignore lowlifes trying to kill him or those in his company. But that day is still far off.

  19. #339
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    High morals won't do you much good if you are lying dead in a ditch.
    Then how did high morals ever come into existence in the first place if trying to act better always meant death?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    If your encounters have no qualms about killing you, what choice do you have but act in a similar way in a critical situation? The only other choice is to die.
    No, there's actually a LOT of other choices. Like subduing people, or running away, or bargaining.

    They might not all work, but to assume everything is kill or be killed is a false dichotomy.

  20. #340
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    High morals won't do you much good if you are lying dead in a ditch. If your encounters have no qualms about killing you, what choice do you have but act in a similar way in a critical situation? The only other choice is to die. Maybe much, much later when Rudeus is an OP character, should he ever be, he can afford to ignore lowlifes trying to kill him or those in his company. But that day is still far off.

    No, we do not follow 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth'-law. Bad people are bad because they do bad things, good people are good because they do good things. Easiest example: Superman and Batman. According to you, Superman would fly around and just murder all criminals.

    And just for the record: these 'lowlives' never tried to kill them. *They* sneak-attacked them. Considering how shocked they reacted when their leader was killed, I doubt that they're murderer.

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